Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My First Mother's Day as a Grammy

Dee took a pic of Me, Megan and Brooklyn on Mother's Day

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope all you Mom's had a Wonderful 
Mother's Day, and if you aren't a Mom
hope you helped your Mom or someone
who is a Mom have a Great Day!

I had a lovely Mother's Day weekend
myself, hubby and I had a fun day on
Sat., he took me shopping for some
clothes,  and I found some cute tops
and a dress. Not sure if I am keeping
them all yet or not....am keeping one 
for sure, since I wore it to church on
Sunday. lol  Bought them hoping they
would go with some things I already
had but just haven't really had time
to check it all out yet. We had frozen
yogurt for breakfast at TCBY and
later had a very late lunch or should
I say dinner at Cracker Barrel.

Sunday morning we went to church,
then after we went for frozen yogurt 
we got nachos from Taco Bell. That
is fun stuff for us............lol
What can I say, we are simple folks
and easily entertained.......

The whole family arrived in the late
afternoon,  and we had a very nice
and simple dinner.  London Broil,
baked taters, salad and rolls,  and
we got a peanut butter silk pie from
Perkins.  Have you ever had that??
UMMM... they are awesome, if you
have never had one... next holiday
or celebration try one,  you want
be sorry................

We all had a good time just yakking
and eating, and our new entertain-
ment is watching and fussing over
Miss Brooklyn, of course, she was
10 weeks old yesterday. Hubby 
and watched her last night, so her 
parents could celebrate their 2nd
anniversary. We sure enjoy
 watching and loving on her.........

Want to show you a few shots
I think you will get a kick out of.....

No pun intended............lol
She is practicing her power kicking
here, this is a new sport for her.
She is in deep concentration here.
I am gonna get that yellow thing
whatever it is..............

and she did actually 
kick that lil yellow birdie hanging
 there a few times,can you see the 
look of satisfaction on her lil
 face. lol ......Look I can do this.......

For awhile now she was working on
 balance and getting rid of her fear of
her arms being too far from her body.

See how well I can balance
Having my arms stretched out can be 
a scary thing at times. Not so sure
I really like this stuff..............

and then funniest of all,  my SIL
Susan was holding her up, and just
by accident her head lined up per-
fectly with Brooklyn's.......we just
about died laughing when we saw
the picture...................

Wow, a full head of hair!

Isn't that a riot...........
Hope it puts a smile on your
face, it sure did ours.....

Well, guess I had better get
busy doing something, and
make myself useful.....lol

Hope you have a good rest
of the week........

Hugs and 
Post Mother's Day Blessings,



  1. Hi Nellie

    I am laughing out loud of the picture of Susan and Brooklyn. What an adorable little girl. Isn't it fun to watch all the things they do?
    The picture on the swing was great too. You look well.
    It sounds like you had a wonderful day with your family.

    Blessings & Love

  2. How FUN!
    Brooklyn is a little "doll!"
    I am so pleased for you, Jim and the whole family. May our Gracious GOD shower Y'all with His blessings!

  3. It is so grand to go out and celebrate! Praise the LORD for your love for Him and one another!

    Sunday Morning there were four other of the ladies I eat lunch with that we went out to eat at Perkins. My dear! A 45 minute wait!
    But it was worth it to share with one another in our LORD! I had sent them all an e-card for Mother's Day!

    It is always such a joy of celebration when we all meet as a family! The Pb silk pie was delicious!

    When I got home, I realized Scott and Megan's anniversary was on Monday, so I sent them an e-card!
    I know you enjoyed your time with Brooklyn your sweet gift from GOD!

    I can't get over Brooklyn's concentration level at kicking her crib toys! Great foot-eye coordination! Ha! I laughed! She really gets those feet going! I love to watch when she spreads her toes so wide lol!

    If her arms weren't spread to the side, she'd be turning herself over!

    I love Brooklyn's new hairdo! I was trying to hide behind her so your picture of her would be mostly of her and not me!

    I enjoyed your Mother's Day and Megan's celebration! Love to you all, Susan

  4. Any and everything about a baby, puts a smile on my face! Brooklyn is a real cutie patootie! Happy 1st Gramma's Day!

  5. Glad you had such a fine/happy 1st Mother's Day as a Grandmother :)

    I enjoyed my day, too. Thankful to share it with my mother & for skype calls from our children and grands...

  6. What a little cutie she is! I sure can see Scott in her! What a hoot that pic with Susan is! Too funny!
    Was great to chat today. :o) We both had such a blessed Mother's Day. God is so good!

    Love ya gal!

  7. Nellie,
    Your granddaughter is just beautiful. Grandchildren are such a blessing.
    Warmest regards,

  8. Nellie,
    What a cutie Brooklyn is. Nothing better for a great Mom's Day then spending it with your grandchild. So happy to see you so happy in the picture. You are just glowing with being a grandma!!!!

  9. She is just so cute and that last picture had me laughing my head off. You have to save that one as a family favorite!!

    I'm glad you had a nice weekend. We did too. We went shopping on Saturday too, some clothes for me, flowers for both mother's graves and Sam's for fish and fruit. Sunday my sister and her husband and youngest came and we went to brunch, my son came over to cook out later in the day. Over all, it was a great weekend and sunny! It has remained that way, although it is supposed to end later today until next week. I am so much happier when the sun in shining!

  10. Oh, be still my heart.

    She is absolutely precious!

    I love that kicking thing they do.

    We have a new Grandson just about that age. He does it with his arms more like karate and it's hilarious, too!

    I love the shirt you're wearing on the swing! That one is super cute and such a fun pattern!

    I'm glad your day was lovely. I've heard Perkin's Pies were wonderful, but I've not tried them.

    Happy Thursday!

  11. I'm doing some catch up with your blog, and I love this post. Great pictures! What a cute grand-baby you have. I'm a first time MiMi and I love it. You'll have the most fun with her! And she will love you to pieces.
    We're simple folk ourselves...Nachos and Yogurt sound great to me. We don't have to have expensive to have fun at our house.
    Will be reading more of your blog when I can.
    God bless.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie