Friday, September 14, 2018

Thankful Thursday September 13, 2018, Scenes from Fall's past 1

Devote yourselves to prayer,
 being watchful and thankful.
Colossians 4:2

Good Friday Morning 
Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you  and yours
doing well.  I am typing this as
Hurricane Florence is starting to
ravage the coast of the Carolina's,
such an ominous and sick feeling 
in my heart, but praying it down
grades quickly and moves much 
faster than they have predicted. 
So thankful it didn't come ashore 
as a Category 4 but it sounds like it 
is still gonna be pretty catastropic,
  but hoping and praying it want be
 anywhere near as bad as they say.

Pictures today are from Cozy
 Place,  Fall decor from the past!

Now on with Thankful Thursday!

#1 and 2
Thankful to have all my Fall
decorations out, and starting
my Fall decorating. 
Thankful to have finished
the guest bath, the foyer,
living room, and am almost
done with the family room
and dining room. Hopefully
will finish that up today.

Thankful for a lovely salad
that Chick-fil-a makes, it
is called "The Market berry
salad",  it is really delish.

Thankful that they have such
good hurricane tracking, as
we are of course, concerned
about our daughter and hubby
who live in Charleston. S.C.

Thankful for a "apple Bourbon"
pork loin roast for dinner.  It
was really delicious.

Thankful that we have been
faithfully back to exercising
the last few weeks. We are
bike riding, walking and 
doing some walking videos.
My scales even went down
a few
Who couldn't like that! 

#7 and 8
Thankful for all the Memorial
celebrations for 9/11.  It is a
sad ocassion but one we never
want to forget since some people 
would write it out of  our history
 if they have the opportunity.
Thankful for all those who gave
their lives on that plane and for
all those who did amazing things
in the aftermath of such a horrific

Thankful that my daughter and
hubby are just outside of Ashe-
ville staying in a cabin and out
of harms way from from the
hurricane, as they were evacuated
 from Charleston.
Now, we are a bit concerned
for their safety there, since there 
will be so much rainfall in that
 area as the remants of the 
hurricane pass over them.
Would appreciate your prayers 
for their safety and ability to
travel home after storm has
passed, if you feel so led.  

Thankful for a fun day out today.
(thursday)Walking/exercising in the
 mall, getting bagels from panera, and
 picking up lil darling from school and 
playing for awhile. Then back out to
 Sams, Burlington coat factory and 
din din at Longhorn. It was a nice
day,  beautiful out, but also hot!

Thankful that my new chairs arrived
 yesterday, but we still have to put 
them together today (Friday).
Excited to see how they look in
my kitchen.........

Thankful for Mango....we have been
 finding it at the grocery store a lot
 lately (which is unusual) and really
 enjoying it, such a delicious fruit.


Well, there you have it.......

Thanks for coming by......

Love, Hugs and
mid September Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Life with Lorelai

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

Life and Linda


  1. Love your pretty fall decor and most of all your list of things to be Thankful for.

  2. Hi Marty,
    So nice to have you visit and thanks for your kind comments.
    How are you feeling these days? Hope you are feeling better
    and better with each new day.
    I have been really enjoying your Fall home tour....
    Thanks for coming by,


  3. #1 & #2. When it's done you can enjoy it for couple of months. As fast as time has been going, it will be here before we know it!
    #3. That's where we ladies went to eat after Bible study! I got their chicken sandwich.
    #4. I have surely had the east coast in my prayers! I pray all will be well with Jerry and Dee
    #5. Surely sounds like it is!
    #6. WOW, lost weight. They say use may gain due to building muscle which weighs more!
    #7 &N #8. 17 years already!
    #9. My prayers are surely with and for them. Our LORD is Good to us.
    #10. I'm glad you had no rain!
    #11. GREAT! New things are such a blessing!
    #12. I have been drinking green tea with mango! It really tastes good!
    I'm so glad I got the Google upgrade of their format figured out, ha! I found all my bookmarks listed in a new area!!! Love you all, Susan

  4. Hi Susan,
    Is that green tea with Mango, hot tea??

    Glad you figured out what the problem was and was able to find the stuff you thought you lost.....sometimes you wish they would just leavethings alone, all the changes can be pretty annoying at

    Thanks for coming by, and for all your comments.

  5. Thank you for sharing on #omhgff last week!
    I am loving your fall tour, the little scarecrow is so cute.
    I do hope your enjoy your week!

  6. Thanks Karren
    and thanks so much for coming by and your kind comments.
    Also thanks for hosting at Oh My Heartsie Girl every week,
    such a fun party....

    Hope you enjoy your week as well.

    Welcome to Fall on Sunday....


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie