Friday, September 28, 2018

Thankful Thursday September 27, 2018, scenes from Fall's past #2

You are my strength,
 I sing praise to you; 
you, God, are my fortress, 
my God on whom I can rely.
Psalm 59:17

Fall Greetings Sweet Friends,

What cha' been up to lately.
Hope whatever it is..... has been
fun and enjoyable for you.

Had a fun and enjoyable week here, 
busier than usual, which is fine, but
have to say I am happy I don't have
 a lot of things I have to do today.  
So hoping for a more restful 
day today!

Pics today are from Fall's past
at Cozy on with my
Thankful list............

# 1 and 2
Thankful for my Paternal Grand-
mother Nellie, whom I was named
after.  She has been in Heaven with
 Jesus for over 28 years now, but 
 Sept. 22nd was her birthday.
 Thankful for one of my Dearest
and Best friends who is really
like a Sister, Vicki who also
has the same birth date.
Both of these ladies have had a
huge impact on my life.

#3 and 4
Thankful for a fun day out walking
 in the mall, picking up lil darling
 and playing awhile, then going out
shopping at Wally World and going
to dinner at Carrabas!  There food
is always amazing, and thankful that
 we had just the nicest and most polite
 and helpful server ever. Such a good
 reminder of what a blessing we can be
 to others if we are kind, considerate
 and helpful to others.  He came to our
table with our water glasses and
 bread and olive oil before he even
greeted us or asked us anything
.....I haven't seen
anyone do that in years!!

Thankful we started painting our 
saddle back stools we got a few
 months ago finally.  They are 
looking great already and look
so much nicer under the break-
fast bar, and hoping to finish
them this week.

Thankful for the sweet sight
of seeing my neighbor who is
raising her Grandson, standing
out in the dark at 6 a.m. to make
sure her Grandson is safe until
the bus comes.  He is a Senior
in High School, and such a
 precious young man who has
 been thru more than any child 
should ever have to go through.
I knew she did this when he was
younger, but didn't know she
was still doing it.........what a
blessing she has been to this
child wo is now almost Adult.

Thankful for something I heard
Joel Osteen say that I had never
thought of in this way before.
He was asking what do we have
on our throne?? Is it worry, fear,
bitterness, etc  Meaning if it is
 worry, fear, bitterness, etc, then
we have taken God off the
 throne and put these other things
in His place.  That was just such
a great word picture and so help-
ful for me as our world spins
crazier and crazier these days.
A great reminder that none of it
takes God by surprise, and that
He has it all under control, our
job is to pray and to trust!!

Thankful for a very meaningful
answer to prayer concerning
direction this week.

Thankful my SIL Susan who had
cataract surgery on Tues. did so
well, and can already see so well
 and she still has to get the othe
 eye done yet. So I would say the
 surgery was a success.  PTL

Thankful for texting, which is very
new to me in the last year, but have
just been sending out some random
texts in the last few days to
 encourage a few people and the
results have been a blessing for
both of us, so think this is gonna
be a fun thing to do often.

Thankful that I found a jacket
top that I am hoping will look
good over a dress I already
have.  They didn't have the
right size but thankfully they 
were able to order it in the
right size,  so should get
it sometime within a week.
Am so hoping it works, as it
is always nice to have some-
thing new to wear

Thankful that my son, Scott has 
gotten so many of my hubbies 
good qualities and talents. 
 He is an amazing man, much
 like his Dad.  He had an
emergency plumbing situation
arise, and he handled it just
the way his Dad would have.
He took the bull by the horns
and figured out how to do
it himself, saving them lots
of money.......

Well, here's another week of 
Cozy Place Thankfuls.....

Glad you could come by and
hope you feel encouraged
when you leave.

Have a lovely weekend,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

A Stroll thru Life



  1. #1 & #2. Praise the LORD ever so much for all of our loved ones being with Him! One day He will reunite us all. praise His Name!
    #3 & #4. What a servant's heart he has. Maybe he belongs to our LORD Jesus for him to have such a servant's heart!
    #5. A task that brings joy in the out come!
    #6. A loving heart that he will always remember and a great example he will surely follow!
    #7. That's so important for us to remember so the devil won't take away from our praise, glory, and honor to our LORD GOD Almighty!
    #8. Thank our LORD Jesus.
    #9. Yes indeed it was a great answer to our prayers by our LORD!
    #10. Yes, I love it too. Alice texted me just before she went into surgery. I'm waiting to hear from her. Prayers to our LORD for her.
    #11. Those jackets look so beautiful with dresses!
    #12. It is so great to see how talents are passed from one generation to another!
    Until later, the LORD bless you all, Love, Susan

  2. Thanks Susan for coming by and for all your comments.

    Didn't see anything that needed answering this time.

    Glad you are having a good week.

    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: