Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Blissful white Wednesday - White livingroom dressed for Fall, Part 1

Afternoon Sweet Friends,

Hope this find you well and happy!

 I am happy, but not so
Threw my back out while I was sleeping night before
last...........go figure on how that happened!! 
 So I am sitting carefully, if only I didn't have to sit 
or lie down it would be great!  lol

Today I am participating in a new Meme called
"Blissful Whites Wednesday"

Today is the very first day so make sure you
go over and check it out,  by Clicking Here!
and encourage Becky in her new

It is happily taken on by Becky from over at
Timewashed, with the blessings of Kathleen
from Faded Charm who used to do a Meme
called "White Wednesday", and if you have
been in blogland very long I am sure you
are very familiar with it., and what a lovely
Meme it was....................So we thank you,
 Kathleen for all the fun and beauty you 
brought us, and give you our best wishes.

These first pics are of my foyer area!

Posterized affect!

This is what you see first upon entering my

Left this in so you could see that if you go to the
right,  it leads to my family room,  go left and
you are in my white livingroom, and behind it
is my dining area.

As you enter my home, if you look to the right,  you will
see a newly redone wall.  It is actually green,  looks almost
white here.  lol

As you enter the white livingroom,  this is the
first table you would encounter,  as you can
see I have dressed it up a lil for Fall.

Notice any changes???
check out the top of the cloche!!

That would be the starfish dishes.

Posterized affect

Told you I would have to find a way to incorporate them
into my Fall decorating!  lol

Fit perfectly in the hole on top of my cloche.

Posterized affect!

Next you would see the my cedar chest
coffee table.


This is at the other end of the coffee table!

I am gonna stop here for today and will show you 
the rest next week,  and maybe the week after, just
 depends on how many pics there are!! lol

So stay tuned for Part 2.

Thanks for stoppin' in................

I'm also linking up to Marty over at
 a Stroll thru life, to check out other
Fun Table Tops, click here.

Hope you have a Wonderful 

Hugs and Blessings, 



  1. Your home looks lovely and the entrance is the little cart!

  2. It all looks so lovely, Nellie! Glad you found a great way to incorporate the starfish dishes!! Too much fun!

    Thanks so much for joining in and helping to get the word out about BWW!!
    Love ya!

  3. I'm always amazed at how many ways you find to arrange & rearrange your tabletops & other vignettes! (I especially like the white gourds...AND candles.)

  4. I'm praying your back gets better! I'm right the opposite, the pain in my knee and hips occurs when I stand up or bend to sit down. Sitting is okay, it's just the bending to do so! The challenges of getting older.

    Wow, you have been busy! It's beautiful as always when you bring about your new decorating ideas.
    Love to you all, Susan.

  5. Hi Nelly :)
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
    About what you say of not being able to read Spanish, I must tell you that you have a translator at the beginning of the blog. This will allow you to read all those old entries from my blog. All the new entries are in both languages. I hope this will help.
    From now you have a new follower.

  6. Such pretty pictures of your home Nellie. I hope your back is better soon.

  7. Nellie

    Fall and White two of my favorites. I love love your little table with the candle lit.

    Hope you feel well soon.

    Blessings & Love

  8. So beautiful! I love how you decorate. Everything looks so fresh and pretty. Sorry to hear about your back. I hope it's better by now!

  9. Looks lovely, Nellie! I like your wreath and the grouping of pictures. Hope your back heals up quickly. Have a wonderful weekend.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie