Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Want to introduce you to another blog friend I think you will enjoy.....

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Afternoon Sweet Friends,

So how is your week going?? 

Over the hump day today,
 wow, already. Does the time
fly at your house as fast as
it does at mine??  lol

Just came in from cleaning the porch for the 
Live is so daily sometimes, a lil like spitting
in the wind with keeping house, it just comes
right back at you. but what if we didn't have
a house to clean??  Don't think we would
be to happy about that either.

This issue reminds me of the scripture in the bible
 (Galatians 6:9)  that says 
Do not be weary in well doing, for in due season
 you shall reap, if you do not lose heart.
 Don't know about you but sometimes after all 
these years, I can get pretty weary of cleaning.
 We can tend to think cleaning is not "well doing",  
but it really is........cause we can bless a lot of 
people with a clean home, especially our loved
ones, but  many others as well..................
 I sure know my neighbors did when I was a 
kid growing up in parent home with a Mom
 who had to work shift work, and who had a 
tumultuous house hold, with a not so nice 
grandmother in it........... their home blessed
 my socks off every single day. Course, there
 were sweet people that lived there as well......
but a clean home can say a lot; It makes
 people feel welcome,  peaceful and like
 they matter, and it makes us feel better too.
So go ahead clean for the gagillionth time,
it's okay,  cause it has a good purpose.
Just sometimes we can't always see that
at the time.................but in due season
you will reap or get a reward, recompense
result, return, or you might gain, earn,
 gather, realize or win something.
.  (Sure sounds good to me)
it is also considered being a good 
steward of what God has given us.
 oh yea, don't forget to be sweet!
it sorta goes hand in hand! lol

NOW......on to the other
 fun blogger.....

Today I want to share another encouraging,
sweet, talented and creative blogger and friend.
So.. if you don't already know her, I think you
will really enjoy her blog.  She is special to me
as she lives in a town very close to me, and 
used to attend to my church and we have been
real time friends for a long time.  Some of
you already know and love her,  but for those
 who don't you are in for a real treat. She has 
a lovely blog,  where she talks about family,
 crafting, inspiration and she also does some
 crafting tutorials at times, and she also has
a  party every Wed. called "Blissful White
Wednesday. (accept this week)  lol

This blogger would be Becky from over at 
TimeWashed , some of you might remember
 her from her original blog titled
 Holiday in the sun.

Just recently she was published in a magazine 
called "The Artful Blogger" and the article was
really great. I am so happy that someone learned
of her heart and talent and chose her to be
featured in their magazine, so proud of her and
for her. So if you happen to be in a JoAnn's
Fabrics , or in a books a million make sure
you take a peek inside their May/June issue.
Her piece is just a few pages from the front.
I asked for a copy of the magazine for Mother's
 day, as it is a bit of a splurge, but has a lot
of great information about blogging and
bloggers, so you might want to pick one up
and have a look see..................

Please be sure to go by and visit with Becky
at her blog Time Washed.

She also has an Etsy Shop with simply delightful
white and vintage lovelies.  You will truly enjoy
browsing her lovely wares.

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Just one of Becky's Beautiful Lovelies,
a vintage door knob flower.
So cute............

Thanks so much for coming by,  
looking forward to hearing 
from you.

Hope you have a delightful
 rest of the day,and week.

Hugs and 
 Sweet Vintage Blessings,

This is actually some of Becky's work too!
It was a gift to me, isn't it lovely!
she is coming out with a new gift wrap
 line stay tuned......

Bye Now!!


  1. Time definitely is flying by! I can't believe there is only one more Wednesday of the Ladies Bible Study I attend. We will be on vacation for the summer!

    What's that dirty word you said, CLEANING! How I know it! With my dogs, cats, and birds; my Mint cleaner is working triple duty, ha! It surely does a good job of mopping the dust, dander, and hair up from the floors. Thank you for the best gift I could ever get! Now if they only had one that would go up the walls and dust the tables, lol!

    What an honor for Becky to have her publication in such a prestigious magazine and her piece to be placed at the beginning of the magazine!

    Your first picture states "Blissful Whites." That is just how the skies have been the last few days, so bright as the days are surely getting longer!
    Love to you all, Susan

  2. Hi Sweetie,
    Thanks so much for the wonderful shout out, and sharing about my blog, shop, and magazine feature. You are such a lovely friend, and I so appreciate you!

    Talk to ya soon!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie