Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Fall Coffee Table 2017

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a nice weekend and

We had some nice cool and cold
weather over those days so that makes 
this girl happy.........also went out and 
checked out BJ's Wholesale club, went
 to din din at Long Horns, watched a
 movie that was good in some ways
but we couldn't quite figure it out in
others..... So it wouldn't be a movie
I would recommend really.  lol
Did some more work in the yard, 
talked a lot about the poem in my last 
post - (See it here if you so desire)
 as we prepared for Sunday school, 
 then our usual Sunday School and 
church, and out for lunch at Perkins,
took a nap, then watched our Pastors 
on TV in the evening.  Monday was
my usual household routine and I
started some Blueberry Vinegar, and
 worked on this post some......lol 
 So it was a nice weekend and
 Monday.......and hope your's 
was too......

Have had these pics from our family
room for awhile now so decided to
post some of them today.

You will notice I threw in some
pics with photo affects just for
the fun of it...........

This is our family room 
coffee table.............

As I go thru this room in posts
to come, and in this post.....
I will highlight many of the items
 I talked about in several posts
in the last month, about fun
 items to use for Fall.

If you are interested in seeing 
those posts.

Just click here for Part 1

Here for Part 2


Here for Part 3

Seasonal Sprinkles
These are metallic Fall leaves

Pumpkins of any kind, real or faux,
fabric, metal, resin or whatever.....

Seasonal magazines or books

Soft omni affect

Colored pencil affect

 Candles with Fall colors.

Soft Omin affect

Photocopy Affect

Glad you stopped in and hope
you had fun..........

We are looking forward to seeing
the cute lil trick or treaters tonight.....
We never have too many anymore for 
some reason. Probably cause there 
are now more lit up neighborhoods
where they can go......so can't
blame them.......

How about you....do you enjoy 
the Trick or Treaters??

Hugs and Safe
Halloween Blessings,

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Scripture Sunday - The Art of Marriage Poem

Morning Sweet Friends,

Today will be a lil different... I am not

leaving you with a scripture but I am
leaving you with some scriptural
principles about marriage.

I happened to get a sales email from
 Dayspring  this week, and they had a
 plaque for sale and it was called
"The Art of Marriage"
and I thought the poem was really good...
and we will be discussing this in our
 young marrieds class this Sunday, and 
thought it would be great to share
it with you as well............

The man who wrote it Alferd Peterson,
was an American Author and was regarded
 as "one of the best loved American writers
 of the 20th century, and renowed for his
 inspirational wisdom and aphoristic wit".
(aphorism- a short phrase that expresses
 a true or wise idea.....just in case you 
never heard of it before....  I never had!)

The Art of Marriage Poem

Do you know what it takes to have a great marriage?
I think it’s safe to say that most of us who are married, or who have been married, find it challenging – or to have been a challenge. There is always something new to learn about yourself, your partner, communicating and just getting along. Wilferd A. Peterson, the author of the poem “The Art of Marriage,” was married to his wife for 58 years. Do you think maybe he learned some things from being married that long? I thought what he had to say was worth sharing. Read on.

“The Art Of Marriage”
Happiness in marriage is not something that just happens.
A good marriage must be created. 

In the art of marriage the little things are the big things…

It is never being too old to hold hands.

It is remembering to say “I love you” at least once a day.

It is never going to sleep angry.

It is at no time taking the other for granted;
the courtship should not end with the honeymoon,

it should continue through all the years.

It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives.

It is standing together facing the world.

It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family.

It is doing things for each other, not in the attitude

of duty or sacrifice, but in the spirit of joy.

It is speaking words of appreciation

and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways.

It is not looking for perfection in each other.
It is cultivating flexibility, patience, understanding
 and a sense of humor.

It is having the capacity to forgive and forget.

It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow.

It is finding room for the things of the spirit.
It is a common search for the good and the beautiful.

It is establishing a relationship in which the independence is equal, dependence is mutual and the obligation is reciprocal.

It is not only marrying the right partner, it is being the right partner.

It is discovering what marriage can be, at its best.
– by Wilferd Arlan Peterson

Here is a link to this above poem in case you would like it
Just .Click here  or type it in for yourself  @https://lifelessons4u.wordpress.com/tag/the-art-of-marriage-poem/

Isn't this Lovely....
 and Me thinks....it is a very good description of what 
we all, who are married, should be aiming for in our marriages..............

What do you think???

Have a Blessed Sunday,

Friday, October 27, 2017

Thankful Thursday October 26, 2017, scenes from Fall's past #5

Praise the LORD.
Blessed are those who fear the LORD, 
who find great delight in his commands.
Psalm 112:1

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a delightful day.

It has been wonderful here.....a nice
cool day starting at 58 degrees and
is now up to 78, but it was only
 suppose to go to 73, but most of the
 day has been cool for Florida, so
 it has been a very delightful and
beautiful day, with the windows
 open and I am loving it............

This week has been mostly about 
helping out with lil darling and
then resting up....lol

Pics today are more scenes from
Falls Past........hope you enjoy
them and my thankful post.

I am thankful

that we finally got our new Discover
cards, (because they were cancelled
 due to fradulent activity) they sent 
them but somehow they had the wrong
 address so Fed X couldn't deliver them, 
and then they sent them a 2nd time and
 the same thing happened because they 
were flagged to get a new address, any-
way one card finally arrived on Sat.,
and the other one to arrive this week.

for more work done in the yard
twice this week.

for a fun time with Scott, Megan
and lil darling and my SIL Susan
on Sunday.  They all came over 
for dinner and we had a really
good time....as it has been awhile
since we have gotten together.

that we have food and water to
eat and drink available to us
at all times.......sometimes we
can really take these sort of
things for granted.......

that we have a home in which
to live and not just a home,
but a home totally suited to us,
and that we love..........

that God has always blessed 
my husband with a good jobs, and 
even in the times that he was laid 
off due to jobs closing or cutbacks, 
God has always taken amazing
 care of us.......we have never
had a bill go unpaid.....

that we live in a country that
has good medical care. 

that we live in the USA.......
even with all her problems I can't
think of anywhere else I would
rather live..........

to hear about some really fun news
that happened to Lucy over at the
Craftberry Bush, she has just the
 most delightful blog, and she made 
it to the cover of Romantic Homes
Christmas issue. What a fun treat
for her and us.
If you would like to see the post,
just click here

that Fall seems to have finally
arrived here in Florida.  It was
58 degrees here last night and
our high will be 73 today, which
is cool for us.........Yeaahhhhhhh!!
It actually turned out to be 78
degrees but it was still cooler!

that I got to see lil darling 3 times
 this week, Sunday, Monday and 
So that was a special treat!

for a really sweet movie from the
Hallmark chanel called "The Wedding
Dress"......it was really great!

Well, there you have it...

Thanks for coming today......
Happy you stopped by!!

Hope you have a 


Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs,

and end of October Blessings,


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Walking on Sunshine Recipes

Life with Lorelai

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Starfish Cottage

Life and Linda 


The Dedicated House

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Playing and Practing - a simple Fall table for dessert and coffee............

Happy Tuesday
Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having the
 beginnings of a great week!

Altho, I am a bit tired today, I had 
very different Monday.....as I spent
 most of the day at Scott and Megan's
 home yesterday taking care of lil
darling as Mommy was waylayed
by some minor surgery. I had a nice
 day and we all got to visit some as
well, as playing with lil darling, so
it was a nice break from my 
normal rountine..........

A Few weeks back I found some
new and fun Pumpkin salad/
dessert plates you see here below.

Have been wanting some for years
but any I saw that I liked were just
too pricey for a seasonal item, for
me anyway......so as I was out and
about I happened on these at 
Wally World at a great price!

The least expensive I had seen were
almost $8-10 a plate.....I found all 4 of
these for $10, so decided they should
come home with me.....lol

           With Equalized Affect

Already had the centerpiece on
the table so just decided to see how the 
new plates would look in an actual

 so just threw this together
just for fun....and thought
it would work well for dessert
 or breakfast.

and these whims are always a 
good time to practice camera
and photoshop affects too,
as you will see throughout
the rest of the post..........

Can't believe these white baby Boo
 pumpkins have lasted since last year!

The only change is they yellowed
some..............but they are in perfect
condition otherwise.  Maybe because
they have been in Air conditioning
the whole time.  Cause I just left
them out in the kitchen area  with
some other faux fruit every since
 last Fall.............so that was a
nice surpise..........

 Cut Out affect

 Posterized Affect

An Overview

Polar Coordinates - I get a kick
out of this affect,  I call it my
Alice in Wonderland affect.

Make sure to Click on it or any pic
if you would like to get a better
view point...........

Omni Affect

All the affects were done on Photoshop

Love this soft affect!

 Paint Daubs affect

Polar Coordinates Affect

This one always seems like a type
of modern art affect.........


Thanks for visiting with me today,
Glad you came by.....and hope
you enjoyed your time here.

Have a lovely week
Keep your light shining

Love, Hugs and
last week of  Fall Blessings,


Can you believe only 7 more days
of October???  Guess I better get
out and buy some candy for those
trick or treaters......lol

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