Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Table Top Tuesday - still loving that Beach Look Part 4

Hello Sweet Friends,

So how has your Tuesday been going??

Mine has been going........ doing some laundry,
cleaning the bathrooms, fun necessary stuff like
that,  not real exciting accept for the results.
Love a clean house!!

Thought I would show you some more pictures 
of our beachy look before Fall gets here.

These are all scenes from the sofa table which
 is against the wall.  lol

Sometimes I like to use pretty cards when I need 
something else but don't know what, so found
 this lovely beach scene, it was a card from my
 Son-in-loves Mom, and it has special meaning,
like to use them for that reason mostly.
Sweet reminders of good times had,  or good
friends....special treasures.

love this lil pink sea urchin shell, one of my
fav shells.

This lil plaque had the right colors and 
thought it coud look beachy as well.

 This pic was before.............

 I added one of my new starfish recently.

 posterized affect!

A shot of the family room,  this was before
I added the tags to the pillows,
If you would like to see click here!

Do you see my coastal cat!  lol
I should have hung a shell around her neck.....

These next ones are of the  mantle,  my pictures in the room don't
 looks very coastal,  but decided not to let that stop me cause
 I wanted to experience a fun beachy room. 

 Must be my age..........when you get passed 50 you really could
 care less what other people think!!  lol
unless it is something that might make the Lord look bad......
that's where I draw the line.

 Have had this nautilus shell for over 30 years,  it was
a  gift from some old and dear friends, from when we
 lived in Fort Lauderdale.  It has a candle inside.

Here they are lit up!  Can you see a lil light on the
 nautilus shell at the top.

Thought I should light this one up too.

Just a different vantage point.

Thought you would like to see my tray on the
coffee table,  undated a lil with one of my new
starfish and the pretty tag,  and the half cut shell
that was on the starfish bag........and also changed
the raffia some,  pulled it apart where it looked
more like seagrass.  Liked how it looks.

Hope it gives you the desire to 
go to the beach...............

Thanks for your visit...........
always love readingyour 
sweet comments.

I am linking up to Marty over at
  a stroll thru life
So go see more table tops
just click here!

Love, Hugs
and Seashore Blessings,


  1. Love that look! I've already booked my trip to the beach for October. I still haven't heard anything from God about my request to move to my own beach house. LOL!
    Enjoy your family and all those fun changes coming!

  2. I love anything to do with the beach,wish I lived by the sea,I saw the coastal cat,tehehehe.

  3. Now ya know I am LOVIN all the beachy items and how you put them together..

    it was so sweet of you to come and visit me..
    humid here today too. kinda like breathing water. I'm ready for the weather to get just a little cooler so I can spend more time outside.
    I really need to go through my 27 large containers of STUFF in the storage building out back but its just sooooo very hot in that building it makes me feel sick just being out there 30 minutes. I thought about taking my fan out there with me but not sure even that would help enough..
    I didnt post about it but I am doing a serious house cleaning out. I mean . lots of furniture and stuff too. I'm just ready for things to be simple. I dont want it written on my tombstone : SHE LIVED, SHE DUSTED< SHE DIED. know what I mean..
    thanks for being someone I can type that too and not feel weird about it .. I value your friendship.
    blessings and good wishes to you and yours.

  4. I'm still trying to figure out how to get some "beach" time in before it gets too cold to enjoy it!

  5. It is really great to visit the beach while in my air conditioned house, ha! I love the starfish. Molly really looks like she enjoys being inside on these hot days! I love your nautilus! I thank you for helping me get a new computer system. It really has gotten tiresome tilting my screen like a wedge of cheese to be able to see the picture, ha! I think I'll be more interested in being more involved with my programs on it when I get my new set up!
    Love to you all, Susan

  6. Oh, Nellie, that makes me so want to go to the beach! I'm already looking forward to our next trip in October!

  7. It looks so beautiful! I love your living room. I can just see you sitting there and enjoying yourself with your hubby! Thanks for sharing!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday January 30, 2025, and pictures of Winter decor

For I know the plans  I have for you,” declares the  Lord , “plans to prosper  you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future....