Wednesday, October 6, 2010

From one Pumpkin to another


Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good day today!!

It was another gorgeous day here,  and we worked
 in the yard again.  It is truly bliss to be out there.

Isn't this lil blinking pumpkin just the cutest thing.
  I copied and pasted it and a lil story from an email
 I rec'd yesterday.  Thought they were both so cute!

We spent a lot of the day looking into info about
 hubbies retirement just so we can know our options. 
After all Knowledge is Power!! 
 Course,  we have no plans at this time to just do it,
  unless we get the go ahead from the Lord.  There are
 so many things to consider like health Ins. for one.
  So we need to check into all that kind of stuff as well.

Truth is can't make a good decision 
without all the facts!!

So that is our new quest for the next weeks. 
Hubby would never really retire from doing the
kind of work he does,  cause it is like his hobby,
and he really loves what he does, so he would
 always do it at least part time from home.  
Course, he would have to get consulting work
lined up to do it,  but certainly not impossible.

Anyway,  here is the cute lil story..............

  From one  pumpkin to another!!

A woman  was asked by a coworker,
 'What is it like to be a Christian?'

The  coworker replied, 'It is like being a  pumpkin.
 God  picks you from the patch, brings you in,
 and washes all the  dirt off of you. 

Then He cuts off  the top and scoops out all
 the yucky stuff. He removes the seeds of
 doubt, hate,  and greed. Then He carves you
 a new smiling face and puts  His light inside
 of you to shine for all the world  to  see.  

I think it is a pretty good description
myself.  I always liked something our
old Pastor used to say.  He said that
God comes in and  changes your "wantor",
  the things you used to want to do that were
 wrong like lie, curse, gossip etc., you just 
don't want to do anymore!!
Think that pretty much describes it,
a change of Heart!!

Well,  Sweet Folks,

You have a Wonderful Wednesday,

I am having me.... some Chili just as
soon as I get back from a walk.... I am
hoping to talk hubby into!!  lol

It is 61 degrees @ 8:30 P.M.,  great
walking weather!!    Yoo Hoo!!
We love to walk in the dark with
a flash light,  
Call us crazy,  I don't care!!

Blessings and Hugs,
and cool dark walks to you.



  1. Happy Wednesday and Thursday to you and your dh too Nellie..
    I hope you enjoyed your walk and your chili.. Thats what we had last night. Chili and homemade corn bread.. it was sooooooooooo good:)

    Happy Fall

  2. I like the pumpkin story! You sound like us, my husband has started talking about when to retire as well. We know it is still a few years down the road, but as you have to have the facts.

    Thanks for the info about the scones. I never thought about ordering them!

  3. Hey Cutie,
    Thanks for sharing this sweet pumpkin analogy.
    I've heard it before but I love the reminder!
    I too adore the cooler weather...just need to get free to enjoy it!
    *Blessings and Hugs*

  4. Nellie

    I love your pumpkin story. I am going to pass it on.
    Good luck on all your research. It will keep you busy.
    I am glad it is cooler for you. We are cooling down here too. It is supposed to rain tomorrow so I will be happy about that.

    Blessings & Hugs

  5. That is one fast blinking pumpkin! It's blinking so fast, all I can see is white! Ha!

    I have a pumpkin poem I do with the kids:

    5 little pumpkins, sitting on a gate,
    The 1st one said, "My it's getting late."
    The 2nd said, "There are bats in the air."
    The 3rd one said, "I don't care."
    The 4th one said, "See the setting sun."
    The 5th one said, "Now it's time for fun!"
    WOOO went the wind, and OUT went the lights,
    And five little pumpkins rolled out of sight!

    I love you all,

  6. Great story, Nellie and so true. Although I still am tempted for sure...the enemy is alive and well.
    Hey, I'm having a Pumpkin Party. It begins 10/26. Stop by and read about it, and please join in if you like!
    Hugs, Beth


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie