Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Table Top Tuesday

Hiddy Ho Sweet Friends,

How are you today????

Not much going on around here today,
just straightening up a bit,  and preparing
for my daughter since she is coming for
dinner tonight!!  and of course, we are
looking forward to that,  as always.

It is just a beautiful day outside,  and we
have been blessed with many of these
lately.........ah........such a delight!!

Decided I would do TableTop Tuesday today!! 
 These pics are not in the order that I chose them. 
But... Oh Well,  don't have time to rearrange
 them!! I am still trying to figure out how this pic
 thingie works since they changed it!!  Sometimes
 I really wish they would just leave things alone,
just about the time you get used to how it works, 
 they go and change it, and your back to square one!!

Is it just Me or
Does anybody else feel like that???  lol

Anyway,  here is more Fall decorating
from my family room.

The focus in on the lil ground table between the chairs.

One thing I truly love about Fall is being able to
 use items from nature like the acorns and their caps,
and the lily petals and bay leaves surrounding
them, all taken right from our yard..

Found these cute lil resin figurines a few years
back,  and can't remember where I got them,
maybe Big Lots,  not for sure!!

But sure think they are cute!!

Just love their lil smiles!!  

This is some Fall  potpourri I love that I have had for years,
but I have added grapevine leaves and other berries
from our yard!!

Found these cute  lil scarecrows last year at Wally
 World for a buck a piece.  They are on a dowel, 
 so stuck this one in the top of this dish and the
other one is in a plant outside our front door.

Have had these pillows for about 4-5 yrs now,
and just love them.

Just realized the pics are in the reverse order
of how I chose them.  Go Figure!!

Well,  Girly's

Hope you have a Truly Terrific Tuesday!!
Thanks so much for stopping in,  
I really love hearing from you!!

Be sure to go visit Marty over at

to see all the other fun table tops!!

Blessings and Hugs,


  1. Beautiful, beautiful! I e-mailed Carol about Gary coming and ripping out my carpeting and replacing it with the laminate flooring. He is in Tallehassee right now. I'll be glad to get the old carpeting and old furniture out!! I hope to get a new look!
    I love you all,

  2. Everything looks beautiful. Those little resin figures are SO adorable.

    I hope y'all have a wonderful dinner with your dear daughter tonight. How totally lovely that she lives nearby and is able to come over often. I know far too many people whose adult children live states apart, so I rejoice with you that such is not the case in y'all's family.

    Thanks so much for your kinds words about my struggle with Seasonal Disorder. I had never heard of Seasonal Disorder before...then we moved here, and we wondered why I always became a "different person" during the fall/winter/ early spring months. Then we heard about SAD, and the light bulb went off. But it's more than just the light aspect for me...it's the cold for one. My body doesn't do cold, so from october through April (sometimes May), I spend almost zero time outdoors. And we all know that fresh air and sunshine is essential to well-being. Also, the lack of green affects me as well.

    So, I appreciate your prayers for a move to work out soon.

    I'm SO glad we've caught up and are renewing our acquaintance.

    Love to you,

  3. Nellie, What wonderful fall decorations you have! I've never thought of just putting acorns out but I may now. Your home is so warm and inviting. Just sent you an email.
    Hugs and lots of love.

  4. Oh I love your vignettes, they are all so pretty. I so agree with you about the pic thing. I struggle with every post. Maybe I will figure it out one day. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  5. Super cute tabletop:) Hope you had a wonderful evening with your daughter! Always great to look forward to their visits!!

  6. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a kind comment!!

    Your tabletop looks adorable. I love what you've done using acorns -- my in-laws have them all over their deck and I'll have to bring some home to Simcoe Street with me for a future tablescape, inspired by you :)

    See you soon!


  7. Your vignette is so pretty. I love the little figurine and how you've used seasonal items from your yard to create a charming table top.

  8. Hey Nellie...thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a message. I appreciate it ! It was fun taking a stroll around your blog.
    Much love,


  9. Hi Nellie! Love all the fall and enjoyed my little visit with you. Have a great day.

  10. I love your fall decorations. I can't have some things I would like to have because of our naughty cat Tiger. He even got up on top of the refrigerator and knocked down an avocado and ate half of it.

    Enjoy your nice weather!
    Blessings & Hugs

  11. I love your little nest with the acorns. You have bay leaves in your yard? That would be fun! I agree, the touches from nature are so pretty this time of year.

  12. Like your Fall vignette. The acorn people are so cute.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie