Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Monday to You
Sweet Friends,

Hope all is well with you....
and that you had a nice weekend!

Our's was good,  a lil different for a change, and
we enjoyed it very much.

We went to a Marriage Seminar at our church this 
weekend on Friday night and Sunday night. It was
 very good,  and even after almost 40 years of marriage
 and teaching marriage classes,  there is always something 
new to learn.  We learned a new technique for discussing
a topic that might be a hot issue for you and your mate.
It was neat too, because they have you actually practice
things while you are there,  which is good,  cause then
you can ask questions about it.

We truly believe couples need to take full advantage
of marriage classes and seminars when our churches
have them,  cause that is part of what helps make
marriages get better and better.  We think, like our
seminar teaches says; all couples should go to some-
thing that will enhance your marriage at least once
a year.  In helps keep the importance and quality
 of your marital relationship before you.  
A very good thing,  as Martha Steward would say!!

We also had a couple over that is new to our church
after Friday nights seminar for Pie and Coffee,  so
that was fun too!  Always fun to get to know people.

Saturday was kind of a lazy day,  but we did get
the lawn all nicely done,  which hopefully might
be our last time or at least next to the last time,
 to do it until next spring!!  Actually,  I kinda
like doing it,  but it will free us up to do other
things that need doing!!  So that is a good thing~

We also tried to watch a movie, "Why did we
get married Too",  but think we missed a lot of
the movie cause it was skipping around a lot,
(there was something on the cd,  and we tried to
 clean it,  but to no avail) so we are getting it again
 to see what all we missed!!  It was pretty good, 
 and thought provoking cause it is pretty much
 real to what we see going on in our society these
days!!  A good movie tho!!

Sunday we went to early church, and came home
early since we had to go back for the seminar
at  4-7:30 P.M.,  but of course,  we had to get
our fav treat,  our Chocolate Elvis Smoothie.
Came home read the paper out in the back
yard cause it was a delightful day,  and then
took a 2 hrs. nappy!!  

Got ready and went back to the Seminar, after
wards we ran to Wally World to get a few things 
cause Scott and Megan are coming for din din
 tonight.  As usual we are looking forward to it.
We are gonna watch Joey for the week, cause
Scott is gonna be traveling most of the week.

Right now we are waiting on our counselee's
to get here,  we are doing it in the daytime
for a change.... cause they are celebrating their
2 Anniversary tonight!!   
So that is a Good Thing!!
  We sure like to see that!! lol

Tomorrow I am having a surprise blogger,
so make sure you come by!!

Have a Marvelous Monday
Sweet Peas,

Blessings and Hugs,


  1. It sounds as if you had a wonderful weekend...lots of sharing and caring!

  2. Thanks for your great comments to me as I ponder this new season in my life. I appreciate your insight.

    It sounds like y'all had a wonderful blessed you are to be part of such a wonderful church!!!

    Oh, that chocolate elvis smoothie has me intrigued. Have you posted the recipe before? If so, would you send me a link to it. I'm most interested in trying it.

    I need to write you an email. I'm sorry it takes me so long. Hope to get to it soon.

    Have a wonderful day, and enjoy dinner with Scott and Megan tonight.


  3. Hi sweetie, You are such a busy gal and the Lord uses you in the lives of many. Love the picture-wonder if you took it or if your son did. The marriage seminar sounds great; hubby would say we try to go to something that will improve us(Hawaii) Still praying for your hubby. Taking our house off the market this next week. Wonder what the Lord is up to?. Have a blessed evening dear one.
    Love, Noreen

  4. Hi Nellie

    Sounds like you have been busy. I agree a marriage seminar is good for any length of marriage.

    I hope you are enjoying the grand dog!

    Blessings & Hugs

    P.S. The toe, head and tooth are all better!

  5. Being an "ole" maid, I can't associate much with marriage things, ha! I can hardly wait for your surprise tomorrow! I feel better today even though my two nemesis' are still a thorn in my side!
    I love you all very much,

  6. Oh a guest blogger! Sounds like fun! The seminar sounds nice also. Just getting to do something, anything with my hubby right now sounds great. enjoy!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie