Thursday, May 16, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 16, 2013

Your word is a lamp to my feet
 And a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105

Greetings Sweet Peas,

So what has your week been like?
Busy, uneventful, fun, just so so, 
 or super duper?  

Think mine has been a lil bit of
each of those, each on it's own day.  lol

I am thankful
for the lovely Mother's Day that I had and for 
all the sweet and thoughtful cards I received from
 those dearest to me.  Always such a delight to be 
with them, and so nice they like to be with us too.

I am thankful
for the thoughtful gift of a beautiful herb garden
 from Scott, Megan and Brooklyn.
 It has cilantro, parsley, oregano, basil, rosemary, dill, 
and thyme. Scott grew them all from seeds.  He is
 certainly in the right career field, as he is an excellent
grower.  It was so nice to go out the other night and
clip some cilantro to put on our dinner.  Love that, as 
I have bought several plants but both of them died.

I am thankful
also for the thoughtful gift of a nice  metal wall hanging
 that Dee and Jerry gave me to put over my bed........
remember we rearranged my bedroom a few weeks ago,
  so it was the statement piece Dee and I thought it needed.
Hubby and I really like it, and it finished the bedroom.

I will show yall next week.....finally!

I am thankful
for hubby taking me shopping not just once but twice
this week and being actively involved in the process, 
which is very helpful to me since I really am not one
 to be thrilled about clothes shopping. so that is a gift
 in and of itself.  He carries everything around that 
 pick out to try on so I have free hands to look, then
prays that I can find something, (as shopping is tough, 
when you can't where polyester because it is too hot,
 and I totally hate spandex) and he also looks
 around to find things he thinks might work for me,
 and sometimes goes and gets another size if there
 is no sells clerk available. All that is a gift in and of
itself...........let alone that he buys me the clothes
on top of it............He is priceless.........

I am thankful
for the delightful fragrance of flowers like Jasmine
and gardenias.  Was just out mowing the lawn
a few hours ago, and every time I went in the
backyard I could smell the lovely aroma of the
  Jasmine that is blooming, and it was such a
delight to my senses.

I am thankful
to Caroline over at Cinderella Moments, for
sending some people over to my blog for a
visit, and gaining 5 new followers.  
Thank you Caroline,  that was so sweet,
and I appreciate you so much!!

I am thankful
for shop vacs.  If you don't own one you should.  
This lil baby has saved us in all sorts of calamities, 
 the last one being all the glass from my china hutch
 a few weeks ago.   It has taken care of spills of coffee
on the sofa, red kool-aid on the rug, doggies business
on the carpet,  children's sickness (trying to not make
you sick.  lol)  Spills from plants, overflowing toilets,
and I could go on and on.  It is priceless.....really,
worth every penney we paid for it.


I am thankful
for beach umbrellas,  I use mine all the time when
 I sit out in the sun in the back yard.  I can keep
the sun off of where I don't want it and read too.
Very Handy..............

I am thankful
I found a new bathsuit that I really like,  and feel  
pretty good in..........getting harder and harder
to find those or even just clothing. Between age, 
polyester,  spandex and the economy it is
getting very hard to find things....

So almost like a miracle for me.  lol

Can anybody relate to that????


I am thankful
I got to spend a lil time with DeeAnna today,  
as she went in to work late this afternoon for a 
4 hr. shift.  So was nice to have some one on
one time.............and I might add she was a
life saver in a situation that happened.

I am thankful
for my warm, cozy and wonderful home that
we get to live in, clean and maintain, and invite
 others into for good times.  (If you are wondering
 why highlighted clean,  it pertains to yesterdays
 post. lol   If you want to see just scroll down)

I am thankful
for God's word as it truly is a lamp unto my feet,
and light to my path,  just as it says in Psalm.
Love how it can change your thinking in a heart
beat,  and get your mind where it needs to be.
Guess that's why they call it the living word.

I just had to come back to share something
I just saw on the christian station, it moved me so.....

I am thankful
for the man I just watched on TV named Mark Mero.
He goes around to schools and anywhere he has a plat
form and talks to kids about suicide,  and he works with
parents that have had that horrible experience, and he
 shared a story that just so struck me.

He went to the funeral of a young boy who was just
a great looking kid who had so much going for him,
but he was being bullied at school.  He said as he was
hugging the father he saw the long long line of people
and students who were in line at the viewing.  He said
he saw kids coming up to the casket 4 or 5 at a time
and crying and saying we love you and we will miss
you.........and he said all I could think is why couldn't
they have told him that before this...........

So very true...........we need to let those we love know 
we love them, and every chance we get we need to say 
something nice to those we know and those we don't
 know.  There is always some thing we can say. 
 So many good thoughts go thru our mind about people, 
 but do we give them the gift of knowing what we think
 and feel about them,  if you don't share those thoughts
 you have not given them the love gift, that those
thoughts were intended for.................

I made the decision to do that many years ago
after a funeral I attended where so many people
got up and just said such glowing things about
the person, and I wondered did he know how
much people loved him and how he had
 impacted them...................
Isn't it true............we all need that

We also need to teach our children that it is in no
way acceptable to make fun or say mean things
to others........we need to have 0 tolerance on
that issue................

Something to think about.......................

Well,  that's a they say!

So glad you could visit today, and 
hope you will leave a comment 
so I know you came by.

Have a Fabulousl Friday 
and a Wonderful Weekend,
with those you love................

Love,  Hugs,
and Thankful Blessings,


  1. I always love to read your Thursday posts (even if I am reading it on Friday). You often make me stop and be thankful for the small things...which is a reminder that we all need sometimes.

    I love to shop! Not for bathing suits, but for other things. My husband is great about carrying things, but sometimes as he pulls out things I have to remind him that just because something might fit me, it might not be age appropriate! I also like a touch of spandex in my tops (just a little) as it makes them hold their shape after washing. I don't mind it in my jeans for the winter, but in the summer it is hot!

    My week was good, I finally feel back on schedule, but have to spend the weekend getting ready for a garage sale next weekend that I don't want to have, but have too much to donate and have to get rid of things before heading to GoodWill. I really don't like having them and always swear I won't do it again. Then a few years pass and there we are again!

  2. #1. One of my most joyful occasions is to be with you all!
    #2. I wouldn't be able to identify the plants! It's amazing when you watch the chefs on TV and how they know just the right spice to choose!
    #3. I can't wait to see it!
    #4. He sounds like a very attentive attendant, lol!
    #5. My night Jasmine is blooming in the dark and the fragrance fills my foyer! I can't smell it in the day! I wonder where the fragrance goes?
    #6. The joy of sharing spreads yet farther, yea!
    #7. What an item of equipment to have!
    #8. It comes in handy at the beach too, ha!
    #9. What bothers me are the brands I have bought for years, when they change the style and it doesn't fit as well!
    #10. I enjoyed my one on one with you today too! I didn't realize it had been over two hours!
    #11. I realized my footprints on the floor after I had misted Maxx! I didn't see it until I looked across the floor with the light from the bay window in the living room highlighting it! Got out the Mint, lol!
    #12. As I was reading, I thought the very same thing as I came upon your last line, GOD's Living WORD!
    #13. Your mentions make me think of GOD's WORD having us go even farther, "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, do good to those who despitefully use you..." It is definitely a test of the heart!
    You have a wonderful time too.
    Love to you and yours, Susan

  3. I made the list! LOL! Thank you for that. It made me smile!
    How fun to be able to go shopping with your husband. I have 2 sisters and my Mom so we are always shopping together.
    I think suicide is ridiculous. I heard a story of a guy who jumped off a bridge because he couldn't find a job. There was a message on his answering machine that he had gotten a job. Life changes around so quickly. One day you are in despair and the next your troubles are over. I wish people would realize that. It's such a waste to not trust God.
    Another wonderful and thought provoking post Nellie! Thanks for the good read.

  4. Gorgeous blooms Nellie! Love geraniums, they are beautiful and the fragrance so sweet! So much to be thankful for and so true that we should speak words of encouragement. Nice reminder to all!
    Have a great week!!!

  5. I haven't had much experience with suicide but I think that as Caroline says, life can and does turn around radically from one moment to the next. I know that if someone, who has faith in God is experiencing emotional pain, they can lean into Him and ride it out, at least that is what they should do, but if someone doesn't have the Lord in their lives and people and circumstances have failed and disappointed and overwhelmed them to the point of utter despair and hopelessness, what other recourse can they imagine except to ease their pain by ending it all. Unfortunately, that does NOT 'end it all' as their eternal life only then begins and the life that they leave behind for the family members and friends begins for them, a lifetime of hurt and pain too. It is an eternal tragedy to live without hope. Praise God that through Christ, He gives us hope not just for the here and now, but also a hope for our eternal future.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie