Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Warm Fuzzy Tuesday #3

Hello Sweet Friends,

So how is your day a going???

Mines been going fine,so far, been out to vote,
since today was the Florida primary election,
then ran to Publix, and came home and had
lunch and been on the computer every since.

Am anxiously awaiting the poll results, but I'm
sure that want be till after 7p.m., when the
polls close.  Hubby and I went at different
 times and there was hardly anyone there, so
didn't look to good for voter turnout.
Amazing to me.........since this is probably the
 most important election we have ever had.

going to make a fruit smoothie....ummm!
See ya later,

course, guess I had better tell you my
Warm fuzzy for today huh!!

It would be....................

The feel of clean sheets on my bed,  just
love it, and will get to enjoy it tonight!!
Can hardly wait..........lol

Now... I want to know.....
 did any of you ever jump in the bed, 
while your mom was making it, you know 
when she was flipping the top sheet to 
put it on, and you could just dive in.
  I did that everytime, (a lil annoying to my
 Mom sometimes, sorry Mom) but I loved
 the feel of the sheets settling on me! 
 When we were first married I used to get 
my hubby to flip the top sheet for me so I 
could dive in every once in awhile.........lol

Hey, maybe I can get him to flip the sheet
 for me tonight, never hurts to ask, 
ya know.................course, 
since I am turning 6o in a few months
he might think I am going thru my
2nd childhood!!  
Hey nothing wrong with that!! 
Right???  lol

So what is your warm fuzzy today???

Have a  nice evening with your family
and or friends or furry friends!

Glad you stopped by, always a joy
to hear from you.

Warm Fuzzy Hugs,

Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy Monday/TableTop Tuesday

Happy Monday Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a fun weekend!!

Have to say we did for the most part,  Friday I got to see
not one, but two friends,  one in the morning the other
one in the evening,  then Saturday afternoon Scott and
Megan came over for din din,  and we had a great time
 catching up, eating and playing cards.  Sunday was our
 usual routine, church, smoothie, lite bite, read the paper, 
take a nap.....  we can never get accused of working
 too much on a Sunday. We truly believe it is a day
for resting.....................

Before I get on with TableTop Tuesday,  I have a
 question for yall.

Do any of you use coconut oil??  and if so,  have any
 of you had good results with your cholesterol because
 of it. If so,  please share it with me......
I would so appreciate it!

Now on with Table Top Tuesday

My header pic is of a sofa table that is across the room
from the tabletop and walls I shared last week
click here if you wanta see...........

The continued addition of Black and the wall word designs.

Topiary and birds, the pic has a similiar bird
course, don't know if you can tell from the
pics,  they were hard to get a good pic of,
for some reason.

Stacked boxes and another birdie

same only posterized

Water color/ underpainting affect!

One of my fav candlesticks,  and a lil key holder
with flower pots.

The french picture
taken from the right side.

Same pic taken from the left side.

The basket under the table was from our
gift basket we rec'd last week,  trying to
think of something to put in it, a bird would
look cute, but I don't want  it to be overkill....lol


I am linking up to Marty over at a stroll thru life, 
 so be sure to check out all the neat tabletop decor.
It's a fun time!  Just Click Here!

Have a great evening,  and thanks for stopping
by to visit, always glad to hear from you!!

Joyful Blessings,

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - January 26, 2012

Praise the LORD.
 How good it is to sing praises to our God,
 how pleasant and fitting to praise him!
Psalm 147:1

Greetings Sweet folks,

So what cha been up to this week?
Anything fun or constructive?

I told you on Tuesday that I would tell you about
my newly organized pantry, but first,  I must
give credit where credit is due....
which leads me to my

I am thankful
for Cass over at an oasis in the desert.
She did a blog post this passed Monday
on organizing her pantry, and I got some
very good and useable ideas from her,
as well as inspiration.
if you wanta see her post....click here,
and you might just get inspired too.

and now

I am thankful
that my pantry looks similiar to hers and 
is all fresh and organized,  and that the
ideas I got from her seems to be working
out very well for us.........Yippee!!
Let's hear it for Cass!!  
Thanks for your inspiration Cass.

and here are some pictures................

Here is the top shelf and the 2nd shelf

going down.  Cass had her cereal on the top
shelf,  and I had our chips and foil and such
on the top shelf,  and many times they 
would fall on us as we tried to get them
down.  Cereal on the top shelf has been
wonderful and hubby really likes it,
just so much better!!

1st shelf, nuts, and condiments, and don't
know if you can tell from the pics... but our
pantry shelves are wider than our door,
which makes these end areas that are dark,
and hard to see into.........so this time I
think I might have found what I hope will be 
a better solution, course, I think that every 
time I redo the pantry. lol
I put all the syrups and honey on one end,
with a riser shelf, which is where it has
been without the shelf tho,  and on the
other end I put all the bags of croutons,
cause they are all the same and easy to
see in white bags. I stock up when they
are on sale, cause we all love them.

2nd shelf- I did what Cass did,  I put all
the baking stuff in one area,  then on one
end cap I put mainly sugars: brown, white and 
powdered,  and put them in a tin so I can easily
 just pull them all out at once and get what I need.
Then on the opposite side of the shelf I put all
my pastas, panko and stuff like that.

3rd shelf- I put a new potato and onion bin
in the end cap, and now I can easily reach
them,  and also see if they are going bad,
they used to be on the floor of the pantry
and hard to get to as well.  Love the new
location.  Now all our snacks are on this
shelf as well,  any unopened bags of chips
are in the other end cap,  and I just have
a shoebox in there now to hold all the 
opened bags,  but think I will get a nice
basket or container when I get a chance.
Sorry didn't mean for this to turn into a
tutorial, but just so happy about the
changes wanted to share them.

Here is a shot of the end caps on left side

This is the endcap on the right side

4th Shelf- cookbooks and cat and dog cookies.

Floor:  Extra olive oil and broth and all my foil,
freezer bags and stuff in the square kitty food 
container,  It is so great having down here 
where it is so easy to get to............don't know 
why I never thought of this before,  well,  that's
just it,  I never thought about it.  Isn't it amazing 
how we do some things just mindlessly,  and that is
 not typically how I am, but for some reason where
 this pantry was concerned that was exactly it!!  lol

So glad Cass got me straightened out!!

Well, it might not be pretty,  but it is functional, 
 and I am like Cass in that,  Maybe once I get it perfectly
 functional then I can make it pretty one day....lol

and guess what??? nothing has fallen on our head or out
 of the pantry since. Who couldn't love that!!

well, time to get back to Thankful Thursday........

I am thankful
that Rosie has been here all week,  she is going 
home tonight,  but so happy that she was happy with
 dog food and dog cookies,  cause in the passed 
Grammy and Grampy liked to feed her table food,
and she loves table food.....but we are no longer
 allowed to give it to her, cause she has gotten
 sick a couple of times!!  It has never happened
while she is here for some reason.
But we sure don't want to do anything that 
would make her sick.

I am thankful
that I have heard from an old friend of almost
 40 years twice this week via email.  She reads
my blog at times, but just doesn't get much time
to respond as she is babysitting her 3 grand -
babies daily,  and we all know how much time
and energy that takes...........but it is always
 a joy to hear from her, she is such a sweetie.

I am thankful
that Dee was feeling better by Monday,  since
it seemed like she was getting what we had
last weekend.

I am thankful
for fresh fruits and veggies.  Not only are
the healthy but they are delicious.  I have
been eating some red seedless grapes,
and this must be their season cause they
are just sooooo good!

I am thankful 
for almond bear claws that they make at Publix bakery.
  I bought 2 today but I haven't had them in years,  cause
 they really are not heart healthy,  but every once in awhile
 you just have to indulge one of those wants............
 so today was the day,  and oh my, it was scrumptious!!!

I am thankful
for a sweet gift basket that we rec'd from some
friends at church this week.  It had banana oat
pancake mix,  and sweet potato pan cake mix,
and syrup and hot chocolate,  and it was all
heart healthy,  so hubby and I can't wait to
try some of it for Saturday morning breakfast.
Even the basket was great, it is very dark brown,
that almost looks black so it goes great with
my new look in the family room.

I am thankful
for this wonderful lil towel rack I discovered at
 Bed, Bath and Beyond.  Can not begin to tell you
 how handy it is and what a time saver it has been 
for me.  My only towel rack is on the oven door,  
which is across the kitchen from my sink  area, so....
I have always just hug a towel on the drawer next to
the sink for year and years, and it worked fine,  but
 once we got our  wood laminate floors,  we got lots
 of water spots from dripping hands or whatever going
 over to the towel,  so......... 
about a year ago I decide to move the towel to right
 under the sink,  cause I have those lil tilt out type
 drawers that you can put your sponges and soap pads
in, so I did that,  but I have to sort of double over the
towel at the top in order for it not to come out so easily,
and usually everytime I dry my hands it comes out anyway.
Was not too happy with the process, but it was keeping the 
floor from getting water spots and I definitely liked that.
Then around Christmas time while in BBandB, I happened
to see this.....................

What is it you say??  Why it is an over the cabinet
door towel rack, but didn't think they would work for me
 cause they were in brushed nickel or teak.  Last Friday
 when we were we went into BBandB for something else, 
 and saw them again,  so decided to try the teak one, 
(we sort of picked thru them to try and find one that looked
 like our oak, and it not only looks great but solved a time
 eater problem but an annoyance, as well!
 Love that lil towel rack!!  lol

and they are only $8.00 and less with a 20% off coupon.

So thought you might like to see how it looks.

Just took the cabinet picture, the sink was full of
dirty dishes at the time............lol

It just amazes me how making small changes like
the towel rack and the pantry can make life so
much easier,  but it is a great thing!

So it is with our lives as well,  when we make
small changes we reap big results!

I am thankful
that I had a chiropractor appt. yesterday, as my neck was
 just starting to act up a bit, but I am all good now,  and
very thankful for my Chiropractor,  he really knows his stuff.
Can't bear the thought of this man ever retiring, because the 
Lord has used him to help me so much in the last 11-12 yrs,
 but I know one day it is probably gonna happen.  Will just
have to trust the Lord to find me another good Doctor
when that times comes,  sure hope it is not anytime soon.

I am thankful
also for his asst. who does killer massages before he
works on me,  she alone is worth the visit...and she is
a sweetie and has been working for him for 38 years.
Amazing...........you rarely hear of anyone being some
where for 38 years,  and her daughter works there as
well.  It is like a lil happy family.

I am thankful
for you dear bloggy friends and for your ability
to hang in there with me,  cause this turned
out to be longer than usual.  So Sorry!
I am just too long winded for my own good!

So happily for you, I am sure............
that wraps it up!!  lol

Thanks for coming by,  always a joy to hear
from you.............

If you have something you are particularly
thankful for, please be sure and share 
it with us.

Love,  Hugs, and 
Simple Life Blessings to You!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Warm Fuzzy Tuesday

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope your day has been a good one.

Been a good day here, productive, and I enjoy
 those kind of days. Warm too, 82 degrees,
can you imagine, too warm for this girl this
time of year,  but at least, we do get a 
break from the cold.

Well, I got inspired this morning because
I visited someones blog,  (want tell you
who's till Thursday) she was showing her
organized pantry and she had some really
great ideas,  so when I left there I got
busy on mine.  Will tell you all about it
on Thursday..................

Well, better tell ya My Warm Fuzzy
for today................

It is surprising someone with a call, 
visit, or gift especially when you know
it really helped encourage them or 
made them feel loved or special,
and you know you were used by God 
to bring good things to someone else's life.
A great warm fuzzy,  have to say.......lol

So......what is your warm fuzzy for
the day?????

Have a Wonderful Evening,

Thanks for stopping by,  and be sure to
tell us your Warm Fuzzy.

Warm Fuzzy Hugs,

and Janet if you happened to miss my
new Winter look, since you wanted to see it
and if someone else wants to take a peek
that is fine too!!  lol

Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Monday and TableTop Tuesday

Happy Monday to You!!

Hope you had a swell weekend!!

Ours was good.....did a lil shopping and returning on
 Friday night, then went by Dee and Jerry's and picked
 up Rosie girl and headed home around 11P.M.

I actually slept in till almost 10 a.m., which pretty
much never happens,  cause usually my back gets
me up bright and early, but guess that whole night
of lost sleep caught up to me big time.  So that
was nice.......................

Didn't really do a whole lot on Saturday just had
breakfast and played with Rosie,  and hubby and I
 were looking on line at lounge chairs for the yard.
  We have a lounger and a chair my dad bought for us
 back when I was expecting Scott........so..that was
 almost 35 years ago,  and we restrapped them once, 
 and they are in sore need of fixing again, as you could
 well imagine,  and we were trying to decide if we really
 want to go to all that work and expense fixing them or
 just get new ones. The good part is they have aluminum
 frames which have never rusted,  and then given the
sentimental value since my Dad is in heaven now,  and
 the fact that news one are really nice and but pretty 
high priced, and if I was gonna spend that much  I 
would rather have those on my porch rather than out
 in the weather,  think we have pretty much decided on 
another redo.  Cause I just don't want to be bothered
 with having to bring them in all the time to keep them 
nice,  since they have fabric of some kind.
.  So now we
have to find the strapping which I have
already seen online before and get our
selves busy........................lol

Now on with Table Top Tuesday...............
Sorry, to be so long winded but haven't
talked to you in awhile!!

Well,  told you I would share my new look this
week,  so here are the pics,  I will tell you how
I came to get this new look as we go.

All I did here was add the wall words,  have been wanting
a sign or something to go under these shelves for years.
My son made these bistro shelves for us for Christmas
way back when he was in college about 8 yrs. ago
I love them,  and really love them with the wallwords. 

This shelf sits right above the wall to the entrance
to our kitchen.  Really strongly dislike those registers!
but oh well....................lol
Gotta have that air and heat sometimes!

I bought these wall words a few months back at a great
price from Target, but didn't put them up because I had
plans to paint this year sometime,  but once I got the
black framed pics I just decided to do it now........

We have vaulted ceilings and a wall up top that
runs the length of the family and dining room,
and this is a wall in the center that comes down
to the floor, this vignette is on top of my serving
 cart between the foyer and the livingroom.
So added wall words here as well. 

Added this new picture........happened to find
a set of 4 pictures at Target with black frames,
and I love the french look.
so since Dee and Megan have been rubbing
off on me with all their black and white decor,
as well as some of you bloggy friends,  I got
to wondering if I could add some black touches
and have it look okay with all my oak. so
happened to find these pics and thought think
I will take them home and see if I like it,
and I did....................very much!

this and the one below are just snippets
of the above pic with a posterized affect,
just thought they were pretty!  lol

added a cloche with a faux lavendar
plant to the arrangement.

This lil red box and tin with a candle and a coaster
just for the look!!

Sorry this is bit blurry,  but it's a lil
birdhouse a friend gave me some
years back.

The rest of the wall words here!
This shelf sits on the wall just above the entrance 
to the Livingroom.

I had more pictures of another wall that ties in
 with these,  but since I yakked so much earlier,
 think I will just stop here and show you the other 
tabletop next week............................

Enjoy your evening!!

I am linking up to Marty over at a stroll thru life, 
 so if you would like to see more creative decorating,
  just click here!
and while you are there be sure and Congratulate
her on her 100th post for Tabletop Tuesday.

Thanks for coming by,  always love
hearing from you,

and Remember to Live Well,
Love Much, and Laugh Often!
We will.....................lol

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...