Tuesday, July 10, 2018

An Easy yet Tasty Summer Meal

 Hi Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you all well and
happy and enjoying Summer with
your kiddles, if they are still at home.

We are well and happy and enjoying
summer but our kiddles are in their
 own homes. lol  but we did enjoy
the freedom of a quick weekend
get-away to see our friend and his
wife, who had the surgery 2 weeks 
ago.  It was a very blessed time.

My post is inspired by our din din 
tonight.  I loved it all....
and it was simple, easy and 

We made cube steaks on the grill,
with seasoned salt and granulated
garlic on them.  This is only our
2nd time to do that, but now that
we have discovered this way it
is definitely our fav way to 
make them.

Also Cilantro, Buttered Jasmine rice.
  Actually I made cilantro buttered frozen
niblets corn first, at another time, which
 gave me the idea to do it with the 
Jasmine rice.  Cause I absolutely love
 Jasmine rice and if you have never had 
it.,,,,you just gotta try it..........I could
seriously eat the whole dish full....

All you do is cook the jasmine rice
or the corn, in the amount you would 
like, according to package directions.
  I do mine in the microwave, as
 I think it comes out so much better.

Once it is cooked,  I just add the
butter in the picture you see below
in the amount you want,  then chop
some cilantro in the amount you
 would like and stir it up, and eat, and 
of course, you can heat it more in the
 microwave if need be.....

If you have never tried this butter,
you should try it....it is really tasty.

We also had grilled zucchini with
shredded parmesan on top.

Just slice the zucchini in 1" slices
and put on a cookie sheet sprayed
with pam spray, then spoon a lil
 parmesan on top of each one.
Try to buy larger zucchini as it will
make the slices bigger (widthwise)
and make it easier to put the cheese 
on top.  Bake in a 400 degree oven
for about 20 mins. checking every
so often just in case.  Once they
are tender turn the broiler on High
and brown them good.  Watch
them closely as you are broiling
so they don't burn.

and Fresh Home Grown Tomatoes
Just slice, salt.....and eat!!

Bon appetit'

Thanks for joining me
hope you especially try out that
Buttered, Cilantro Jasmine Rice
or Corn.  Think you will love it.

Have a great rest of the week,

Love, Hugs, and
Happy Eating Blessings,



  1. Oh, how you make me hungry, lol! I have thoroughly enjoyed the pasta salad recipe you had! Now I've got to try your rice recipe! Thank you for all of your delicious recipes! Love you, Susan

  2. Thanks Marty, and hope you are feeling much better.
    Praying for you hon.

    Blessings, Nellie

  3. Thanks Susan,
    So glad you enjoyed the pasta salad recipe so much. I can't really take any credit for it,
    other than just passing it on, as it was my friend Arlene's recipe. I have gotten quite
    a few good recipes from her over the years.

    Have a good day,
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie