Good Morning,
and How are you this fine day???
I am feeling remarkably good for a person
with only 3 hrs. sleep.
Figured I would finish up with the Bedroom pics today
since I didn't do a post yesterday. The middle of the night
post seemed like Monday anyway.
Before I do............ I want to share something I read in
my quiet time with the Lord this morning that I thought was so neat.
This is twice this week that I have been struck with something
about singing, not that I don't already know
singing is a good thing, but I also know that anytime
something seems to be a repeat theme, the Lord
is trying to teach us something new or help us to
I think he is in the process of teaching me how to do
what Philippians 4:8 says about setting our minds.
We had a few days last week where we did not
hear from our son, I will spare you all the details,
but we were concerned especially since he was
in a town and then left without calling, he and
my daughter both are very good about
returning calls. It was probably the cell
service, but you don't know that for sure.
Anyway, on Saturday morning
I happened to pick up a charles Stanley
devotional booklet, I say happened but really I think it
was definitely a divine intervention.
The article was about going thru trials and testings
and they used the scripture in 2 timothy 1:12
"For I know whom I have believed and I am convinced
that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until
that day."
And I thought that sure fits our situation
with our son, and then I realized it is a song we used
to sing quite often in church, so I started singing
it to myself everytime I started to feel worried
or was pinged by the enemy with fearful thoughts.
Cause my true desire is to not be worried and
stressed over this, cause I know it is the trip
of a lifetime for him, and he is really enjoying
himself, and in my mind and heart I know God
can protect him, yet at times, those uneasy,
fearful feelings creep in, and I really hate it!!
Sometimes don't you just wish you could rip
those feelings out and toss them away,
course, then we wouldn't feel the good
ones either, so bad Idea, but we do have
to learn to control those dratted lil things!!
Trust me I did a lot of singing off and on for a
few days until we finally heard from him, cause I know more
about what has gone on with his trek than before and it just
gives the enemy and my flesh more info to work with.
I have a friend that always says concerning our children
more as a joke, "Ignorance is bliss", and there is sure some
truth in that, what you know doesn't hurt
you or make you worry!! ha
Then this morning I was reading in 2 Chronicles 20:1-30
It was talking about all these armies coming against
King Jehoshaphat and Israel and he was afraid,
but he didn't run away or he didn't just launch out and
go after them, he inquired of the Lord first and
called for a fast. He also recounted in his prayers all the times
the Lord had defended them, and recounted how powerful the Lord
was and asked God to judge his enemies.
I like that he recounted God's goodness in the past.
(that is a very powerful reminder to oursevles when we do that!
and sure helps to conquer fear, we have to remind ourselves
that God is bigger and better than anything we can come up against)
and I am sure the Lord loves to hear us bragging on him a bit!!
The Lord answered their prayers
and told them not to fear, the battle was the Lords
but to march down against them, and told them
exactly where they would be and what would happen.
I just love this next part................
Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord
and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness
as they went out at the head of the army saying
"Give thanks to the Lord for his love endures forever"
this was just such a great reminder to me that I
need to have my praise music on and be singing
and recounting all that God has done in the past,
during this time of testing so the Lord
can defeat my enemy who prowls around
like a roaring lion looking for someone
to devour!!
God is so good to instruct and teach us.
Hope you gained some encouragement from that
cause I sure did!!
Well, I will show you the rest of the bedroom shots,
I realized that if I put them to the right and left
you can click on them so you don't need the extra
single item shots if you should want to see the details.

Added this again,
so you could click
on it for details if
you want.
I am going around the room
clockwise and this come next.
Like those sayings, it came
from Kirklands I think,
I have had it for about
3 or 4 yrs. - It was in the guest bedroom.
I have had this cute lil plant stand about 12 yrs
and I still love it, got it at Ross for $10 bucks.
I use to use it sort of like a table by the loveseats
at least someplace to set a drink.
This round table sit next to the loveseat, the table and cloth came from the guest bedroom, and the
ye floral arrangement was made with a toothbrush holder from Target
that cost $1.50 and some flowers I
already had, the cute little birds came
from big Lots and they were about the
same price. See that book on top,
called Lost in the Middle, everyone in mid-life should read it. It is fabulous
and chock a block full of insightful
information. The pic is of me and my
daughter when she graduated from college this past December. We are so proud of her.
She finally landed her first job in her field, she is a radiology tech, and works at a walk in clinic
outside of a major hospital in the area. She is really liking it.
This is our reclining loveseat which we love to sit and read or talk on, but it is not looking as good as it used to so I put this comforter over it, not sure how it will look once I get my valances up,
but we'll see. Not crazy about the wall behind it either, but I had already done it
before we decided to redo the bedroom early, and the colors matched, I just had to add the green plates which I already had, and buy some new blue candles, which I need anyway. Evenutally I want to do something different there, but for now It is good. Guess I am sorta tired of the pic cause it has been hangi

ng in our bedroom a long time now, just in a different spot.
The armoire is centered
over the corner of the room,it looked the best like thatRecognize the smile sign
from the earli

er post!!
This was a lovely gift my husband gave me for our 30th Anniversary.
He is such a great guy!!
Our exerciser, a gazelle goes right in front of this. Didn't plan it thatway but it is the only spot it fits.but it is a nice remembrance everytime I get on it,which i
s pretty often.Here is our dresser and pics of two of our greatest joys in life. You will notice this is more potporri that my daughter gave me for christmas in the clear container and the candles you saw before, and the orb over on the other side is sitting on a stand for a glass candleholder, a lil repurposing there. Need to do something differentwith the frames of their pics yet. Just haven't decide what yet!! The frames matched where I had them before, but now don't look as good. The least expensive would be to paint them, but not sure what color would be good! Also, am keeping an eye out for a good deal on brass frames since the pics over the bed are brass and sort of contemporary looking.
If you have any ideas, would love to hear them????

And last but not least is my trusty rocker thathas been with us since I was pregnant with myson. We bought it for his nursery but it nevermade it past the living room cause it looked sogreat in this one area. So it is about 32 yrs old and was an antiquewhen I got it from another family who had it in their nursery and we thought we would have to paint it and it was the perfect shade of green for our house. About 5 yrs. ago my stepbrother who is agreat furniture builder and refinisher redid it for me in bright white and recaned it as well. I love it justas much as ever and hope to rock a grandbaby in iton of these days.See the throw that matches the quilt, and the pillow came from the guest bedroom again.
Well gang that is it, hope you have enjoyed your tour of our bedroom, once the bathroom is completed I will show you what we did in there, but it will be quite awhile yet.
Hope you have a great day today, and that you are the answer to someone else's prayer.
I will share how I heard that statement before, but another time cause this is gonna take a week to read already!! ha
P.S. Just came back to say sorry some of the writing is messed
up tried to fix it but it just want fix!
Hugs and Blessings,