Monday, October 4, 2010

Welcome to a new week!!

Afternoon Sweet Friends,
Welcome to a new week!!
We worked out in the yard this 
morning,  and I have to tell you
my heart is just so full of joy
 today......Although, it was officially
Autumn on Sept. 23rd,  these last
few mornings have finally felt like
it is officially Fall.  The weather is
truly glorious.....and if I could give
it a score,  it would definitely get a
 perfect 10!!
I have to say this girl just functions
better in cooler weather!!  lol
We were able to spend time out on
the porch doing some bible study
as well.  I just love love love it!!
Then the mail arrived and I got
a sweet surprise in the mail.
Remember my friend, Diane
 of 38 yrs. I was telling you
 about on this past Thankful
Well,  she sent me this.....

Beautiful card with these
blasts from the past............

pictures of she and I.  This was taken
38 yrs. ago in Goldsboro, N. Carolina.
I was about 20 1/2 yrs. old here.  
Are we so 70's are what??? lol
We were both pretty much newly weds,
 and these were our kids back then!!
Diane is on the left with her Irish
setter baby,
 "Herkemer Peaoppwhopper"
and I am on the right with my baby,
a long haired Dachshund, we got
when we were in Germany,  his
name was "Rookie"
Hubby and I only lived in N.C. for
3 months back then, but we so bonded 
to this couple,  and we have only seen
 them once since then, but have talked
and written back and forth for many 
years. I think it was our common bond
 of knowing the Lord that cemented this
relationship, even tho,  we didn't totally
 understand that at the time.
Here is a better shot of Rookie, that
she stuck in as well.  We have such
delightful memories of great times.
Their dog Herkemer was such a riot.
He used to let himself, out of  their
 fenced in yard, and come and let himself
 in our fenced in yard, to play with our dog.
He also used to strip the bushes of 
leaves.  He would bite way down on
a branch and pull and pull till he 
pulled all the leaves off.  He tried to
teach Rookie,  but thankfully it didn't
stick!!  lol
It was her hubbies first Christmas back
from Viet Nam,  and he was so eager to
get a Christmas tree, so Diane finally 
gave in, and  they got one right after
 Thanksgiving, I think it was.......
then put it up and it looked sooo nice. 
 Then we all went somewhere and 
came home.......  the dog had knocked
 the tree over, and pretty much 
destroyed it, and had seriously now
eaten about a box of glass bulbs,  but
never had a problem.  amazing!!
Later after my post, Scott and
Megan came by and I was showing
them the pic and telling the story
again, and hubby reminded me
that the vet. told them to feed
the dog a loaf of  bread,  and that
would help to protect them from the
 sharp edges hopefully.  Sure worked
in Herkemers case!!
It also worked for parents we
knew that their child swallowed
a tack.  
For the rest of the Christmas season
They had to tie the tree up to keep
him from knocking it over again.
We had more laughs over that dog,
He was just too funny!!
Oh Yea, I remember he also ate
her pooh bear she got at Disney
World on her honeymoon.
She was really thrilled about that,
as you can just imagine!!
They also, rescued us when we ran
 out of fuel for our heater,  we spent
the whole day at their house till ours
 warmed up again, since it was like a 
fridge.  We both lived in mobile homes,
 and they didn't have a lot of insulation,
 so got cold really fast,  and took a long
long time to warm up.
It has been so neat to have this
lil trip down memory lane,  hope
you have enjoyed it....but probably
not near as much as I have!!  lol
Aren't memories just the neatest,
and for some reason I am way
more nostalgic in the Fall, don't 
know why that is!!  Maybe cuz
some of my best memories were
in the Fall,  who knows!!
But it's all good!!
Hope you had a delightful weekend,
Did you do anything fun or exciting??
We got to go over to some friends 
house, on Friday for dinner and to
play cards.  We relearned a game
we had forgotten the instructions
to, and learned a new one called
"Play nine",  which has all golf
related scoring and rules,  but it 
was great and we figured out how
 to play it with regular cards.
So we are really enjoying it.
It was great to get a few new card
 games to play, we have just about
worn ourselves out on skipbo and
rummy.  lol
Have a Hap Hap Happy Evening
Sweet Peas,
And if you are participating in the
140 days of prayer for our nation
This is our 14th week,  and our
scripture for this week is in 
Genesis 12:3.  We are to pray for
God's protection of Israel,  and
that the U.S. would continue to
be Israel's most faithful ally.
Love, Hugs, and 
 Cool weather Blessings to You!!


  1. Nellie

    70's memories.......I was married in 1979 but I remember those years. Such great memories when everything was simple and you could leave your door unlocked and the keys in your car with the windows down.

    It is cooler here tonight about 64. Last night it got down to 46. We slept with the window open. It did get chilly.

    By the way our pumpkins did all turn orange since we left them in the sun and it was warm while we were on vacation.

    Have a great week ahead!
    Blessings & Hugs

  2. Hey Cutie,
    Couldn't of THOSE nights!
    So thought I'd come by for a long overdue visit. Great photos and memories!
    Thanks for all of your prayers for my hip and for the Center. Some days are just so overwhelming but I keep "trucking along."
    I appreciated your comments on my Mother Daughter Tango blog. I guess the main reason for my empty spaces is my empty nest. Hoping I'll get over it this side of heaven. HA!


  3. Oh, I am rejoicing with you on reconnecting with your old friend. What wonderful memories!!! (LOVE the photo!!).

    My longest friendship in the entire world is a gal I met in 1972, when I was in 6th grade. We still keep in touch, and though we haven't seen one another since the early 80's, we have remained good friends.

    And, my best friend in the world, whom I've seen only once since they moved away in 1998, remains as close to me as ever. With she and I, as with you and your dear friend, it is the bond of the Lord between us (and our weekly telephone prayer time) that keeps us close.

    Truly, there is nothing like a REAL friend in the Lord.

    Blessings to you!!


  4. I remember some other stories about Rookie! Remember when he chewed your shoes for work. Jim wasn't too happy! Oh, yea, remember when he ate the box of Whitman's chocolates that was wrapped under your Christmas tree? You said he didn't keep much in his stomach due to finding it all over your flow! I won't laugh, it may come back on me, ha!
    I love you all,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie