Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Stylish and Trendy Blogger Awards

  Evening Sweet Friends,

How is your weekend going?

I was just sitting reading some email and 
deciding to check my blog to see if I had
 any visit from you guys,  and lo and behold 
I had a wonderful and such an unexpected 

Really had no plans for blogging today,

I truly want to thank Cas over at
an Oasis in the desert
 for thinking of me and presenting me with
not one but two sweet blogger awards. 
  What a pleasant shock,  and a real 
Thanks again so much Cas........
and in case you would like to go over and 
visit her too.  Click here

These are the 
Rules for accepting this award :
1. Link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass it along to 7 other stylishly and trendy bloggers.
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award.

So I will have to think about 7 things to share
with you that you don't know.  hummm!

1. I am the product of a single parent home.
       I lived the school year with my Mom, grand-
          mother and brother in Pensacola, Florida, and
         spent summers  with my Dad and step family,
 and grand-parents in KeyWest, Florida.

        2.  Hubby and I have lived in the same house and
                      gone to the same church for over 30 years now.
    3.   I married when I was 18 1/2 years old to the 
           the love of my life, and we just celebrated our
40th Anniversary in November.

         4.  I am the only person in my family that has not
           been divorced, and I consider that a huge
blessing from God.

        5.  I love love love romantic comedies,  and try
          to watch them often!!  Fortunately,  for me 
         so does hubby.  One of our favs is "you've
          got mail"  with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.

    6.  I was on a tenickling team when I was in Jr.
     High School.   Tenickling is a type of pole 
            dancing,  Not the present day type,
 for sure!! lol
      It is 2 bamboo poles held near the ground,
and they bang them on the ground then
together, to the beat of the music, and
there is a choreographed dance to go
along with it, where you are dancing in
         and out of the poles.  It was fun, you'll
 have to take my word for it!!  lol

7.  When I was in my early 20's I was a 
                 calendar girl because I did some modeling 
with products from a Company 
    I worked for called Bendix Avionics. 
             No big Bucks, just $1.00 in order to sign a
release form. lol


Now comes the fun, yet  very hard part........
to pick 7 bloggers to receive these awards
 as well.  Ten of you got the Sunshine award
 from me last year at this time,  (I actually 
looked it up) so because I like to try and be
 fair and to spread the encouragement around
 I decided to pick different bloggers this go
 round.....but still ladies that come by often and leave
 sweet, genuine and encouraging comments, and that
 also inspire me. There are many of you who fit that
 description that is what makes it so hard because
 many of you have really Wonderful blogs,  and a
few of you were already on Cas's list, 
 so know that if this happens again you will
 probably be on my list the next time!!
So without further adieu,  Drum Roll Please....
  here they are:
They are in order of how long we
have been friends.

  Beth @ Beyond the Garden Gate
click Here

Janet @ Janet and Marvins Life
click Here

Jacquelyn @ life between the buns
Click Here

Sonny @ 155 Dream Lane
Click Here

# 5
Caroline @ Cinderella Moments
Click Here

Sue @ I need Mom!
click Here


Donnie @ New blessings everyday

Congratulations..........and Hope this lets you
know how very much I appreciate each of you
and enjoy your blogs as well.

Please be sure to go over and Congratulate
 the Winners and check out their blogs if you 
don't already know them,  you will love them,
 I assure you!!

Thanks again Cas,
and Thanks for coming by Sweet Peas,
Love, Blessings and Hugs,


  1. Thanks so much for this lovely award. I have received it before and have it on my sidebar. You are so sweet to think about me. I loved learning more about you too. Have a wonderful evening.

  2. Congratulations to you Nellie! I'm going to go visit your list of seven blogs...

  3. sweet, thank you for passing this along my way! I love reading more about you...summers in Key West must have been fun!

  4. Nellie

    Thanks so much for this award. I have been so blessed to have you in my life. You have encouraged and me and help me stregthen my spirit with all your positive and kind words. You were exactly what I was looking for when I started Blogging. You also brought your SIL Susan in to my life. You are both truly Godsends.

    I am heading over to the visit the others on the list.

    Blessings & Love

  5. Congratulations Nellie, and I so enjoyed reading these facts about you. I can understand you modeling, you are so pretty.
    Enjoy your week.

  6. Thank you so much, Nellie for introducing me to Janet who has become a true friend indeed! She surprised me with your award! She was so excited to give it to me and I am so excited to get it from her! I love you Nellie for all of the love you give to your bloggers. (I get special love as I get to see you in person any day I want, ha!)
    I love you all so much,

  7. What fun to learn more about you, Nellie! Your experience "pole dancing" is definitely out of the ordinary. And what amazing grace to be married 40+ years while others in your family have had difficult experiences with marriage. May God continue to use you in the lives of your family and friends. You were a blessing to ME today. Thank you.

  8. Dear Nellie, I'm sorry I have been slow on the draw here! Just a couple of really busy days...I DID see the award..oh you are so sweet. At one time I posted a "no awards" thing on my blog but I since removed it. It's just not nice not to receive a gift someone wants to give you! So I graciously accept, and thank you for thinking of me! Forgive me, but I'm confused as to which award you gave me...I WILL list the 7 things about myself that others may not know...and I enjoyed reading yours!!! Congratulations especially on 40 years of marriage. Truly that is a testimony of the grace of the Lord. We celebrate 35 in Sept! GRACE ALONE! As soon as I get the time I will do all the necessary requirements...God bless you friend, I'm so happy to know you here in blogland!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...