Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Fall Mantle 2018

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well and 
not in the path of Hurricane Florence,
altho some of you probably are....
Know we are praying for that storm
to go out to sea.....and praying for
anyone that is in it's path. It has
moved more northerly, so hoping
it makes a big turn in the next day.

Our daughter and son-in-love are
in the path, and they will be leaving
Chareston in the morning.  They are
 going to Savannah now, as they had
booked a hotel room last weekend
 as soon as they heard about it,  but 
now Colombia where they were 
gonna go is in the path of the storm
as well, course, it should be down
graded by then, but colombia tends
to flood a lot I think. At least it did
a few years ago.

I have been decorating my lil heart
out.....I love decorating for Fall
especially when I don't change
anything for summer.  So have
done no decorating other than 
few small changes since Spring.
So having fun with it,  and that
has been my week so far, will
take a break tomorrow since
we have lil darling.

Living room is done now,
just have to finish the family
room, and the mantle was a
good start.  So getting there.

Just kept the hearth simple this 
year, but do need to get some logs 
or something to put in the
 fireplace.  lol

the right side of the mantle

the Left side of the mantle

Just wanted to add something to make
it a lil 3 dimensional and to add some
orange to go with the rest.

Well, there she is.....
 in all her glory!!  lol

Love using candles in the Fall
and Winter.....to hot in Spring 
and Summer....course, it isn't
quite Fall yet here, but just
thought I would show you
what it will look like in here
by the end of October!

Thanks for coming by,
and have a great week!

Love, Hugs and
Blessings Galore,

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  1. I really like the last picture! Your arrangement is really nice for fall, especially the pumpkins! Love you all, Susan

  2. Thanks Susan.

    Have a good weekend,
    Love, Nellie

  3. Hi Cindy,
    So nice to hear from you, thanks for coming by and for your sweet comment.
    Hope this finds you doing well hon,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie