Thursday, May 2, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 2, 2013 and Blissful White Wednesday (continuation from last week)

Gradient map affect 

 Greeting Sweet Friends,

Hope this Thursday find you tremendously
Thankful for so many good things in your life.
It is always good to count your blessings no
matter what is going on...............and the
worse the time, the better the counting
of our blessings it helps us gain a
much needed perspective on this life.

Gradient map affect

I am thankful
that I got to start the day off with a visit from
a sweet friend coming over for breakfast.

I am thankful
that my SIL got resolution on a situation that
has been going on for quite awhile now,  and
also for the ways the Lord protected her and
watched out for her needs.

I am thankful
that our china hutch disaster did not produce
disasterorus results.  As I am still amazed by
it all,  and really do not remember  moving
out of the way.  Think I might have had some
divine help on that.  If you missed that post
and would like to see it,  just click here.

I am thankful
for our new bedroom layout,  we are under
the fan more,  the room looks larger this
way, and it is just a nice refreshing change.

I am thankful
that our room change has not cost us a single
penney so far,  however,  I am looking for
something to go over our bed,  just not sure
what yet...........a simple one piece solution,
is what Dee and I both think is needed.

I am thankful
that Dee is coming over on Friday to do my
hair,  so we will get some one on one time.
Always love that.

I am thankful
that we got to watch Brooklyn twice this
week.  We enjoy her so much,  and she
is just growing like a lil weed.  We have
discovered if she is tired but fighting it,
if we take her outside on the porch swing 
she just loves it and goes right off to sleep.

Ohhhh....wonder how these got in here!  lol
Sorry just can't help myself.....

She just loves these lil hanging flowers in her pack n play. She is 
81/2 weeks old now.................and has surely run off with her
Grammy and Grampy's hearts right from the start, and it happens
again every time we see her!!

I am thankful
that my friend who got the much need test
done,  got good results,  and that the Dr.
actually took some much needed time to
really talked to her,  and he now things her
adrenals glands may have just shut down.
(That was encouraging to me, as I know
someone else that happened to and they
were able to help her, so was able to pass
that info on to my friend as well)

I am thankful
that today is the National Day of Prayer, and
 that our church is having a prayer service tonight.
Every year it seems like the need is even more
needed than ever before.  Am praying for a 
good turnout, but of course, we can pray any
time, anywhere,  but think the Lord really loves
 when we gather together. Just like the scripture
 that says where ever 2 or more are
gathered in my name, I will be in the midst
of them. 

Posterized affect

I am thankful
that I was able to use Dee and Jerry's steam
mop to clean the tile floors in my bathrooms.
They came out really nice.

I am thankful
that we had leftover paint still for my bed-
room walls,  and we touched them up and
you could never tell we did it,  and the 
walls look very fresh and clean.

I am thankful
that I have been finding time to read more,
just by myself.  Hubby and I started reading
together,  so sorta quit reading as much by 
myself,  so am back to that,  and then hubby 
and I are trying to finish up different books, 
that we are partially done reading. Also,
found quite a few books in my armiore when
we were moving things around that we have
not read at all yet. (Had to take all the books
out to be able to move the armiore, so got
rid of a bunch too.)  So it looks nice, clean
 and organized now which could be

Well, there you have it..............

Thanks so much for your visit,  they are 
always greatly appreciated,  and your
comments greatly anticipated.

I am linking up to Becky over at Timewashed
for Blissful White Wednesday.  Drop by and
check our all those pretty whites by just
clicking here!

Have a Lovely Friday and Weekend,

Till next week,

Love, Hugs, and 
 Protective Blessings,


  1. So, what are you reading?
    I've enjoyed a couple of books lately, too. Maeve Binchy's last one, A Week in Winter, was really good, in my opinion...

  2. It's important to be thankful everyday, even the little things mean so much. Enjoyed your post very much on my first visit to your blog

    Xoxo. Michelle.

  3. #1. Aren't visits with friends great! It is so uplifting. Alice and I went out to celebrate the victory Jesus gave me this week!
    #2. Thank you, Jesus, yes! "Trust and obey, for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey!
    #3. Thank you, LORD, for protecting Nellie. Thank you, LORD, for the example of strength she has in you. Bring a special blessing to her as her witness in this is a testimony to others.
    #4. I can hardly wait to see it the next time I visit!
    #5. Your specialty in Home Interiors has always brought beauty to your home.
    #6. Such a special time. I remember when I used to roll mom's hair and I used the "Dippity Doo" hair gel. That was when I came back home after college.
    #7. I bet she is! I haven't seen her in a long time! Thank you for sharing your pictures of her!
    #8. That was right the opposite of Sam. His adrenal glands were putting out too much which brought on his Cushings disease. (That happens in people too.)
    #9. I didn't realize it was today until you mentioned it on the phone! I'm thankful it is still being carried on even if the White House doesn't recognize it anymore.
    #10. I've heard from many different people who like their steam mops.
    #11. I've got to do that to some spots on my hallway walls. Whey "they" painted the sideboards, they got some on the walls in a few places. You can't really see it unless you look for it.
    #12. I've gotten about 5 new books in the past few months and need to get started on reading them!
    #13. Tell me about it...I need to get in the 3rd bedroom and clean out the books and magazines that are piling up!
    Love to you all, Susan

  4. Your whites are so pretty, my friend! Thanks so much for being the hostess with the mostest yesterday!! I soooo enjoy our time together, and you always make it so very special with your thoughtful ways!

    Glad you could link up to the party!
    Hugs and love,

  5. Oh and Brooklyn is absolutely precious!! She is blessed to have you for a grandmother!!!

  6. Oh my, I just read about your china cabinet...I'm so glad you weren't hurt, but so sorry it happened. Many, many years ago we were at my sister-in-law's for a holiday meal and her top two shelve just fell and smashed many of her things. It was very loud and she just cried. Yours actually looks worse...and you have such a great attitude, I think I would have had more of a pity party.

    That baby is so cute! I envy your time with your little grand...that is the way it should be, not how we have it. I do know that one of these days, my daughter will have one that I can really enjoy and spend time with and I can't wait!

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend. We have cold and rain again, but we are going to try to just ignore it!

  7. Brooklyn has a beautiful face. Her eyes are so happy. She is such a precious little being! Lucky you!
    Is that the china that survived the big crash? LOL! I'm so glad you are O.K.
    Have a beautiful Sunday!

  8. The gradient map effect is stunning. Great photography! Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  9. It's important to be especially thankful for those sweet little babies that come into our lives. Brooklyn is a cutie pie -- can't believe she is 8 1/2 weeks old already! Enjoy every second!

  10. Love your white dishes! I am new to your blog from southern charm! I would love for you to visit my blog and follow me back! Nicole

  11. Your whites are lovely, Nellie. Your grandbaby is a precious doll! I'm always glad to read your thankful notes/voice of praise. You are a wonderful witness for the Lord.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie