Thursday, June 30, 2016

Thankful Thursday June 30th, 2016, nature scenes

 Give praise to the LORD,
 proclaim his name;
 make known among the
 nations what he has done.
1 Chronicles 16:8

Happy Thursday Sweet Friends,

Bet you are all getting prepared for
the 4th of July since it is just a few
days away.

We still haven't made any plans,
am thinking about calling some
old and dear friends that we
 haven't seen for awhile, so will
see if that works out, as Scott,
 Megan and lil darling have had 
plans for a while now...........
it may just wind up just me and 
the Mister... which is fine too!!
We have been invited over to 
our neighbors house for a 4th
of July celebration but it is
on Sunday, not Monday!

 Just decided to add some nature 
pics today!! Make sure to click
on one of the pics to enlarge
them all for better viewing

Sunrise at the Beach

I am thankful

that we were able to get a quick
 estimate for rescreening our porch
 and it was less than we expected.
Which is rare, it is typically way
 more than we expect since we are 
used to doing most things ourselves.

that hubby has gotten to work at
 home all week,  and will have a 4 
day weekend as well, so that is a
nice lil break from driving and
 working for him.

Sandhill cranes, we get them
around here ocassionally

that I finally got my permanent
crown put in on Tuesday, so my 
dental sage is over for now
at least.......Whoo Hoo....
 Very happy about that!!


for a chocolate pudding dessert
I made this week.  Just graham
crackers and pudding....

This was a shot from our

that the place where we get frozen 
yogurt on Sunday's (Yomii) gives
 reward points as well, so we found 
out recently that we have racked
up $50 worth of free
 we will be getting lots of free yogurt
 for awhile.  Gotta Love that!!

for Yomii's strawberry and now
their new pineapple yogurt. Both
 are so refreshing and so delicious in
 this hot weather and best of all...... 
it cools me right off!!

These lil cuties are Ibis and we get
to see them in our yard ocassionally too.

that our friend came today (Wed.)

and rescreened our porch and it looks 
so nice.  Now we can clean the floor
 and start getting it back together 
Very excited about that!

that doing the porch is one more
thing off our to do list before

This was a goat we saw while
driving around.....thought he
was cute.......

that as I am writing this there
is a fellow fixing the next door
neighbors fence.........they are
having a big party for the 4th
so I am thinking he should be
done in the next few days!!
If you have been reading my 
blog the passed 2 weeks you
 know we have been waiting 
quite a while for this to happen!
So we are quite happy about this....

Update: He got all the new boards 
on and was hoping he would paint 
today, but didn't see him at all
 today... so hoping for tomorrow!!

Cardinal in our bird bath,  we get them
quite often............


that lil darling is doing much better
 today. She seemed to be feeling fine
 when she arrived on Wednesday,  altho
 she had gotten sick once during the night 
and was fine all morning, and didn't seem 
to be running a fever or anything but when 
she woke up from her nap, she came out 
and was sitting on my lap trying to wake 
up and just started throwing up like
crazy. Bless her sweet heart!!
  Just called again to check on her and
 Scott said she was doing fine and it has
 been over 24 hrs. and she hasn't gotten 
sick again. PTL
Talked to her for a  few minutes and 
she sounded really chipper, amazing
 how fast lil ones rebound from stuff
 like that, thank heavens,  so guess it
 was just a 24 hr. bug.
 So thrilled to hear she is over it.

Sunset at the beach

that hubby was here yesterday when
 lil one got sick.  He took care of the 
clean up while I took care of lil
 darling  nd called her Mommy...

for a sweet compliment that I got
 from 2 younger women recently,
that really blessed my heart.


Well, here's to another week at
Cozy Place.

Hope you enjoyed your visit and
 hope you will come back soon.

Hope you have a wonderful 
4th of July and Weekend,
 with those you hold dear.

Love, Hugs,
and First of July Blessings,


Sharing over at:

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Melissa

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

My Sweet Things with Pili

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Best household tips #8

All floral pictures are compliments of

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a good weekend
 and Monday..........
Wow, here we are in our last week
of June already......amazing....
sure hope you are making the most
 of your summer with your kiddos, 
as the time always just goes way
to quickly..........
As a Mom of Adult children I
can tell you I really miss those
lazy laid back days of summer
with my kiddos.........but at least
I get to have Weds. with our lil
darling, so get to experience it
a lil bit................

Today is Monday so have been
reading, working on this post for
 tomorrow, talking with my daughter
 for awhile, started cleaning out my 
pantry, just decided to do a shelf at
 a time, had a friend from church 
come to give us an estimate to
have our porch rescreened, and
hopefully if he can, he will start
on Wed., then I made a chocolate
 pudding dessert, and now I am in
 the process of making din din, and
 took some pics while I was at it for 
a future blog post.  I almost never
 think of that at the time, and later
wish I had!!  lol  It was also nice
that hubby got to work at home
today as well.......So been a good
and productive day!

Thought of some more House-
hold tips that might be helpful
to someone....I hope!

Is your comforter just too hot
for the temps in which you live??

We live in Florida and I have found
found that using a typical comforter
just does not work for us, as it is just
too hot for Spring, Summer and Fall.
So I discovered years ago quite by 
accident, all cotton quilt coverlets,
and what a difference they make....  
Make sure to check the label as to
what they are made of because some
have cotton on the outside but use
polyester inside, which will make
them hot..........just like a comforter.
Also, these are not the typical quilts
 like your grammy made that have
 a country look, altho, if cotton and
thinner than most quilts they could
be used, but these are beautiful
prints. Many have a coastal look
 but you can find some that don't,
 I had one for our old bed that I 
bought at Home Goods years back.
Here is to give you an idea of
what they look like.  This one
came with a throw and a sham.

It is like a jacobean print on one
side and

stripe on the other side, I did use
this side when I refreshed our
Master bedroom with a coastal

Since we got the new bed, I
found a new quilt on sale at
Bed, Bath and Beyond.  

This is the side I am presently
using................ This is actually
the side view, the stripes run
 across the bed from one side to 
the other.....not top to bottom.

This is the flip side

As you can see they don't all look
coastal, but this one could be used
with a coastal theme as well.

Happen to need new outside
lights for your house?

Don't know about you but we
get a lot of bugs and spiders in
our outside lights. Our other lights
were totally enclosed, and you had
to take them apart to clean out all
the bug/spider debri they had in
them, consequently, they looked
 like a mess most of the time.
Then we discover outdoor lights 
 that are open at the bottom, and
they are perfect!!
All we have to do now is stick a
 lambs wool duster or any kind of
 duster with a handle up inside where 
the light bulb is, and clean them out 
in less than a minute. Funny thing
 is the bugs and spiders don't seem
 to like them as well either!!  lol
  So we..........
highly recommend them!

Concerned about your children's
safety and protection?

  Then pray with and for your children
 daily..... Pray for their protection, their
 teachers and their friends, and for any-
thing and everything they or you have 
concerns about.  After all, the only true
 protection any of us have, comes from
 God alone. Of course, as parents we
 are to do the very best we can to protect
 our children, that is why God gave them
 parents, and praying is part of that, but
 ultimately it is in the Lord's hands.
  It is also a great way to teach your 
children the importance of prayer and
 how to pray for themselves as well......
and you get the added benefit of seeing
 the Lord answer those prayers which is
 a great joy and lesson for them and us! 
 and of course, don't forget
 to thank the Lord for his answers.

Came across this verse while reading
this morning and it just seemed to
fit this tip, so thought I would come
back and add it.

"I will lie down and sleep in peace,
for you alone, O Lord,
make me dwell in safety.
Psalm 4:8

Need to clean your wood cutting

Bleach will do the job especially
if you have stains, and will definitely
disinfect it. If you would like a more
green approach, you can also use salt 
and lemon.  Wet your board and  then
sprinkle with salt, then cut a lemon in 
half and scrub using the lemon halves,
 gives it a clean fresh scent, and it will
also disinfect it without the harsh
chemical smells...............

For a fresh smelling garbage

Once you clean the cutting board with
 lemons throw them in the garbage
 disposal to freshen it up a bit.  Do that 
anytime you are disposing of lemons, 
limes or oranges.  You can also use
baking soda...........

You can also throw in some ice cubes
with the citrus and it will help sharpen
 the disposal blades.

Need to prevent scratches on table
tops or walls??
Keep lil stick on felt pads or rubber
 bumpers on hand.  You can get 
them at any hardware store.  They
work great on trays, ceramics that
might not be smooth on the bottom
 or pictures and things for the wall,
 and they just quickly stick right on!

This is a series I have been doing
for a while so if you missed 
Tips #7, and would like to see
it....just click here!

Happy you could visit today,  and 
hope you find a tip or two that might
work for you!

Have a Great Day!

Love, Hugs, and
Last of June Blessings,

Sharing over at:

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Saavy Southern Style with Kim

Life an Linda with Linda and friends

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends

McCall Manor with Holly and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Melissa

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

My Sweet Things with Pili

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Thankful Thursday June 23, 2016, Quick and easy 4th of July Table

 God is our refuge and strength,
 an ever-present help in trouble.
Psalm 149:1

Greetings Sweet Peas.......

Hope you are having a wonderful

first week of Summer.....

It has really been beautiful here the last
 few days, albeit, hot as blue blazes,
 but the evenings have been a bit cooler
 and breezier than the daytime temps

Since the 4th of July is just around
the corner, thought I would share a 
previous 4th of July table from years
 back. Since it falls in the summer I tend
 to be more layed back with my enter-
taining, so I typically use paper goods,
 but that doesn't mean you can't still 
have a nice table to enjoy.  Just threw
this together with paper goods and
things I already had........always fun
to just shop your house.........
you just never know what you might
 come up

Well, on with Thankful Thursday..........

I am thankful......

that my back was good enough
that I could go to church this
passed Sunday, as I was in too
much pain to go the week before.
Wearing high heels seemed to
make it feel better, so had no
problems at all while I was
at church.

that we had a great time with Dee
(our daughter) last weekend.  
It was so good to see her as I had
 been missing her and was definitely
ready for a visit.... it was a short
but sweet visit.

that Dee made it home safe and sound,
We thought we might have to go back
and get her from the airport, as they 
wouldn't let them board the plane
 because of a mechanical problem, and
 the plane had already been delayed and
 hr. and a half.
Of Course, we would have loved that,
but knew that Jerry and Rosie would
be quite disappointed, so was glad
that didn't happen.

#4 and #5
that my dental appt. went well in 
every back was no 
worse for the wear even tho I was in
 the dental chair for over 2 hrs. 
  Then I wound up only needing a
 filling rather than a crown on 
another tooth, and my root canal
situation has completely healed and
they did the final impressions, so 
should have my final crown inserted
next week,  so my dental saga will be
 over for quite a while I am hoping.   

that when the lights went off at
the dental office about 30 mins.
before I left,  that all the hard
stuff was done....and that they
did have lights on one side of
the office so they could finish
up impressions and other odds
and ends. Then the lights went
 completely off just the moment 
we decided on the color for my
 crown, which was the last thing
they had to do........... 
 Talk about perfect
Cause I would have had to go
back just for very
happy about that!!

for a fun time looking around
in Michaels and Joann 's crafts
yesterday.  It has been awhile
 since I really had time to browse
around in these stores, so I really
enjoyed myself, and picked up
a few fun things for lil darling
and some flowers for my porch,
if my back ever lets me get out
there to clean it and redo it. lol
I am hoping for this weekend.

for dinner out at Red Lobster
with hubby after my afternoon
at the dentist........we haven't 
been there in quite a long time
and it was really delish, and a
nice way to celebrate all the
events that happened at the

that lil darling has been such a
jewel knowing that Grammy's
back has been hurting, she has
been so helpful and was con-
tent to play on our bed, as she
is used to Grammy getting on
the floor with her a lot.

that we recently discovered a new Roku
channel called Feeln.  It is a paid chanel, 
but pretty inexpensive.  They have a bunch
 of Hallmark Hall of Fame movies.  
Have never seen a Hallmark movie
 I didn't like......

and very excited that I may be
able to stay with my present
dentist because a friend that
hubby works with called and
said that Aetna has bought out
our Dental Ins. Company. I 
have been praying that hubbies
Co. would switch to and Ins.
 my dental office uses...........
So am thinking this might just
be my answer................
Whoo-Hoo if it


that my jack of all trades brilliant
hubby may have found a way to 
fix our damaged bed. That would
be awesome, and if anyone can
do it he can............
 I will let you know what happens!!

Thanks so much for visiting,
would love to hear from you.


Have a great Friday and weekend
with your loved ones..........

Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs, and

End of June Blessings,


Sharing over at:

Mccall Manor with Holly and Friends

Between Naps on the Porch with Susan

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Melissa

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Rooted in Thyme with Stan and Jody

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Saavy Southern Style with Kim

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Our Father's Day Table for 2016

Happy Tuesday and Happy Summer
Sweet Friends,

It has finally arrived....altho it seems
like it has been here for awhile!! lol
Well, I hope all the Dad's in your life
 had a great day on Sunday.......

Our Dad's seemed to enjoy them-
selves pretty well.............and it was 
nice for most of the family to be able
 to be here, but we did miss
 Jerry and Rosie..........
Hopefully next time we get together
they can be here too.

Well, told you our bed came last
Friday and guess what??
It was damaged again, in the exact
same place on the food board, the
spool type foot was torn right off, 
and the box looked like it had been
 thru a war zone......seriously......
so we decided to just cancell and
get our money guess 
we will be on the hunt again soon.

My back is quite a bit better, not
quite there yet, and have to go to
the dentist today for a rather long
appt., so hoping that doesn't 
change anything back wise........

For Father's Day I needed to 
come up with something that
would fit both our Father's in
the family.  So decided to do
a Coffee they
are both avid coffee drinkers.

Had some burger king crowns
left over from when I did the
King and Princess birthday
table back in March.
You can see it here and here,
if you want.

So I decided to do one with a
coffee theme since I had some
lil stick on embellishments.

Then my daughter and I tied it and
the sign together and she hung it over 
the table for me............

Then I got a white tray to match
 the white dishes and made a
 coffee tray

This is the view from one side

and here is the view from the other.
You will see later that I changed
 it up a little.

I used our french coffee maker, a coffee 
cup candle I have had for ages, a bag of
 coffee, a glass container of Werthers 
coffee flavored candies, and these cute
 cups I found by accident at Wally 
World, and thought they would go
 perfectly with our theme.

Here's a better view of the cup
They are with the normal paper
goods, they are just Dixie cups.
But cute Dixie cups!!  lol

Now on to the place settings
Wanted a more simple look
since it was a guy table, so just
 used my white corelle ware,
 and simple modern silverware.

Found a bag of nine kitchen clothes
 in this camel color for like $3.48,  
again at Wally World, and thought 
they would make great napkins for
 a guys table, as they have texture.  
Folded them so
they would have a pocket to put
the silverware,  but only wound
up doing it at lil darlings place.

I decided just to do the silver-
ware the normal way and to 
add the candy on top of the
terry napkins.

An Overview


I also used glass candle holders
 with coffee beans for ambiance.
Also put mini creamers at each
 end with the candles to be used
 later when we had coffee.

Colored pencil affect

Did you notice that I changed out the
bag of coffee and wound up using the
 mug with spoons for the  tray
vignette instead........

With Cutout affect


Happy you could drop by and hope 
you enjoyed your visit.

Have a really good week,
Keep you light shining brightly,

Posterized Affect

Love, Hugs,  and
Official Summer Blessings,

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...