Thursday, January 13, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - January 13, 2011

(I just happened to be walking thru the family room and 
saw this on our wall, they are, of course, reflections,  but
 watch how they change in the other pictures to come)

I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
Psalm 16:7

Howdy Sweet Peas,

So how has your week been going??
Very Well,  I hope.

We are doing quite well..................
We got some exciting news on Tuesday
My daughter Dee and her sweetie Jerry,
got engaged!!!  We might wind up having 2
 Weddings in one year,  but they haven't
 decided on the date yet!!
And.......Her ring is gorgeous!!

So that would be
I am thankful
that DeeAnna is engaged to her best friend
 and Sweetie.  They have known each other
 for 8 Yrs. now,
And.............. We love him too!!

He is such a great guy and he treats her
so well, so what parent couldn't be happy
about that!

We never thought this would happen!! lol
She is very much an independent free spirit!

Here's a pic of the happy couple.  This was taken
Christmas Morning!!  For some reason they came
out rather grainy.....don't know why!!

I am thankful
we finished spring cleaning the bedroom,
just have a few drawers left to do.
Don't you just love it when you know
everything is so clean!!  lol

I am thankful
that we will be done giving Molly her
antiobiotics tonight.  Lately,  she has
just been spitting it out and making a
mess.  Guess she is sick of the bubble
gum flavor!!  lol
Am wondering how much of it she 
has really gotten the last few days.

(A car pulled out of the driveway across the road
and it quickly changed to this)

I am thankful
for these adorable emails that come
with animals and children .....they really
 make me smile and here is the most adorable
 pic from one.  My favorite of them all.

Isn't  this just the cutest picture!!
and isn't see the most beautiful child!!

I was teasing Megan that I could just see
Joey the Wonder dog in that lil lacy dress
for the Wedding!!

Rosy maybe,  Joey.....No!!  lol

I am thankful
that my sweet SIL Susan brought us
these absolutely delicious tangerines.
I have so enjoyed them,  and have
6 more to enjoy!!   They made a
delightful fruit salad,  it was so tasty,
I wish I had some more right now!!

(Then it went to like a double image- I found
this very intriqueing since I couldn't figure out why)

I am thankful
That Rep. Gabrielle Gifford is doing
so well,  and it looks like she is going
to recover well.  What a Miracle that is!!

Am also so sorry for all those that did lose
 loved ones, especially the family who lost their
 beautiful lil 9yr. old daughter.  What a horrible
 tradgedy for all the families and victims.

(you can even see the shadow of our bricks -on the front
 of our house outlined around the left side)

I am thankful
that Michael Douglas has beat his cancer.
It is so great to hear of anyone beating
cancer!!  and so great to hear some good

I am thankful
for such a fun day out yesterday.  Hubby
had to go to the dentist and we left the house
 about 9:45 and didn't get back till 4:30.

  After the dentist we went to Burlington Coat
 Factory, Ross,  and TJ Maxx  just to look around,
 then to David's Bridal to see what they had since
I am beginning to look for something to wear for
Scott and Megans Wedding, already just 4 mos.
 away!  Wow!! The time is flying!!

After that we went to see the New "Narnia" movie,
"the Dawn Treader", and it was in 3D as well.
It was a great movie and we really enjoyed it.
We acted like 2 kids today,  we had half a
Peanut butter and apple butter sandwich for
breakfast,  then our fav Chocolate Elvis
 Smoothie for lunch, and popcorn as a snack
 at the movies. lol
That is a very rare occurence.... believe me!!

We really had a fun day, cause it was just so
different.  Can not remember the last time I
went to the movies in the daytime.  Way
back when the kids were little,  I think it was!!

(then someone else pulled in our neighbors
driveway and it went to this)

I am thankful
that Scott and Megan gave us that nice movie
 gift certificate for Christmas so we could gosee
Narnia, that makes it all the more fun!!  lol

I am thankful
that Jim finally got some more work from his
old company today.  The Lord is right on time!!
Praise His Name!!

(When they left it went to this..........I just loved watching it,  guess
 I am very easily entertained. lol)

I am thankful
that I did find a skirt at David's Bridal that
might go with the pretty Plum colored Taffeta
blouse I already have, but I will have to take
my blouse and go back to try it on and see.
They will have to order it!!  So will see,
still not sure if Megans Mom is wearing a
long or short skirt,  she thinks long but need
to wait and see.

I am thankful
that Scott and Megan are coming over
on Saturday for a visit.  Which of course,
we are really looking forward to.  Scott
is going to make some wild rice to go with
a pork roast!!  Can't wait to try it!!
and we are gonna look thru pictures for
something they are doing for the wedding.
That is always fun and a blast from the
past,  we looked at some of his baby
pics last time and it was such fun!!

(and here is the culprit and the thing the light was reflected from - 
 This is in the front living room window of our house,  and the reflection
 was showing up in the back of the house in our family room.  I know
 you probably think I'm nuts,  but I thought it was fascinating myself!!

Just Call Me Crazy!!  lol

Well,  Sweet Folks,
That's my list for this week.

Hope you have a Fabulous Friday,
Thanks for stopping in..............

Love, Hugs, and January Blessings,


  1. WE have so much to be thankful for! So nice for you to share your "Thankful Thursday"!

  2. Nellie

    What wonderful news...Congratulations you have a beautiful family.

    My thankfuls are

    1. I am thankkful for the Holy Spirit. He has been busy in my life doing all kinds of good things and opening my eyes.
    2. I am thankful for my new small group on Wednesday night at Church.
    3. I am thankful that I get to see my granddaughters today.
    4. I am thankful that we are planning a trip to see our daughter Jennifer and her family soon.
    5. I am thankful for Pastor Barry and Northwood Christian Church as I continue to grow with each Sermon he preaches.
    6. I am thankful that my today is Friday. It is been a long week.
    7. I am thankful that we did not get the bad weather on Wednesday like it was predicted.
    8. I am thankful for my husbands brewed Iced tea. It is the best.
    9. I am thankful fthe WOW Worship Cd's that I listen to each day as I am working.
    10. I am thankful for the beautiful plant that my boss gave me for my birthday. It has is full of blooms.

    I could go on for forever. Thanks for your inspiration.

    Blessings & Love

  3. I LoVe the title of this post,
    and the subject matter
    ( it reads like my grateful journal I write each night )
    and I get the fun visual with the lights reflections!
    I once sent a snap of the light dancing across my living room to a friend.
    Thank you for sharing

  4. I discovered you through the tablescape post but wanted to comment here too. I love how you captured the silhouette changing. That was so cool.

    And congrats on the engagement! Oh, I long for the day that I can say that with one of my girls. I'm such a pitiful romantic.

  5. #1. I can hardly wait to squeeze them both tight!
    #2. It is so much more fun, when there are two cleaning instead of one. (Oh, that rhymes, ha)
    #3. I had to start Gracie on antibiotics today. She had scratched off a wart on her back and had scratched a place the size of a 1/2 dollar on her back. The doctors have known about the wart and said it wasn't cancerous (Praise the LORD!)
    #4. I have to skip this one. I clicked on it and the page wouldn't open. When I clicked to come back to this wiped out what I had written in #1, 2, and 3! UGH! I'll have to look at it from your blog side and not the post a comment side!
    #5. Guess what? I have already eaten all ten of mine. I went shopping today and it was 3 for a dollar instead of 10!! And, they were all shriveled up!!
    #6. I have been praying for Rep. Giffords from the moment I heard it happen! What a Miracle blessing of GOD for her responding to demands and the use of her limbs! I pray many will come to the realization of GOD's Miracles and many will accept Christ!
    #7. OH, WHAT GOOD NEWS!! I hadn't heard this! I pray he realizes it is GOD's gift to him.
    #8. Isn't that exciting!! So, much fun! My neighbor friend, Alice and I go to the movies about 4 or 5 times a year! I am feeling great since I have been eating my 5 planned "meals" a day! My energy is so much better. I'm getting more protein again. My pep has got me going. I went to bed Thursday night at 11:30 and thought, "Im going to be 'dead' in the morning!" But, my innner alarm clock had me awake at 5:00 and after I was up a couple of minutes, I was frying an egg and ham, feeding the cat, dogs, and birds, reading my daily Bible chapter, writing in my journal! WOW!
    #9. I know what you mean! I'm really enjoying my Diner gift cards!! However, my most favorite meal in the world, Chili's doesn't make anymore...their Southwestern Cob Salad :(
    #10. I think the same thing now when I think about retirement. I'm glad I didn't.
    #11. This is a "happy" waiting time.
    #12. Blessings come from your children!
    I'll be doing the sound system for the memorial of our church member today at 4:00.

    I know you know I love you all very much, but I say it not as repetition, but out of true love,

  6. I am fascinated by reflections too. LOVE that snowflake!
    Your tablescape was beautiful and yes, I think you can easily make it into Valentine's Day with those few tweeks.
    Glad your hubby got some more work, happy you got to go to the movies in the daytime (or ANYtime!) and so happy for your upcoming weddings! What a great family you have!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh Nellie, how exciting for you and your kids~two weddings. We had 3 weddings in four months in 1997. It is exciting to have them in the same year and so much fun. You will be consumed with wedding stuff and then boom, it is over. Enjoy every minute. I am just thrilled for all of you!

    And I am glad Jim is getting work, and that things are going well for you on all counts it seems. How wonderful.

    We got movie and restaurant gift cards for Christmas too. They are great, aren't they?

    Well I have been up most of the night so I am going back to bed for a while.

    Love you, B

  9. Well, you just mentioned that, we also visited the dentist. My wife and I had our regular dental check-up yesterday with our youngest daughter, Dianne. She was so excited to visit the dentist. North Charleston is really exciting as we just transferred here five months ago. We had also our favorite family dentist in Moncks corner.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'm really thinking on some issues that you've shared, like that what happened to Rep. Gabrielle Gifford.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...