Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Want to introduce a blog friend that I think you will enjoy!

Miniature Flea market

Morning Sweet Friends,
Well, actually it is afternoon in the world are you??
Are you finer than frog hair?? 
 Hope so!! lol

It has been the most glorious weather here
the last 3 days. Balmy, Breezy 78-80 degree
temps. here in Florida, so I have been taking
full advantage of it.  Sitting on the porch reading
and swinging, working in the yard some,  and
 sitting in the sun and planning where to cut what, 
when we work outside again!  lol  I have to say
it is hard making myself stay inside.........
These are very rare days this time of year 
here in the sunshine state, so you gotta enjoy
them while you

There is a very sweet, creative and talented
blogger friend, I have been wanting to tell yall 
about in case you don't already know her and
enjoy her blog.

Her name is Caroline from over at "Cinderella
Moments".  She makes these wonderfully unique
and creative dollhouses, and each one is so special
 and charming. She does amazingly beautiful work,
and the detail she puts into them just astound me.
(Note my header picture - just one of many of
 her sweet creations)
every time you think they can't get any better
they do........... Such fun eye candy and I just
love miniature things, they just delight me so.

She also gives tutorials and has a book she has
written about how to make your own FairlyTale 
cottage,  and she also has an etsy shoppe where
 she sells these amazing creations, and other
tiny things to decorate them with.

She was just contacted a few weeks ago by the 
New York Times, because they want to do a story 
on her "Shabby Chic dollhouse" that was fashioned
 after a real house by Sandy over at 
"My Shabby streamside studio"
She has been working on another Shabby
Chic dollhouse to send to the New York Times
for them to photograph.  I am very excited
for this sweet blog friend, as she certainly
deserves the recognition.

so you just gotta go see it for yourself by

Just to wet you appetite this is just a we bit
of what you will see there.......

Shabby Chic Dollhouse

and here is the address of her blog.
So be sure to check her out,  I can promise
you want be sorry................

and oh yea, if you happen to live in North
Texas and need a realtor,  check out her
side bar, as she is a new realtor as well.
and If I was a betting woman, which I am
not, I would bet she is quite a realtor, 
cause she has that eye for detail, as
well as a warm and friendly personailty.

Thanks for stopping by today,  and
 hope you take the time to say hello.
I always enjoy that!

Have a Lovely Day!

Hugs n' Blessings,


  1. You're right, Nellie! Her creations are charming!

    We're enjoying beautiful weather here - taking advantage of it to create some stone paths in our yard, etc.

  2. I could never imagine how people have such fine touch to do such beautiful things this small! I saw some art where the artist had to use a magnifying glass (a big one) to do art work on the end of the heads of pins!!!

    Caroline did such amazing work on the inside of these beautiful little houses! Thanks for sharing her blog, Nellie!
    Love you all, Susan

  3. Nellie, this is so touching. Thank you so much for doing this post and for the beautiful words. I'm truly blessed to have a friend like you. And thank you to the ladies for their compliments. I'm so lucky to be doing what I love. Thank you so much for taking the time Nellie!

  4. Hi Nellie,

    Caroline is very talented! Her dollhouses are amazing! Too bad I couldn't purchase one to live in ... lol.

  5. Amazing dollhouse! Glad you are getting some beautiful weather. We had 3 gorgeous days but today is cool and rainy. Have a great wknd, Nellie!

  6. Hi Nellie,
    You have a very lovely blog with a positive manner of writing. I adore Caroline's work too. She's one of the people who really inspire me so I'm glad you featured her on your blog. :)

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Hello Nellie, nice to meet you! :)
    I am waiting Caroline's book soon to arrive. I hope tomorrow. I also love her works. Nellie, I am happy I found you and now I wish you a lovely day. Well, it is evening here. So, good night! :)
    Hugs and greetings from Söpökatu, piikko


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie