Saturday, July 1, 2017

Thankful Thursday June 29th, 2017, Spring Golf Cart Tour #4

Now our God, we give you thanks
and praise your glorious name.
1 Chronicles 29:13

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you happy and healthy.

I am a bit late this week, just been
preparing for Sunday and also have
just been overly tired this week for
some reason.  Maybe it is the 100

The pics this week are a continuation
of the Spring golf cart tour of the
Charleston S.C. area.  If you would
like to see Part 3, Just click here.
Also, for better viewing pleasure 
click on any one of the pics and it
 should enlarge them all.

Well, on with it......

I am thankful

for a fun Friday night for hubby
 and I sitting in the backyard talking
 and reading his new book on retire-
ment.  It was so cool and breezy, 
and got to sit out there again Sat. much fun,  as that 
is quite unusual for us this time of  
year, as it is typically just too hot!
 Keep in mind these cool days
 were on June 23rd and

#2 and 3
that our nephew and his family 
had a safe trip from Mo. and they
are staying here in town this week,
 and thankful we are all getting
 together on Sunday afternoon.
  Very excited to see them as it 
has been 7 years.............

that one of our Pastor is taking
a 3 month sabbatical.  I think
it is good for them to get a rest,
because he has been thru a lot in
the last few years. losts both his
parents just weeks apart, and 
other things as well. They will
really be missed as they are
such a sweet family.  

for 2 answers to prayer for 2 great 
Supreme court decisions this week.

for  lovely new hot pink nail 
polish shade I bought recently
and love how fun and summery
 it makes my toes!  lol

#7 and 8
that my dental cleaning is over for
the year and the report pretty good.
I have been having some quick pains
off and on where I had my last root
canal,  so have to have that checked
out with the endodontist that did it,
and need to get a filling in August
 which I already knew about...........
and Thankful that she feels we can 
do just a filling rather than a crown, 
which is what I was expecting, since
 it is  replacing a very old filling. 

#9 and 10
that I have dinner all planned for
 Sunday and the table is all set and
ready. Went with a 4th of July theme
 which made it easy........and thankful
hubby and son put the leaf in the table 
for me on Wed. so I could get the
table done early.

for the all the neat ways we have
been seeing God work in the lives
of the young couple we are work-
ing with in the young marrieds
class.  She got a very quick but
great partime job as a receptionist
at a christian TV station, and their
car died and they thought it was
done, and they needed a new one
which they had no money for and
 someone was able to fix it for them, 
and they needed a place to stay for
 a  few weeks before they can move
 into the churches mission home, 
and someone asked them to stay at 
their house while they were gone on 
vacation. So they are beyond excited 
and it has been fun to watch as well.
Love to see the ways God provides
 for us and others............

for the courage, bravery and
tenacity of Pres. Trump, his family
 and his whole cabinet.  I think I have 
never really realized the way I have
during this new Presidency just how 
brave and courageous a President and 
his family and cabinet have to be in
 order to serve the people of this country
 who should be grateful, and many many 
are, but then there are those, as we know,
 who are put it mildly.
It is a wonder anyone would ever want 
to run for the office of Pres. Let alone 
 do it for just one Dollar a year when he
could make $400,000 dollars a year.....
Amazing I think! 
Course, you never hear the media 
report on that!!  lol

Thanks Pres. Trump....

Well, that's it for this week.

Thanks for stopping in,  always
glad to know you came by.

Have a  really delightful weekend.

Hugs and Blessings,

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Walking on Sunshine Recipes


Saavy Southern Style


  1. I love Charleston and love their houses. We toured them a few years ago. I also like the antique shops.....Christine

  2. Hi Christine,
    That is neat that you got to tour the houses.....that would sure be fun. They certainly
    have a great variety of homes.......and the people of Charleston seem to be very friendly
    as well.
    Hope you have a lovely 4th of July and thanks for coming by and for commenting.

  3. Hi, Nellie.
    #1. I enjoy the short rains we have! It not only cools things off, my grass is growing twice as fast, ha!
    #2 & #3. I haven't seen them in years! I so enjoyed being with them too!
    #4. The LORD be with them and strengthen them.
    #5. Amen!
    #6. I couldn't even reach my toes long enough to paint them, ha!
    #7 & #8. My prayers are with you! I have been having occasional TM J with my right jawline next to my ear. It comes and goes. I haven't had it in years. I don't know what as started it again.
    #9 & #10. What a wonderful meal and time together it was too!
    #11. GOD is so good all the time!
    #12. I pray everyday throughout the day for him, his cabinet members, GOD's servants in Congress and on the Supreme Court as well as GOD's servants on the military Chiefs of Staff! I also lift up those in government that don't know Christ, for the LORD to open their eyes to His truth and not their own agenda!
    I love you all, Susan

  4. Hi Susan,
    Just realized I never responded to your comment.
    Yes, we certainly loved seeing everyone too, as it has been 7 yrs. since they have come
    to this area of Florida. Thanks for your prayers and I will pray about your TMJ as well.
    Thanks for coming by and for your kind comments.
    Have a good day,
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...