Saturday, May 25, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 23, 2013 & Memorial Day Greeting

He who builds His layers in the sky, 
And has founded His strata in the earth;
 Who calls for the waters of the sea,
 And pours them out on the face of the earth-- 
The Lord is His name.
Amos 9:6

Hi  Sweet Gang,

How are you??? 
 Feel like I have been out of the
 loop, as we were away since last
 Saturday.  I had prepared the 2 posts 
of my bedroom,  ahead of time,  so I 
could just post them, while on vacation. 
 We really had such a great time...........
and relaxed, relaxed, relaxed.
Our fav vacation.........

So I have lots to be thankful for.................

I am thankful
that we had the blessing of going to the beach all
 week.  One of our fav places to go for vacation.
It is a place called "Ponce Inlet",  it is fairly near
Daytona beach,  but doesn't have all the hectic-
ness of Daytona.  It is quaint, quiet and perfect
as far as we are concerned.

I am thankful
for the folks who owns this nice place and who
rent it out.........they have all the work,  we just
get to enjoy it for a fee................
Works for me!!

I am thankful
that the kids got to come over the weekend.
 Scott and Megan  got to come on Sat. and
stayed till Sun. evening, so we watched the
baby so they could have a lil couple time and
 enjoy the beach.  We had so much fun with
 her, she is just responding so much, and just
smiles and laughs when you talk to her.
So still my heart. 
Then Dee and Jerry only got to come over on
Sunday for awhile,  no babysitter for Rosie,
and they don't allow pets unfortunately,
course, I understand why.  Glad they got
to come for the day anyway, it was nice.

I am thankful
that hubby and I had the rest of the week
for alone time,  as we wanted to do some
marriage retreat material we had ordered.
So we had a great time talking about our
life and direction.

I am thankful
that even tho we had some rain and some 
overcast weather it didn't dampen our fun
in any way.  We still did all the things we
normally do..............

I am thankful
that we were able to take our lounge chairs
this time (thanks to our new van)
It added something we loved to do,  at another
 place we used to stay at,  but really hadn't been
 able to do at this place, at least not comfortably. 
That is sit out back and read or drink coffee and
 watch the waves and listen to the roar of the ocean.
  We so enjoyed that this year................

I am thankful
that we got to do something I have always wanted 
to do.......and that is ride bikes on the beach.  
The condo actually had some we could use....
just never thought to ask before, and
 soooo glad I did this time........
 That was so much fun.

I am thankful
for all the neat sunrises I saw.  That is another
favorite thing I like to do when I am there.  Saw
3 this week,.  and like the Angel said in Luke 1:9, 
 the glory of the Lord shone all around us.............
accept we were not afraid.  lol
His creativity is  just so amazing!

I am thankful
for all the shells, sea birds, waves, sand patterns,
wildflowers, lil crabs,  the beautiful and delightful 
breezes, and a  surprise rocket launch we got to
see standing on the beach.
Cape Kennedy is just an hour or so away on the
Atlantic side of the state, where we were.

I am thankful
that I didn't get burned but got a very nice tan,
Brown as a Berry,  but no sunburn.....Yea!!
Back when we did vacation when the kids 
were younger I usually got burned the first
day out and would have to wear a T-shirt
the rest of the week, cause you have to 
keep an eye on those kiddles all the time.
  Thank the lord for good sunscreen too......

I am thankful
to be able to swim in the pool,  as I am
not one for swimming in the ocean,  I hate
to admit that since I am a Florida girl!!  lol  
Just not interested in being shark bait, 
 if you know what I mean!!  lol

One morning when I was watching the sunrise, 
I saw some dorsal fins and thought oh my gosh
sharks.  There was about 6 of them,  but it
turned out to be dolphins,  they were very
close to shore too,  so was happy to know
they were friendly

I am thankful
for all the fun, relaxation, and rest we got
while we were there,  and we got in some
HGTV as well.   So we are ready to go
and as much fun as we had,  we are always
happy to be home,  as we love our home
and our life.................

I am thankful
to hear that Aimee the girl from Georgia, who 
had that flesh eating bacteria from the zipline 
accident a year or more ago and  lost her hands
 and legs,  has 2 new bionic hands given to her
 by the company that makes them, they are the
 absolute best they have on the market, and she
 will be a spokeswoman for them. 
She  and her family are so excited.
She has had such an amazing attitude thru this
whole thing.
So happy for her...............
I saw this one the news before I left,  so put it
down cause it just blessed my heart to hear
that good news for her and her family.

Well,  there you have it...............
a lil later than normal,  but better late than never!

Sorry only one picture this
 week (it was from our last stay)
but will show you some next be sure and drop
 by on Tues. or Wed.,probably Wed., 
 as I will be watching our lil sweetie
 on Tuesday,  so probably want
get to it...................

We just got home a few hours ago, 
 so wanted to do my post while it
 was fresh on my mind.

Love, Hugs
and Beachy Blessings,

Hope you have a Safe and

Commemorative Memorial Day


to our Men and Women

who now and in the past protect 
us and this nation, We thank you, 
and we remember You and those 
who have sacrificed so much
to keep us safe.  God Bless You
and your families...........Today
and Always!


  1. sounds like a beautiful vacation! Would love to spend some time at the beach, maybe next year. Your bedroom makeover looks really nice. Love the green! Hope all is well with you and your family. Things are good up here! Phil is home for a few days and goes back to Ft. Dix tomorrow and leaves for good in a week or so. Hoping this year goes by quickly.

  2. Hi Sweetie! So glad your trip was good! I prayed that it would be!! And of course, your bedroom looks great! Even better in person!

    Had the girl's birthday party today with all of our fam, and all of Sam's in law's family, too. It was fun, but lots of work with 16 people!!

    I'm currently in recovery mode, and trying to prepare my heart for their departure next Saturday.

    Love ya bunches, and glad you're back safe and sound!


  3. #1. It surely was closer, ha!
    #2. It's great when you don't have to be involved with a time share of your own!
    #3. How wonderful! You should have let me watch Rosie. She would have been fine with my pack.
    #4. Very important one on one time!
    #5. It helped me out in the watering of your grass and plants, ha!
    #6. I always liked the breeze!
    #7. Now that's a fun exercise time!
    #8. It's hard to decide what is more beautiful, the sunrises or sunsets! When in the Keys, I saw more sunsets!
    #9. Wow, I bet that was a great sight to see!
    #10. You have to use it even if your in the shade of an umbrella! I always got sunburned from the reflection off the ocean!
    #11. They were probably corralling breakfast, ha!
    #12. Home Sweet Home, there's nothing like it!
    #13. GOD bless and keep her.
    Welcome home. Love, Susan

  4. Hi Nellie! I can't wait to see your pictures. It sounds like you are totally energized from your wonderful trip. It's always good to get away and change your routine.

  5. Hi Nellie

    Sounds like you had a great time to relax and the beach. We are headed to the beach next weekend for our anniversary. We are lucky we get to take Einstein with us.

    We have never rode bikes on the beach before or have seen anyone around the coast doing it probably because it is to cold and windy.

    I bet your little granddaughter is so precious as she started cooing, I love that age well actually I love babies...

    Have a great week ahead!

    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie