Thursday, May 30, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 30, 2013 - 2nd Sunrise while on Vacation

Here comes the Sun

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Truly hope yall are having a good 
week wherever you are, and
 whatever you are doing..........

Mine has been good,  just getting back into the 
swing of things,  can't seem to shake the feeling
that we are still on vacation for some reason.
Maybe it is just wishful
or maybe it is just how we like to stretch our
celebrations out to the inth degree!  lol


I am thankful
to be home and sleeping in my own bed
again, as good as vacation was, there is
truly No Place Like Home!  and it is truly
a blessing to have a bed.....imagine sleep-
ing on a park bench, under an overpass 
or on the ground without a sleeping bag,
 or sleeping in your car.

I am thankful
that I finally got my permanent crown yesterday, 
 think the temporary one was starting to leak, and 
smarting a lil when I ate something sweet. 
 No problem now, thank the Lord!

I am thankful
for our new dentists and dental staff as
they are all so sweet, warm, and friendly and
the office just has such a lovely, and  peaceful
 atmosphere. One of the girls told me a while back
 that they all pray together in the morning before
they start work.  What a great idea, and It 
certainly shows.

I am thankful
for all the yard trimming we got done this week, 
plenty more to go,  but every lil bit looks better.........
love that progression, and love seeing that brush taken
 away by the trash men.

Just getting ready to rise.

I am thankful
for tree cutters and our small chain saw on a pole,
gardening gloves and loppers that help us get this
stuff done without killing ourselves.  lol

Can you see that small dot....that is the sun.

I am thankful
for the fun time I had with Brooklyn on Tuesday,
 as she was in such a great mood and so easy to 
get to sleep,  think it was cause she was so tired 
from the day before.
So she would take a nap and when she woke up,
 she would eat and then be ready to play,  just so 
sweet and happy. She took 3 naps, they were all
 less than an hour, but rejuvenating for her, none 
the less. We get to see her again on Saturday,  
which is nice since hubby didn't get to see her 
on Tuesday.

I realized I needed to use the zoom , so I did......

I am thankful
for a lovely and longggggggg conversation I had with
 a sweet friend I haven't seen for a while, it was so great
 to catch up.  Hopefully next week we are gonna try to
 get together face to face.  Looking forward to that.

In person, it looked like a big orange ball coming up.
It was an awesome sight...............

I am thankful
for summer salads with fruit in them,  we absolutely
love to eat them,  and I am making one tonight with 
strawberries, blackberries and peaches.
Can hardly wait......................

In case you would like a recipe like that you can
click here. then scroll down till you find the recipe.

I am thankful
for Sam's club, and that we have a membership there,
cause they have delicious Rotisserie Chickens, nice
ripe tomatoes, great meats, and cute name brand
 baby clothes, all at a great price, and much more.

I am thankful
for Del Monte's diced peaches, mangoes and mandarin
oranges that come in those separate lil cups with no 
added sugar, it makes it so easy to drain them and
 put them in cereal, oatmeal, or salads or just to eat
all by their lonesome, and they taste so delicious and
fresh, and it makes it easy and nice to always have 
some sort of fruit on hand.

I am thankful
it was so nice and breezy out this evening that hubby 
and I were able to sit outside and read for awhile.
  Once I start being outside I just want to be out there 
all the time,  but our days have been hot, and we 
are amazed that it is still cool enough to sit out 
there at night with June just a few days away,
So what a nice blessing.

I am thankful
that Patti over at Fill my cup with Beauty is back
on the blogging scene again.  I have missed her
and am happy to see her back. I had known her before
blogging, as she used to go to my church years back, 
 and we knew each other, we just weren't close friends,
but it will be nice to be in touch once again. 

Good Morning..........Mr. Sunshine, you brighten
up my day...................
there is nothing more amazing than a sunset on the 
beach.............I absolutely love getting up for this.
This was the last picture cause at this point you couldn't 
stand to look at it anymore it was so bright ............
yet so beautiful.

Hope you enjoyed my thankful list
 and pictures of this lovely sunrise.

Thanks for coming by, and I look 
forward to hearing from you!

Love, hugs, and
Beautiful Sunrise Blessings,


  1. So true that there is no place like home! Beautiful sunset shot Nellie! Hope you and your friend can be face to face soon...
    Blessings sweet friend!

  2. What a gorgeous sunrise and series of photos Nellie! It is always nice to get home from vacation. Glad you had a wonderful time.

  3. Ah, you mentioned me in your thankful list! How sweet of you!

    I have never stopped being a part of the blogging scene, though. I have faithfully written at my classic film blog 15 or more days each month.

    I love beach and sunrise/sunset photos. Yours are so pretty!

    I will be in Florida in early-to-mid November...hope we can get together!

  4. I am always glad to get back to my bed, but I think I may be happier when my bed is located in your part of the country! We are in the midst of those terrible storms. My husband has had to work all night twice this week and we have another major band coming through this afternoon and all day tomorrow. I am trying not to dwell on it too much.

    I love how you remember to be grateful for the small fruit! I'm in a "mood" today and I needed to be reminded to count my blessings!

  5. Hi Nellie

    I love all your photos. We are headed to the beach tomorrow to celebrate our anniversary. I can't wait.
    You have a wonderful list of thankfuls. The Lord has provided for us so many thing.
    I am glad you got your permanent crown. It makes such a difference I bet.

    Have a great weekend!
    Blessings & Love

  6. #1. GOD is so Good! I pray the LORD's interpretation of my thanks are in words to the Father that I can't know until I stand before Him! Earthly words seem so slight to what's in my heart!
    #2. Such great blessings in things that those who don't know GOD can't understand!
    #3. Praise the LORD for his servants even at the dentist's office!
    #4. GOD bless these men for the much needed service they give to us!
    #5. I praise my neighbor for doing my lawn. George is unable to now that his health is poor. Lillian's brother is just now mowing. There friend bush hogged the back property last week.
    #6. She needs naps because we tire her out, ha!
    #7. Wonderful! I have missed brunch with Sylvia since she and Brad are out of town. I'm taking care of her cockatiel, Maxx.
    #8. Yummy! I love all of the recipes, it's just getting off my lazy behind and doing it, lol!
    #9. It's wonderful that there are still places that know people need fairness in costs!
    #10. It sounds like your vacation made you hungry, lol!
    #11. Oh wasn't the breeze great! It was nice for all of us who went on our river cruise! I won a free $25 dinner at the restaurant there, but I gave it to pastor Brad and Pam because I wouldn't be going back to New Smyrna beach, they suggested giving it to Rich and Donna since they are the ones always setting up these outings! They were delighted!
    #12. Fantastic!
    Welcome home, Love to you all, Susan

  7. I don't know why the beds on vacation are so hard! I agree with you- coming back to your own bed is heaven.
    I'm working on commissions right now. They all came from that article. It's been really fun.
    But I'm about to post again on my blog. Just announcing a PDF giveaway. But I hope to get started on a brand new project in a couple of weeks.
    We're already planning our next vacation. Still to Florida. This time it will be longer because we are also going to Disney World and then ending at the beach.
    The sunsets are beautiful. I'm glad Brooklyn is such a sweet little baby for her Grandma!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie