Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Welcome to heart tips Tuesday - pumpkin pancake recipe and products

Howdy Sweet Friends,

Know I am a bit late posting today, but we
were up and out somewhat early today,
had to get blood drawn to finish my physical
from months back,  it had been on the back
burner for a number of reasons.  Then we
ran to Sam's, Target and Walmart,  and
to the mall to do our walking as well.

So we were pooped when we got back,
mainly because all we had to eat or
rather drink,  all day,  was a smoothie.

So we hit the food when we got home
to say the least!!  lol

Some of you had asked me about the 
pumpkin pancake  recipe.

I had seen this  pumpkin waffle recipe
on another blog and thought it sounded 
delish,  and I was planning to try it but
was  thinking about maybe  making
 pancakes rather than waffles.
For recipe click here to go over
to the Fashionable Foodies blog.
She is the 20 yr. old daughter of a 
friend, her name is Ella,  her mom's
name is Patti and you might know
her as well,  she is from over at
Fill my cup with beauty.

Then we happened to go in Publix Super
Market and they had the buy one get one
free thing going on,  and we happened
to see this.

So we bought the heart healthy pancake mix
then Iooked up the waffle recipe and 
decided to build my own recipe so to speak.

and to the best of my recollection here
it is................

Pumpkin Pancakes Recipe

3 cups of the pancake mix
2 1/4 cups of  cold water
1 1/2 cups canned pumpkin
3 tsps. pumpkin pie spice
1/4 cup of brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla flavoring
few shakes of  cinnamon

1 cup of coarsely chopped nuts
(I used 1/2 cup each of pecans and walnuts)

Blend pancake mix and cold water together with a 
wire whip.  Batter will be slightly lumpy.  Add
 pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, brown sugar, vanilla
 flavoring and cinnamon, and mix again with wire whip.
If the mix appears too thick, you may need to add
 some water to make it thinner.  You should
be able to pour it.

Pour slighty less than 1/4 cup of batter per pancake
onto a lightly greased and preheated griddle or skillet.
 Cook pancakes about 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 minutes per side
 or until golden brown, turning only once.
* I cook mine till they have lil holes all in them
then I flip them.

Note!!  I did not make mine as sweet as the other
 recipe called for since we eat ours with syrup,
  so if you want them sweeter you need to add at 
least another 1/4 cup of brown sugar.

*I use Log Cabin Lite Syrup,  and hubby has
been using the Agave Nectar as Syrup as of late.
It is a bit like real Maple Syrup,  but use caution
when pouring,  you don't need much because
it is much sweeter.

Happy Pancaking or Waffling!! lol

Here is another new product we are delighted
to have found.....we love fig newtons,  but have
always gotten the fat free Fig Newmans,  but
no one carries them anymore,  so we happened
to find these at Target a few months ago,  and
they are pretty good,  and they are much cheaper
as well.  plus since they are fat free no bad oils..

Note to Ladies.............
This last part is not really so much about
heart health,  but might be of interest to you.
If you have a problem with using products
with soy here is some crackers that don't
use soybean oil.

We also recently found these at Target as well.
The cheddar bunnies are very much like the
 Goldfish crackers by Pepperidge Farm, 
 but they have the
 safflower and sunflower oil.

I have noticed in the last months that a lot of 
items that used to only have canola/ or sunflower
 oil, now say canola, sunflower and/or soybean oil. 
 So you sort of don't really know which oil you
 are getting and my bet would be soybean oil.

Now according to the heart association 
soybean oil is heart healthy,  so if you have
 heart problems you should probably
get the goldfish crackers.

I started buying the Annie's crackers for 
myself mainly because anything with soybeans,
 oil, flour whatever will produce estrogen in a
 womans body, and if you have any issues of
 why you don't need more estrogen,  then
make sure you are reading those food

Well, Sweet Friends,

Have a Sweet Fall  Evening

Warm Cozy Hugs,


  1. Well this post was for me - I love shopping at Target (convenience for me, really) and I LOVE fig newtons and I really like Annie's crackers, too!! So, I was a pretty happy camper - but the pumpkin pancakes sealed the deal! Anything pumpkin - and I'm in Heaven. You should link back to this post on Friday for Friday with Friends and fall recipes:) Hope all is going well - and your bloodwork is all good and that they were able to draw on the first stick!! I like it that way:) Have a great day tomorrow! Hugs, friend.


  2. Good evening Nellie,
    I am out in the neighborhood visiting tonight and trying to catchup, as I haven't done a whole lot of visiting to much lately.
    I really like Krusteaz pancake mix, so delicious, and like you fig newtons are one of our favs. too I must try this recipe, because I love anything that has pumpkin in it.Thank you for sharing these tips.

  3. I have to try pumpkin pancakes. It's all everyone is talking about these days!

    LOVE the picture of you!!!

  4. I love Krusteaz products. They used to have a scone mix that was so easy and wonderful. My store no longer has it and I really miss keeping it on hand. I hope your tests turn out well...have a nice night!

  5. A very informative post! The pancakes sound delish. I don't make pancakes often, but this recipe makes me want to make them!

    I need to do some catchup on what you have been up to these days. I did a couple of posts about our recent trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium for our 31st anniversary. It was a fun trip and now we want to go back!


  6. The pumpkin pancakes sound yummy...I am going to have to try them.
    I miss going to Target (one of my favorite stores) I used to work close to one and was over there everyday....

    Thanks for all the heart tips!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Blessings & Hugs

  7. Well those food network chefs had better be watching out...Nellie's inventing her own delicious recipes!!!! Good for you. I have never been one that is good at improvising and mixing recipes and coming up with my own. Daughter's not afraid to do that, though, and neither, I see, are you.

    Thanks for the plug for my sweet girl's cooking blog. She made the most fabulous yeast dinner rolls last night...and she posted the recipe. They were totally delish!!!!

    You know what we like to do every once in awhile...take a trip to The Mill in DeLeon Springs. Do you know that restaurant? Well, we will mix up a couple of pancake batters, put the waffle maker and the pancake griddle in the middle of the table, fill bowls with nuts, berries, chocolate chips, etc....and enjoy a pancake/waffle breakfast just like we would at The Mill.

    I LOVE fig newtons....they will always remind me of my dear grandfather. He was addicted to them and always had bags of them at his house.

    Well, dear friend, have a wonderful day. Send my love to hubby.


  8. I can hardly wait to try out the Pumpkin pancakes!! I think I may have them tomorrow night for supper!
    All my love to you,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie