Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Peach yogurt parfaits


Evening Sweet Friends,

Hope you are doing well...............

I have had a good day myself, been a bit of a busy
day, but good busy.  We first had to take our car
into the shop, hopefully we will get it back tomorrow.
Since we were out we decided to go to this local
bagel place we have to get some "Everything" bagels.
We haven't been there in ages,  and their "Everything"
 bagels with lite cream cheese and chives are to die
 for.............we bought some to put in freezer too,
  so we can have them again soon!  yea!!
Probably tomorrow morning since hubby is working
home again.

Have been doing a lil bit of deep cleaning on my 
kitchen every day,  working  on some cards and a
 gift for someone, been planning and playing on a
 tablescape for our Dee's b-day celebration this week-
end,  as well as getting her gifts put in gift bags, still
 have to print her card, I have done it twice and the color
is just not coming out right for some reason.
Made some yummy chicken salad for hubby and I for
lunch,  and been playing some cards, wii tennis and
table tennis tonight.  Getting ready to watch a movie
 and ride the exercise bike to finish off the evening!

Anyway............wanted to show you a nice little
breakfast treat I learned from Becky from over
at Timewashed a few weeks back.  I have 
changed it up a bit due to what I had on hand, 
 but it worked and was delish.  Below is a picture 
of the ingredients.  Very easy to make................
I always like that and betting you do too!

Get some vanilla yogurt,  I bought some that
said there was "no sugar added",  not light
or anything,  then got it home and it tasted
so sweet I was thinking wow, can't believe
this is no sugar added,  well, no sugar but
it had digestive system
does not like splenda,  so careful when you
are looking for yogurt,  if you have the same

Well, anyway...............get a pretty stemmed
glass,  a you feel like the queen
of the house that you are...........

Then add some yogurt then some peaches or
strawberries or whatever your fav fruit is, and
add more yogurt then more fruit,  then,  put the
 "Great Grains, Crunchy pecan" cereal on top.
and you get this lovely concoction.

Of course, you can always add some more
cereal as you go along if you want.

I think it is a wonderful breakfast treat myself. 
 Becky made hers with french vanilla
yogurt and strawberries and granola and

Anyway,  it is a hit around here, even hubby 
likes it,  and bet your kiddos will too.

and best of all it is heart healthy as well.
Can't  beat  that!!

Have decided to link up to Lois over at
Walking on Sunshine for Foodie Friends,
Be sure and go over to check out some
other great recipes, just click here!

Have a Good Evening now!

Hugs, and
 yogurt parfait Blessings,


  1. Boy does that ever look good.
    I write and maintain a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it. I’m your newest follower

  2. HI Nellie, This looks so good and I believe would also make a good lunch; I'd have to change it up at bit but it would still be the same idea; loved putting it in a pretty goblet though. You asked about the cones-all I can tell you is that they came from Whole Foods(don't think you have this there)but it is a natural/health/organic store so doubt they have bad oil in them. I'll have to check for you.
    Have a great day my friend.

  3. Nellie!!! You can join me today! Come on over and link up with Foodie Friends Friday! There's a prize for the top 3 voted recipes! You never know! :)

    Olivia leaves tomorrow. She's flying down on her own. I'm so sad to see her go, but happy for her and this new life she has. I'm feeling better. It's been a hard few days but my body is slowly adjusting to recovering! LOL!

  4. Fresh peaches are one of my favorites and Scott's fave is peach cobbler. This is definitely one to try!

  5. You're the BEST! Sharing on my Walking on Sunshine Facebook page!

  6. What a great breakfast idea and it looks delicious too!

  7. Thanks for linking it at Foodie Friends Friday!! What a delicious breakfast idea!! :)


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 27, 2025, and cute whimsical pictures

Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” J...