Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat, Smell my feet or Give me something Good to Eat!!

Morning Sweet Friends,
Wanted to say Happy Halloween to all those
Trick or Treaters out there!
I myself, am not a big fan of Halloween,  but we totally enjoy the
children that come by our place,  which is not a lot of kids, cause we
 don't have street lights and  it's pretty dark, so think most parents take
 their children to neighborhoods  that are more lighted,  which is a
very wise idea these days.
We sure do enjoy seeing them dressed up in their costumes
and talking with them,  and of course,  giving them candy.
So you all have a wholesome and safe Halloween!

Also wanted to say
" Halleleujah,  Halleleujah,

Halleleujah, Halleuleujah,

Hal le leu jah!"
The tiling and Grouting, She is finished!!
And looks gorgeous I might add.
Are we happy campers or what???
Can you hear us singing!!  lol
Have a  Really Great Weekend
Dear Friends,
Blessings and Hugs,

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - October 29, 2009

Hello Sweet Friends,
Hope you have been having a very good day.
I had a dental appt.,  and then thought I would do
a lil birthday (for Scott) and anniversary shopping after that,
Which I did.  Got some great deals and even got a few
Christmas gifts as well.  Then ran to the grocery store
so haven't been home but about an hour or so.
  We ate a late lunch so I want be making dinner
tonight,  so thought I would work on Lasagna
to freeze for our Birthday/Anniversary celebration
that is coming up soon.  Hubby is grouting!!  Yeah!!
I am frying the meat as I run back and forth from
the computer in the spare bedroom to the
Figured might as well make good use of the wait time!
Today I am so thankful to my Lord for
Being able to find some really nice gifts for son and
hubby,  and for others for Christmas.
Being able to find a much needed rug for my kitchen.
Have been looking awhile and just could not find
anything that would look good,  and found a striped
one at Kohl's today for $11.49.  I usually don't really
like stripes,  but this looks quite nice actually, and
the price was certainly right..
That our Pastor is not only doing better,  Sunday
they said he was still in ICU but was expected to
make a full recovery.  Praise the Lord!!
We are hoping he heals so quickly that he will
be able to come down this winter like the last
2 years, but will have to wait and see.  We are
just so happy to hear he is gonna be okay!
That they finally got a bed today in the rehab
center for my friends daughter,  it has been
15 days that they have been waiting.
So we are all overjoyed,  and she is probably
arriving there about now. If you feel so led
please pray for her.....her name is Robyn.
That hubby is grouting,  and it is looking so
good,  we can only do half today,  and hopefully
the other half tomorrow and we are done
with the tile!!  You will probably hear us
singing the Halleleuah Chorus by tomorrow
night!!  lol
That I got a pumpkin pie today,  it was on sale
too!  This was a blessed day I tell you!
Hubby got carrot cake last night and it was
good too,  but it isn't the best thing for him
to be eating.  Fortunately,  they are small
cakes,  so there isn't much left.
that daylight savings time is this Sunday,  which
means Scott will get off an hour earlier or more
each day.  Thank Goodness!
that I didn't have to make dinner so I could get
the Lasagna done instead.  I'll make the Chili I was
gonna make for tomorrow night!!
for the coupon my daughter gave us for a free
oil change on Monday where she gets her car done.
Surprise lil blessing there,  saved us $27.00.
That works for me!
that my daughter Dee is liking her job so much.
She graduated last Dec.,  and finally got her first job
 as a Radiology Tech around the end of March or
first of April and she is loving it.  There was a time,
not too long before she graduated,  that she was
wondering if she had taken the right vocation.
We are very thankful she is so happy with it now!!
And last but not least,  I am incredibly thrilled to
be a child of the King of Creation.  He is my
refuge and strength and ever present help in time
of trouble,  just as the word of God says.
Well,  have an incredibly beautiful evening
with your family.  Love up on them a bit,
they like it whether they act like it or not!!  lol
Thanks for coming by.............
Don't forget to leave a comment and thank the
Lord for all he has done for you
Love and Blessings to all you Sweeties,

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

(From Fall last year)

Ev' ning Sweet Friends,
Just finished din din, and hubby ran to get a video
and a pumpkin pie, if he can find one, may come back
with carrot cake,  that would be great too.
Wednesdays are like his Friday........since he works at home
Thursday and Friday.  No Long Drive tomorrow, so
we can celebrate the end of the driving workweek!!
Hope you had a delightful day.  Mine was quiet, but good.
Course,  I did talk on the phone with 2 sweet today for quite
awhile, always fun talking with good friends.  Did some
 reading and washed clothes and hair, and did the usual
 household things, and boom the day was spent!.
So amazing how fast these days are ticking by........
I was gonna surprise hubby by starting to grout the
shower bottom,  but could NOT get the darn lid off
the grout!  He says we will do it tomorrow evening.
Sounds good to me!
Well,  just wanted to say a quick Hello
and hope you have a great evening,
and good day tomorrow!
Blessings and Hugs,

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hiddy Ho Sweet Friends,
Hope your week is going well so far.
Yesterday I spent the bulk of the day with my sweet Dee,
since she was off from work,  we took my car in to get
an oil change and shopped at Ross for a lil bit,
the went back to Dee's and made dinner, hubby
came from work and we hung out till around 9,
hubby was trying to help them with some computer
problems they were having.  It was a good day!!

Yesterday, I bought my first Christmas presents of the season!!
They are for a ministry we do at our church every year,
called the "Toybox Ministry".  It reaches out to people
in the church and community that need some assistance
at that time of the year.  It has truly been a well thought
out and well executed blessing to so many.  We love
participating in it as well.
 I had a young friend last year whose husband had left her
with 3 children, and she definitely needed some help,
and she was able to go, and she said she never felt so
 loved and encouraged.  She said I felt like a
 "queen for a day,"
they had someone carry all the things she picked out
for her children,  and wrapped it all,  and put it in the
car,  and had her pick a gift for herself,  that would
be for the children to give her,  and they even gave
them some Christmas cards,  also,  she was able
to get a bikes for 2 of her older children.  It really
made her Christmas!  Now isn't that what it is all
about anyway!!  Just love hearing these stories.
My header pic is of all my lil real pumpkins I got
at walmart last week for .25 & .50 cents.
Aren't they pretty,  I love the white and yellow
striped ones,  never saw any before.  I used
them in different places but decided to make
a lil vignette of them for my blog.
Well,  I took pics of Dee's bedroom decorations
but most of them didn't come out because
I used the flash,  and because the camera was
evidently going dead so the last 6 I took where
all blurry.   Guess I will try again the next time I go,
and make sure I charge up the camera first!! lol
It has been a quiet day today,  sort of dismal
outside,  mostly cloudy today,  yet warm about 84
to be exact,  and you know how I feel about that!!  lol
Where Oh where,  did my Fall Weather go!! 
I think we are suppose to start getting some rain
in the next few days, so the night time temps will
at least be in the upper 60's.  Hey,  beats the
70's anyway!! 
Guess I had better get started on din din,
think I am gonna make some good ole spaghetti
and meatballs,  and since I am sort of saladed out,
I think I will be wierd and make a green bean
casserole to go with it.  Scott will be happy anyway,
that is one of his favorites.  Course,  my hubby is
very easy to please so he will like it too.
Thanks for stopping by today,
and Have a really nice evening with your family.
Blessings and Hugs,

Here's another shot with 5 pumpkins rather than 7

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Have a Wordfilled Sunday

(Picture from the Appalachian Trail in Maine)
Good Morning Dear Ones,
Hope this finds you full of hope and anticipation
for this Lord's day!
I have to admit I am a bit weary and tired tonight
as I am writing this for tomorrow.  It was a busy
week,  and we have both been more tired than usual,
  so wondering  if we are trying to fight off a bug or something.
It has been sooooo good not to have anything that we had to
do today,  so we have slept in,  had a nice breakfast with our son,
 since  he was off today.
 (not on the porch tho,  as it is back up in the 80's),
talked and drank coffee, did a lil work on my blog, took a short nap,
made a salad and had pizza hut pizza and watched a dvd of
"Seventh Heaven".  The kids got us a set of the first series for
Christmas one year,  and we love it,  we also loved that show,
and were so sad when they took it off the air.
Not a particularly productive day physically,  but productive
emotionally and relationally!  And when I think about it...
 it really was productive physically cause when we are tired
 that is our body and the Lord telling us we need to rest.
It took years,  but I finally decided that I should take heed
to those warning signs.  That has since served me well.
We had a wonderful time on Friday evening with 12 of our
 friends,  and all sorts of wonderful Fall desserts.
We got to talking about strange or unusual jobs that we
had over the years.  There were some really funny
stories I have to say.  I told my husband later, too
bad we didn't know that was gonna happen cause
we could have given a prize for the best story.
The two best ones were, from a fellow who worked as a
coal miner when he was young,  and all the crazy stuff his fellow
workers did to him when he started,  after telling him before he ever
stepped foot into the mine, that  this was a very serious job and there
 would be no playing or horsing around because someone could really get
 hurt.  They used to have food fights and dust fights,  and do all sorts of
crazy stuff.  Made me wonder if that had anything to do with why those
mines collapse?? lol
The other  story,  was a fellow that shoveled pig manure to pay his
 way thru college,  and he talked about how smelly he was and how no
matter how many baths you took,  it was hard to get rid of the smell,
and how it used to affect his dating life!  hilarious!!
He really had a heart to go to college I would haveto say!!
 God Bless Him!!
Wish you could have heard all the details,  they
were truly hysterical and they had us dying laughing!!
There were a lot of other good stories as well,
Anyway,  it was a good time had by all, and truly
a blessing for us to be able to do it!.
Someone asked me to take some pics and again
I got too caught up in the festivities and forgot!!
I will leave you now with a scripture from
Hebrews 4:12
"For the word of God is living and active.  Sharper
than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to
dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow;  it judges
the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
Hope you have a beautiful and restful day
filled with God's amazing word.
Thanks for stopping in
Love,  Hugs,  and Blessings,

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - October 22, 2009

Hello There Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy today!
I have been busy getting things ready for our
Friday night Social.  We are really looking forward
to it.  Don't know how many are coming yet unless
hubby is able to find out at his meeting tonight,  so
guess it will be a fun surprise.
 Everyone is bringing
their favorite dessert or snacky food, so I don't have
that worry about having enough food.  We are responsible
for the house and the drinks.  Works for Me,  I am
Soooooo into KIS (Keep It Simple)!! 
People' s lives are so hectic today,  that the easier you
 make it the more people will want to do stuff.  At least
that is how I see it,  and how I feel!  Getting older does
have it's wisdom!!  lol
Yesterday we ladies had a great time as usual,  everyone
but one lady had to leave by 1,  but I hung out with one
friend all day,  we had a  nice lunch with that leftover
Southwestern chili and salad,  so that made us happy.
Well,  I am tired about now,  but I will try to remember
some of the things I have been thinking about all day
that I am thankful  for and to Our awesome Wonderful God.
My Bed,  yes,  my comfy, cozy, lovely, sweet bed.  Every
night when I fall into bed so tired I think  Thank You
Lord for my wonderful, comfy, cozy bed.  I also, think
what would it be like to have to sleep on the floor, or
a park bench,  or on a cot in a homeless shelter or
under an overpass.  God is so good in the lil things
as well as the big!
For my health,  I feel so well these days,  even tho I get
tired more easily than I used to, I am way better.....
 cause there were a lot of years as I was going thru menopause
that I had all sorts of physical problems,  so it is such
a treasure to feel good mentally and physically!
For the creativity God has given me.  I enjoy so many
things,  and creating so many things.  It brings much joy
and happiness to me, and hopefully to others.
For blogging,  it is another creative things I am sooooo
enjoying.  I love planning and thinking about what I
can blog on,  and when.  I feel like it is my own lil
world to control!! lol  Maybe that's why I like it,
cause you can't really control anything else!!
#5 and 6 really!
For you dear bloggy friends that encourage my
heart all the time.  I love that I have found so many
Christian stay at home Moms and ladies by blogging.
  So many ladies I know all work outside the home,  not that
there is anything wrong with that,  if that is what God
called them to,  but it is not where God has called
me,  and I sort of felt left in the dust so to speak.
A little like a dinosaur,  but God has transformed all
that with you, and my small ladies group of women
that have recently come into my life that don't work
outside the home.  what a Joy they are too!
That one of our Pastor that is in his late 70's is doing
better.  He and his wife had moved back to Ohio
near their children and we were told Sunday that he
was in a Coma from an aneurysm.  We were heart
broken,  everyone adores them,  they have been
married 50 years and are such neat and loving folks.
He is out of the coma,  and off life support,  and
is having trouble remembering things,  and has to
go thru tests to find out what really happened, so
that is all we know for now.
But God..........
I am so thankful that we serve a God who is able
to heal physically, emotionally and spiritually if and
when He chooses,  and I am also thankful that if
he should choose eternal healing for our Pastor,
that we can know that we will indeed see him
again,  when we get to heaven,  so it isn't good
bye,  it is so long,  till we meet again!
What a Great Salvation Jesus has given to us!!
For my Sweet and Generous Sister-in-law Susie,
  who has been buying  the books we are teaching from
in Sunday School,  and giving them to people that can't
afford to buy one right now.  That is so nice,  and has
blessed quite a few people.
That we were able to spray our yard for cinch bugs,
and  hopefully it should work,  it did on the front
yard.  I got the recipe from the Garden Rebel
at a Home and Garden show I attended with a
friend a few years back.  Who knew I would
ever need it............but I just wrote it down.
The Lord never ceases to amaze me how he
prompts things that we never even know why
we do them.
For Mexican food,  I just love Mexican food
especially with cilantro on it.  Yummy!!
We just polished off the enchiladas today,
and they were so good.
Well dearies..........hope you have a heart full of
gratitude today for all the small and large things
that are good in your life!  If not,  try to sit and
spend some time thinking about it.
One time when my dad was going thru a very tough
 financial time,  really of his own making, he told me in a
very tender moment  that when he sat and thought
about all the things that he had to be thankful for
that you couldn't tack a dollar bill to,  it made him
realize he really didn't have that many problems
and it made him feel so much better about life.
  My dad didn't even claim to believe in God
at all at that time,  but he even saw the benefit
to counting your blessings.  Later before he passed
away he did come to know the Lord,  I am
happy to say.
You have a good night now,  ya hear!!
Be a Special Blessing to someone tomorrow!
Smiles, Hugs,  and Blessings,

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Southwestern white Chil recipe

Good Morning Dear Ones,
Hope this finds you feeling well today!
I am good,  still enjoying the cool weather!!
Think it is suppose to go up in the 80's today tho,
but it will cool off again tonight,  that is workable! 
Like I have any control over that anyway!!  lol
These lovely lil berries are in my backyard,  I brought some
branches in a few weeks ago,  course, they have wilted now,
 but the berries were yellow and orange and green then,  that was
in September,   now they look like Christmas berries.
 So Pretty.............don't you just love God's creations!!
I actually found my recipe for the white bean chili.  I was
thinking it was a Kraft foods recipe,  and tried to go there
and find it,  but I was looking under the wrong name.
It is actually called "Southwestern White Chili".
Anyway,  a few of you said you would like the recipe
so here it is.  It is pretty easy and you will probably
want to double the recipe because it serves about
4 really.  The first time I made it I was disappointed
we had no leftovers,  so this time I made a double
batch,  and I am so glad cause it was a hit again.
Yum Yum!!
I am just gonna put the link to Kraft foods cause
it has a picture and nutrition info and ratings,
you will see it has a 5 rating which is the best,
that is my rating as well!
While you are there, they might have a block on the lefthand side
that says sign up for the Kraft magazine.  If you don't get it......
you would enjoy it and it is totally free,  quite a nice lil magazine
full of recipes and cooking ideas,  and new Kraft products.
I have been getting it for about 6 years now.  I love when
it comes,  I think it is quarterly or maybe just twice a year
now,  not sure!  The reason I say it might be there is because
I  went to the site a number of times this morning and twice
it had it and 3 times it didn't,  so don't know why.  If it
isn't there you might try going to kraft foods and see if
it will lead you to it.
Well,  I gotta get busy and do some cleaning and I am
making sour cream enchiladas for din din tonight.
That is another recipe from a good friend,
and an easy one as well.  I just love easy delicious
recipes,  don't you???
Our Dee is coming over this evening to have dinner
with us,  so as always we are looking forward to seeing her!
Jim got the tile caulked near the outer wall last night
and so it looks even much more finished and polished now.
Took all the cardboard out of the bottom of the shower
and vacuumed it all out again,  so we are ready for
grouting that last area whenever time permits.
Can I say excited - We are beside ourselves
with  Joy that this project is almost done.
Hopefully soon we will be showing you some
pics of our newly renovated bath!  Yeah!!
Well,  Sweeties,  gotta go,
The house is calling,  calling to me!! lol
Thanks for coming by, and have a great day!!
Blessings and Hugs,

Monday, October 19, 2009

Heaven.....I'm in Heaven!!

Good Monday Morning Sweet Friends,
Hope you all had a very nice weekend,  and accomplished
some things you wanted to get done,  or had some fun
together as a couple or family,  and got some much needed
rest as well!
I am just beside myself with Joy............for Fall has finally
arrived in Florida weatherwise!!  We have had temps in
the 50 and 60's,  and  it will be that way all week, they
do rise higher to 70-80 in the daytime,  but we have nice
cool mornings and evenings! Yippee, Yahoo,  and any
other good word I can think of to say!!
Saturday hubby and I so enjoyed a glorious morning on
the porch,  beautiful blue skies,  refreshing breeze,  and
cool temps., good breakfast,  great time of conversing and
planning for all the festivities ahead.  I was thinking does
it get any better than this cause I feel like Heaven, I'm in heaven!
I know,  I know...........Heaven is way better than that,  but
it is just a lil foretaste of what is to come,  we could never
wrap our mind around what it will be like anyway!!
Might I add that my love language is Quality time,  so
I always enjoy spending one on one time with those I love,
and all our bathroom work has been cutting into some
of that time,  even tho we are working together we
aren't having those great times of conversing that we
like to have. 
We also went for a nice 45 min. walk on Saturday
evening in the cold.  It was bliss,  I have to say!
Plus we fulfulled our exercise quotient for the week!
I am excited to annouce that we finished grouting all the walls
of the shower this weekend, and putting in the towel bars and
soap dish, so all that is left is the shower floor,  and
caulking.  Hubby will probably caulk the wall edges
tonight,  and hopefully we will get the floor done some
time this week.
  It is gonna be a busy week tho,  since I have my ladies
 group Wed,  and also a Social on Friday.  Glad I got
my grocery shopping out of the way on Friday.
I finally decided what I wanted to do with the lil
window in there,  but Wally world is out of the fabric,
I want it to match what I have in my bedroom.
So am praying they get more in or that another
walmart will have it!  Want get to check until
next week probably.  I am sure the Lord will
work something out!
Think I am gonna make some White Bean chicken
chili for tonight.  I had a really great recipe,  but
can't find it,  so got a new one online,  but sure
hope it tastes as good as the other one,  cause
we all loved it!  I just discovered it last year,
a very good dish,  I might add.
Well, dearies,  hope you have a wonderful
week ahead and you are enjoying yourself
and the Fall weather wherever you live and love!
Thanks so much for stopping by,
would love to hear from you and soooo appreciate
 your sweet comments.
Sweet Blessings to you all,

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Have a Praising Sunday!

(Our Lil Sweet Surprise)

Good Sunday Morning to You!
And Happy Belated Sweetest Day to you too!
Just saw that on my calendar,  and it was yesterday
for you,  today for me,  cause I am writing this
Sat. Evening late!
I have no idea what Sweetest Day is,  but I knew it
must have something to do with all you sweet friends!
Works for me,  how bout you??
Just had to show you the precious lil surprise the Lord
had for us on Friday evening when we were out working
in the yard.  I have never seen a Moth like it before,  so
just had to get a shot.  Also looked it up online and
found out it is called a "Luna Moth".
Aren't his or her markings just so detailed and amazing.
Outlined in brown and lil eye looking things on his wings,
one of his tail tendrils was broken off,  poor baby!!
I put the website where you can go and read about
it if you would like,  thought it was interesting.  It
isn't very long,  and I found out that I have a "Sweet gum"
tree (the one in my blog a few days back) cause that is
what they eat among other things.

Because the wind was blowing so much,  it blew his wings up so
 I was able to get a shot of his underside.  He was sort of plump,
 and almost looked furry,  he had a lil of that on his wings as well
 right in the center.  Very neat looking !!
It said,  they were flourescent at night,  but he flew into our garage
and we turned the lights out but he didn't look flourescent to us.
We put him in our Sweet Gum tree and watched as he crawled
and fluttered his way up the tree till we couldn't see him anymore.
They say the adults usually die within a week.  How Sad!!
I just love these lovely little surprises!  Don't you??
Well,  I will leave you with this verse for the day.
from Psalm 150:6
"Let everything that has breath
praise the Lord."
Have a great Sunday,
Praising the Lord!
Love, Hugs and Blessings,

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - October 15, 2009

Hello Sweet Friends,
How has your day been going??  Mine has been slow but good!!
We had a lil rain today,  that is because a cool front is coming thru
tomorrow!!  We are in heaven just thinking about it!!
We now think we might have temps in the 50's!!  Sorry I think I
might have told you that yesterday!!  You can't tell I am excited
or anything,  can you???
Can't believe it is Thursday already,  and that we are already
half way through October.  Is time flying as fast for you as it is
for me???  I feel like I blink and the day is gone practically.
Only 70 shopping days till Christmas!! 
 Can you imagine that,  and I just love Christmas,
 but it just seems to be coming soooooo soon!!
 Guess I had better start putting
on my thinking cap about creative gift giving again!
It is truly a joy tho, I love all the festivities of Fall and
Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I don't start  decorating
 for Christmas till the day after Thanksgiving,
but I do like to get most of my shopping done before
Thanksgiving if possible.  Then all I have to deal with
is decorating and cooking and wrapping,  and
that is enough in and of itself..
Guess I had better hush up about all my deep
thinking (lol) today and get on with Thankful
I am thankful for the fun time I had with my daughter on Monday
when I went to visit she and Rosie.
I am thankful that we finally got her wall hangings put together
and on her wall,  and that her dad was able to hang her
shelf,  and we finally finished her bedroom decorating.
It looks great and she is very happy with it.
I forgot to take the camera,  so the next time I go I will
try and get some pics to show you.
I am thankful that a young Mom,s with 3 children has realized
she has addiction problem and is going into rehab as soon
as they can find a place for her.  She is the daughter of a
old and dear friend.  So we are all rejoicing at this step.
If you should feel led please pray the rehab center will
be able to take her right away cause there is a waiting
list,  and she really needs to be there.
I am thankful that both my children are dating people
we really like and love.  That is truly a Joy!!
I am thankful that we are hearing feedback from
some of our Sunday Schools students about how this
class is impacting their lives.  That is always a joy
for teachers to hear cause that is why we do what
we do,  not to hear about it,  but to impact lives
for the better!!  
I am thankful we got all our bushes and flowers
cut back yesterday. 
I am thankful we will be doing some more grouting
this weekend,  Lord willing!!
I am thankful I was able to come up with the
Country French Chicken recipe,  we have missed
it in our menus for years now.
I am so thankful for God's Amazing Grace and
Peace in my life.  What a friend we have in Jesus!
I am thankful that a young marine, that is 25 years old
is home safe and sound from Iraq.  We saw him for
the first time last Sunday,  and he looks amazing
and so happy.  We love him very much and it
just blessed our hearts to see him looking so well
and looking so happy. He is really growing up!!
I am thankful that there are still tons and tons of
young men and women in uniform who are faithfully
loving and protecting our country,  no matter what
political correctness has to say,  they are staying
their post and proud to do it!!
God Bless them one and all.
We love you and we appreciate your service to
your country very very much!
Well,  guess I better stop for today folks.
Hope I struck a chord with you, and maybe you
will let me know what you are thankful for as well.
Have a Great Evening!!
Love,  Blessings and Hugs,

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie