Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Warm Fuzzy Tuesday #3

Hello Sweet Friends,

So how is your day a going???

Mines been going fine,so far, been out to vote,
since today was the Florida primary election,
then ran to Publix, and came home and had
lunch and been on the computer every since.

Am anxiously awaiting the poll results, but I'm
sure that want be till after 7p.m., when the
polls close.  Hubby and I went at different
 times and there was hardly anyone there, so
didn't look to good for voter turnout.
Amazing to me.........since this is probably the
 most important election we have ever had.

going to make a fruit smoothie....ummm!
See ya later,

course, guess I had better tell you my
Warm fuzzy for today huh!!

It would be....................

The feel of clean sheets on my bed,  just
love it, and will get to enjoy it tonight!!
Can hardly wait..........lol

Now... I want to know.....
 did any of you ever jump in the bed, 
while your mom was making it, you know 
when she was flipping the top sheet to 
put it on, and you could just dive in.
  I did that everytime, (a lil annoying to my
 Mom sometimes, sorry Mom) but I loved
 the feel of the sheets settling on me! 
 When we were first married I used to get 
my hubby to flip the top sheet for me so I 
could dive in every once in awhile.........lol

Hey, maybe I can get him to flip the sheet
 for me tonight, never hurts to ask, 
ya know.................course, 
since I am turning 6o in a few months
he might think I am going thru my
2nd childhood!!  
Hey nothing wrong with that!! 
Right???  lol

So what is your warm fuzzy today???

Have a  nice evening with your family
and or friends or furry friends!

Glad you stopped by, always a joy
to hear from you.

Warm Fuzzy Hugs,


  1. Hi Nellie.

    thanks for visiting my lamp redo.
    its always good to see your sweet smile.

    my warm fuzzy for today was giving a kid the 2.00 extra dollars she needed to buy a basket with a blanket to put her baby doll in.
    She was about 4 and brought her new treasure up to the desk to pay for it with her own money. she was lacking 1.65:-) her smile was worth 5 times that..

    enjoy your week.. see ya soon

  2. I guess my warm fuzzy is right now. Eating Lentil soup with warm bread sticks. Yum!! I can see why you enjoyed the sheet settling down on you. How cool! And I sometimes feel like I am in my second childhood too!


  3. I absolutely LOVE this feeling also! And, I change our sheets every Tuesday so I got to have that feeling of anticipation also yesterday! Love clean crisp sheets and I always have to make my bed every morning so when I get back in the bed at night, it's a nice feeling. Hope you were happy with the election results! And that you enjoyed your smoothie!!! When is your birthday???

  4. Yes, I went and voted before I went to have my taxes done!

    Not just clean sheets, but cool sheets when you first get in and are ready to get warmed up by your covers...brrrr!

    60? I've got you beat by a month, ha! But, what's 60 when we have eternity to look forward to with out LORD!

    Love to you,

  5. Hi Nellie

    Fresh Clean sheets taken right of the clothes line.....I Love that.

    Hope you are having a great week! I will post soon. I had dental surgery last Tuesday and still recovering.

    Blessing & Love

  6. My warm fuzzy today was getting near the end of my latest dollhouse. I just love putting on the last details. But the clean sheet thing is a good one!!! I love that too.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...