Monday, September 3, 2018

Thankful Thursday September 6, 2018, and Fall flowers

I will sing the LORD’s praise, 
for he has been good to me.
Psalm 13:6 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are doing very well.

We are doing well,  it has been
a good week,  and you will
read about it so will just get 
on with it.

Pictues today are of beautiful
Fall flowers.  Flowers always
cheer me assuming it
might be the same for you!!

Thankful for a wonderful chicken
dish called "Grilled Bruschetta
Chicken".  It is a Kraft recipe and 
we haven't made it in quite awhile,
and had forgotten how good it is.
It is also a great Company worthy
dish to serve.
If you are interested, here is
the link to the recipe with a
video that show you exactly
how to do it.  Love that too.

We cheated a lil by using some
Bruschetta sauce from Traders
Joes, called Giotta's Bruschetta
sauce.  Delicious!  Also used
Italian dressing to marinate it
as I didn't have the sundried
tomato on hand this time,
and it worked out fine. Served
it with Mash potatoes and a
green bean casserole.

Thankful for an unexpected 
and fun surprise from Karen
Haller over at her blog
Oh My Heartsie Girl.
She was so sweet to feature
a recent post of mine.
Here is a link if you have
never visited here.

Thankful that hubby again was
able to find and fix a plumbing
problem we were having.
My Hero!  He is so amazing!

Thankful for 2 full days of sun
shine and no rain....

Thankful for our church and
getting to hear the Pastor that
we used to work with in Sun-
day school over a year ago.
He preached at our church
this past Sunday.  So good
to see him.

Thankful for a nice lunch at
Olive garden with our new
friends and then back to their
home for visiting and dessert.
Fun afternoon!

Thankful for a lovely time with
 Scott, Megan and lil darling at 
their home on Labor day. 
Always a blessing.

Thankful for Senator John McCain's 
service to his country and may he
 rest in peace, and may his family be
 comforted with the peace that only
God can give during this time of 

Thankful for the Senator they have 
chosen to replace Sen. John McCain.
 From what I have read he sounds
 like a great choice.

Thankful for post it notes as they
 are proving to be a great tool for
 making teaching of certain things
more fun.

Thankful that I was able to buy
 a gift for our house today that is
 really from my Mom (the sale 
of her home).  It is 3 beautiful
 white chairs for my kitchen.
I can't wait to get them next
week,  I have wanted new 
chairs forever it seems, and 
love that everytime I see them
 I will remember my Mom and
that they are a gift from her.

Thankful for a fun day today
(Thursday), started off with me
only getting 4 hrs of sleep but
feeling pretty peppy inspite of
it, then devotions with hubby, 
then a long conversation with my
girl, then a 30 min. fast walk in 
the mall before picking up lil
 darling from school, then going 
to order my chairs at Pier one,
 singing while taking lil darling
 home, then a lil browsing at
 TJ Maxx and dinner at our fav
Mexican restaurant..............
Works for me!!  

Glad you came by...........

Have a great Friday and 

Love, Hugs and 
1st week of September


Sharing with:

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Shabby Art Boutique

Starfish Cottage

The Dedicated House

Stone Gable



  1. #1. Sounds delicious! I just made some chili to eat on for a few days!!
    #2. What a great surprise and joy to you!
    #3. Sounds just like dad used to do! A right good handy man!
    #4. I had a couple of drops, but none significant!
    $5. He did do a great job!
    #6. You've had a busy week! I'll be meeting Sylvia this Tuesday!!!
    #7. Just me and my cowboy movies, ha!
    #8. Yes, and I saw where Burt Reynolds died yesterday (6th) cardiac failure. He was a big
    supporter back in the '70's of Palm Beach Atlantic College (where I attended), It's now
    Palm Beach Atlantic University.
    #9. Praise the LORD for His choosing!
    #10. I have found myself using them more often lately!
    #11. Also the joy of not having to worry anymore!
    #12. Lil' Darling too, ha!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Morning Susan,

    Yes, and Jim and I are both very thankful that your Dad taught Jimmy all the things he did,
    as it has saved us a ton of money over the years.

    That is neat that Burt Reynolds was a big supporter of Palm Beach Atlantic. Sad to hear he
    has passed! May he rest in Peace.

    Have a nice weekend.

    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie