Tuesday, July 24, 2018

A couple of easy low-cal snacks

Hello Sweet Friends,

How this finds you well and happy!

We are well and happy, but just not
 a lot going on around here today other 
than the normal household chores. 
 So since I have time to spare decided
 to make a snack I have been wanting to 
make since last week to eat and to share
with yall.  I already made the other
 snack a number of times.  Both very
simple and yet delicious.

The first one I call...... 
personal fruit pizzas

Have you ever had fruit pizza?
It looks like a pizza with fruit
on it......well, if not, they are so
amazingly wonderful....but since
I can't eat a whole one of those
and because it has a lot of sugar
and sugar cookie dough....
I came up with these fun and
delicious lil babies.

that are made with these 3 ingredients
below here.

Just spread the creamy cheese on
the cracker,  slice a strawberry or
2 and lay them on the cracker and
if you want sprinkle them with
just a teeny bit of sugar.  
Sugar is optional and since I have
been using organic strawberries
they are so tasty I don't need to
use it at all.....

I figured the calories at about
123 for what you see on the 
plate below......that does not
include sugar......but if you
just sprinkle it lightly it shouldn't
amount to much. Love these!!
and you can use any kind of
fruit you prefer.......my fav just
happens to be strawberries.

The 2nd snack I think I might have 
learned from Weight Watchers
 eons ago......

I  just call them.....
Frozen bananas slices
(such a creative name, lol)

Use as many bananas as you would like,
and slice them into 1/2 " slices
I used 1 1/2 bananas for my pictures 

Then put each slice on a cookies sheet
lined with parchment or wax paper.
Next use the Herseys syrup to drizzle
on top them.  You can use whatever
chocolate you want.......

You can either drizzle it or squeeze 
a dollop on top of each one.

This shows both ways.....I choose the
drizzle as it is quicker and easier on
my hand since it is a squirt bottle, but
you do waste some chocolate.....

Then you stop them with any kind of 
chopped nuts, many times I use pecans
 but this time I used peanuts cause I had 
some tiny bags leftover from MacDonalds
Ice Cream Sundaes, so just used those
since they were available, quick and
easy.  As you can see I wasn't going
for perfection here.....lol  but you
can if you want..........

Now put them in the freezer uncovered
for about an hour till they freeze, and
you can eat them all or store them in
a plastic container and put them back
in the freezer and eat them a lil at a 
time........I usually make a whole 
cookie sheet full and they are closer
together, but ran out of naners...lol

I figured the calories for one banana
with both toppings to be about
 210 calories.  I typically only eat
about 4-6 at a time.  They are a
nice refreshing treat for this hot
summer we are having......

Hope you try some out.....think you
will like them, and if you have kiddies
that like naner's they will probably
love them too.  I meant to make some
today with caramel on them and forgot.
so guess I will do that next time.
So you might want to try it if you
have some caramel on hand, I am
sure they would be great too.

Thanks for dropping by!!

Have a fun summer Day!


Sharing with:

A Stroll thru Life

Stone Gable

Life with Lorelai

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Starfish cottage


  1. They look and sound delicious, Nellie, especially for someone like me who has to watch her sugar intake, thanks for sharing.

  2. Great recipes, Nellie!! I can hardly wait to try them! Love you, Susan

  3. Thanks Sue,
    Hope you enjoy them.........

    Have a Blessed day hon,

    Glad you came by.....

  4. Thanks Susan,

    Think you will like them.....and they are easy.....one of your favs too.
    Thanks for coming by....



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...