Saturday, November 28, 2009

Fall is gone, Christmas is coming, and have a Wonderful Sunday!

Hello Sweet Friends,
Hope you all had a delightful Thanksgiving Celebration!
Our's was very was only the 5 of us,  but it
was great.  GoodFood,  Good Conversation, Good Game
of Scattergories,  and a Good Movie to Kick off the
Christmas Season!!
I realized after it was all over that as usual I forgot to
take any pics.  I did take a few of the table beforehand
as usual,  and one of my daughter and Grandaughter
dog Rosie! So Cute!

The pretty green goblets were Wedding Presents
39 years ago!  I still love them as much as the day
I got them.
Didn't use my new dishes cause by the time I made up
my "Cotton Picking Mind" (as my Mom used to say)
and we went and got another set of the Shabby Chic
dishes it was too much extra stress to unpack them
and do all that needed to be done, so decided on
less stress and more enjoyment and peace.
Soon I will be unpacking the Christmas dishes anyway,
so I will look forward to my new dishes in the new year. 
We will have to have a " Grand Opening Celebration"
in their honor,  I already had a friend offer to help us
break them in!  lol

The candles and the lil pumpkin in my centerpiece
(Which you see in the first picture above)
were from my Goodie Basket from Miss Becky
over at Holiday in the Sun earlier this Fall.
They looked so nice on the table,  so Thanks
Becky, you lil sweetie you!
The place cards are recycled for years now!
Occasionally I have to make a few new ones
for other guests who come for Thanksgiving!
This year it was just the family, and quite
nice I might add.

and here is my lil scripture verse card I made for
each place setting.  Different verses on each
which we read at dinner.
And last but surely not least is my lovely daughter
and grandaughter dog!

I am so mad at myself for forgetting to take more pics.
I actually wanted to get my sister-in-law to take a family
pic of the 4 of us to put in my Christmas letter that I am
emailing to folks I don't see all year. I think I need a few
good doses of Gingko bilboa or whatever that is,
would probably forget to take it anyway!!  lol
Day after Thanksgiving,  No Shopping for Us,
we stay home and start taking down the Fall stuff,
and putting up the Christmas decorations.
Well.............we did get the Fall decorations down
and packed up and back in the attic,  but we
didn't quite make it to the Christmas stuff yet,
Hubby wasn't into it today, and wanted to go
to Home Depot instead,  so that's what we did.
we are getting them out of the attic tho in a few
minutes so I can work on it Monday!
My House looks sooooooooo sad without
all the Fall Decorations.
So bare and unfrilled!

But soon it will be glad again,
clothed and frilled again,
full of fun and frivolity and
Christmas Music and Christmas Joy!
Oh, How I love decorating for Christmas
and listening to Christmas Music!
It makes my heart Glad, and brings
me such Joy!
There is nothing like the Christmas Season,
it has a Special Essence all it's Own!
I think it is the fragrance of Christ being
poured out all over the place by the Holy Spirit!
People seem happier this time of year,  and
friendlier, and nicer don't you think!  Now I
am not saying there aren't any "Bah Humbuggers"
out there because of course, there are!
But I just notice there are more Cheery Folks
than the latter, people are more helpful, more
talkative, more courteous,  at least that is what
I notice...........and I absolutely Love it!
So Merry Christmas Everyone Everywhere,
This the Season to be Jolly........
cause we know that Jesus is the Real Reason
for the Season! (to coin an old  phrase)
Enjoy ever moment of the Wonder of it All,
Love, blessings and hugs,
Oh Yea,  and the verse for today is in
Luke 1:30-35
"But the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary,
you have found favor with God.  You will be with
child and give birth to a son, and you are to give
him the name Jesus.  He will be great and will be
called the Son of the Most High.  The Lord God
will give him the throne of his father David, and
he will reign over the house of Jacob forever;
his kingdom will never end." 
"How will this be," Mary asked the angel,"
since I am a virgin?"  the angel answered,
the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the
power of the Most High will overshadow you.
So the holy one to be born will be called the
Son of God.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - November 25, 2009

JOHN 1:16

Monday, November 23, 2009

And the Winner Is????

Happy Monday Sweet Friends,
Hope yall had a very nice weekend!
Seems like it just flew by for some reason.
Well,  my Monday has been very good so far,
How bout yours???
I started the day off by finishing up some Thanksgiving
cards I had been working on,  and got those off to
the recipients,  then got inspired and decided to make
some pretty verse cards for the table on Thanksgiving
day,  meant to take a picture and forgot, and I already
downloaded the new ones.  Sorry!!
They were not all that exciting,  tho pretty!
Then I made two pans of cornbread for making
my stuffing on Wednesday,  and made the gravy
ahead too.  My most stressful thing on Thanksgving
day is having to make the gravy at the last minute.
Just hate it,  so a few years ago I found a recipe
where you use vegetables and broth and it is truly
delicious,  so that solved my last minute gravy
dilemma,  and works out perfectly for us this year
especially since I am not making Turkey!
Hope you don't think I am Un American,  lol
I truly am not! I am just a girl who isn't that thrilled
with that Big Bird!   He can just gobble, gobble
somewhere else!! lol
Guess you can see by my opening pic what else
I have been up to...........we have 3 more sets
of dishes sitting in our living room in the boxes.
I took 2 place settings of each runner up on the
dining room table, and took out all some of my side
dishes and accessories to see how they went
together, and have had them there since last Friday,
  so I just go and look at them ever so often and
try to decide,  I have never had this much
trouble picking a set of dishes! 
Ridiculous is the word I would choose,
but it has seriously been a tough decision
because not only are they pretty the quality
is very good as well! 
Do I get a Halleleujah to that!!  Finally!!
Some quality dishware.
I have narrowed it down to two,  the demure
and stylish Ivory colored square ones,

and these lovely Scalloped edge Shabby Chic white ones.

A this point I think the winner is the Lovely
white "Shabby Chic" ones.  They were
definitely more than I wanted to pay but what can I
say, I am in love with them!  So I have decided that one
 box is for our Anniversary and the other for Christmas, 
and that works fine for me, cause I have Christmas
dishes that my sweet Sister-in-law gave me.
They belonged to her and my late mother-in-law.
So the new ones will be something nice to
look forward to in the New Year!
Wanted to show you some new items I found
that I think you will enjoy if you can find them
where you live.

These are Gingerbread Pecan Biscotti
in case you can't read the label down there!
They are delightful and have a lil bit of
glaze atop them.  Very delicious!
If you have Publix Grocery stores
that is the place to get them.

And these are yummy dark chocolate dipped
pretzels.  We found these last year and they were
so good I was on the hunt for them this year.
Publix again!  I just love that Store!!
We also watched a great movie last weekend.
It is the sequel to "The Note",  if you haven't seen
"The Note" you should probably watch it first,
then watch :"The Note II" Taking a chance on Love.
They are both Hallmark Hall of Fame movies
as always with there movies,  they are very
very heartwarming!
I also heard a very good revue on the new
Disney movie "A Christmas Carol" from a
Christian station on TV.  He said it was the
best version of it he had ever seen,  and they
even mention the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Imagine that!!
Also got an Amazing Surprise today as well.

I rec'd this in the mail on Friday,  but did not
order it.  The cookies were free but the coffee
was $45.00.  It is from one of their specialty
programs and is more than the normal coffee.
So I called them today to say I did not order
this cause I am not in their specialty program,
so she said what if we charge you have the
price and you can keep all the coffee,  and
I said well,  I just got my by monthly shipment
so I really don't want it,  so she said well,
we will just credit your acct. and you can
keep all the coffee,  and I said,  Let me
make sure if I understood you........
Did you just say you would credit the $45.00
back to our acct., and I can keep the coffee
for free,  and she said That's right!
Happy Thanksgiving
Merry Christmas to us!!
I just love when God sends along these
wonderful lil totally unexpected surprises!
He is awesome indeed!
Also,  found out hubbies stress test
will be on Dec. 11th,  so thank you for
your prayers,  I am feeling them........
 Sweet Friends.......You guys are precious indeed!
Just in case I don't get to say it before Thanksgiving,
I hope all of you have the most Wonderfully Blessed
Thanksgiving and time with your family and friends!!
Hubby will be off the rest of the week and then of
course, there is all that great cooking to do as well!
So Have a Thankful & Safe Thanksgiving!
Love, blessings and hugs,

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Have a Gratitude Filled Sunday

Appalachian Trail in Maine
Good Sunday Morning to you Sweet Friends,
Hoping you have had a nice weekend full of fun and family.
Our's has been good and fun,  especially after we got the
results back from hubbies blood tests on Friday Afternoon.
It was an excellent report,  so we have been celebrating!
Since he is a heart patient and has had bypass surgery,
he has to get bloodwork and check ups several times
a year,  so they watch those test results like a hawk.
So it is always a lil stressful waiting for those results.
So we went and check out a new shopping area
and then went to Carabbas Italian Restaurant
for dinner and then came home and watched
a movie,  so it was a fun evening
celebrating the good news.
He will have to have a nuclear stress test sometimes
in the next month to just check and make sure things
are still fine!  The last time he had one a year or so
after his bypass surgery,  he flunked it and had to
have a heart cath and a several stents put in,  so
the word dread comes to mind,  but I know the Lord
doesn't want me dreading it cause the Lord is in control,
 and my job is to pray and trust,
 so I need to focus on that instead!
So if you want to aim a few prayers in my direction
it would be greatly appreciated!
Well dearies,  I have a few verses today from
Psalm 19:7-11, that I saw this week while reading.
"The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul.
The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
The precepts of the Lord are right,
giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the Lord are radiant,
giving light to the eyes.
The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever.
The ordinances of the Lord are sure and
altogether righteous.
They are more precious than gold,
than much pure gold;
they are sweeter than honey,
than honey from the comb.
By them is your servant warned;
in keeping them is great reward."
Hope you have a gratitude filled Sunday
for all God's good ways!
For He is soooo good to us!
Love, Blessings, and Hugs,

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - November 19, 2009

Good Afternoon Dear Ones,
Welcome to Thankful Thursday!
"Be thankful unto him, and bless his name."
Psalm 100:4
Today I am thankful for a sweet husband who
has lugged around a ton of dishes, taking them
back and forth to the store,  and with a great
attitude I might add.  Don't know what I would
do without you honey!
I am also thankful Target called back and said
they had another set of the square dishes,  not
that it means they are the one yet,  but it did make
me have to go looking to see if I could find accessories
to match them,  and in the process found 2 other
nice sets of white dinnerware.  They are still in the
box yet,  cause I haven't had time to deal with them yet.
Hopefully Tomorrow!

I am thankful for this truthful, lovely and whimsical book
I rec'd last week from my Sweet Friend Becky over
at Holiday in the Sun.  I truly enjoyed reading it,  and
enjoyed it so much I ordered 2 more to give away to
friends as well.  If you are looking for a nice
Christmas present you might check out the writers
website.  She has some other books as well, and she
draws all her own pictures. It truly is a sweet and fun
book to read and enjoy, and it also looks great on my
coffee table,  I might add. 
Also, she personally autographs each book.
How neat that she takes the time to do that!
I am of course, more thankful for my friendship with
Becky than the book,  because she is truly a delightful
and encouraging person.  She was also my inspiration
for blogging as well.  Hubby had mentioned it to me
but when Becky started telling me about it,  that just
sealed the deal. She is not just a bloggy friend, she has been
a real life friend for years now,  I am not even sure for
 how long actually.  I am still trying to figure it out!  lol
I am thankful that I got more Christmas shopping
done yesterday,  and I would say I am 3/4 or more
done.  Yea!!
I am thankful for all the $10.00 off coupons I got
online and in the mail,  They sure came in handy!
I am thankful a good friend is coming over to
spend the evening with me while hubby is going
to an elders meeting.  We haven't gotten a chance
to get together for awhile.  So I will be truly
happy to see her,  she is another sweetie!
I am thankful I have leftovers in the fridge
for din din,  cause I had a lot of catching
up to do today since I was gone all day
I am thankful for my Oreck vacuum cleaner,
without which I would not be able to vacuum at all. 
My old one was so heavy every time I vacuumed
 I would mess up my neck or back,  so this is so light,
 it is wonderful.  Hubby had to do all the vaccuming before
 and he still vacuums for me a lot of times, which is so
sweet and helpful,   but there are times when I need to
 be able to do it when he isn't around, in fact, that is
when we bought it......when he had bypass surgery
4 yrs. ago and had a long recovery.
And I am just reminded of God's faithfulness to
protect as I was telling you about the Oreck.
Four years ago when Jim was just out of the
hospital the floor needed vacuuming,  so I got
out the cleaner and thought I'll just have to do
this and be as careful as possible by going slower.
I got the vacuum out and took one stroke with
it and it died,  and there was no reviving it,  and
I really believe the Lord just protected me cause
he knew I was gonna hurt myself and then we
would be in a real mess!
So I thank God for His protection!
I am thankful for all the nice people I ran into
yesterday,  whether store clerks or shoppers,
that just makes your shopping experience
so nice and warm.  I love when people take
the time to converse with one another, and
be kind to each other.  Another one of those
isn't this how life should be all the time!
Well,  Sweet folks,  gotta run get dinner
on the table,  so make sure you leave me
some comments and tell me what you
are thankful for,  let us spur one another
on to praise our Great Heavenly Father!
Have a Great Evening and thanks for
coming by,

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dishes, Dishes, Dishes

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends
Hope this finds you well and full of joy!
I'm doing well,  but just up to my eyebrows in
dishes!  All I wanted for my Anniversary was
a new set of dishes,  nothing really expensive,
just some nice white dishes to replace my other
company dishes,  and then to use the old company
dishes for my new everyday ones,  cause they
are starting to look a bit shabby.
Well,  we looked everywhere online before we
even went out,  and I also looked around off an on for
 a month or so before.  Saw some at Penneys,  but
when we went there they were more of a cream not
pure white,  and then one set was even light gray.
So forget that!
Then we looked at Macy's they had some boxed
sets by a well known person.  We saw some of the
pcs. had flaws so we asked her if we could go thru
them and she said yes,  well,  we went thru 3 boxes
and could only find enough pcs. for 1 set of 4.
So forget that!
Then we went to Sam's club to get something else
and found the nice set of bright white dishes you
see in the pic above and below.  We were thrilled!


Until we got them out of the box and looked them over.
All the cups and bowls were in great condition,
but all, and I  do mean all of the salad plates and
the dinner plates had numerous scratches on
the surface of the plate.  We have been thru
3 boxes now,  and never found any without
scratches,  and these are from a well known
dinner manufacturer. they definitely need a  new
quality control mgr. for sure,  cause I think most
of the scratches had to happen before they packed
them,  cause they packed them really well.
We stopped @ 3 sets cause I am afraid hubby is
gonna get a hernia lugging them back and forth .
I had this dreamy idea,  that we were gonna
buy dishes,  take them out of the box and
wash them and put them away.  Oh, Silly Me!!
I used some polish I had and tried to see what would
happen if I buffed them some,and true they didn't look as bad,
 and maybe it's just me,  but when I buy something new
I sort of expect it to look new!!  Do you???
or I figure I could have just gone over to the thrift
store for them.
So even tho they didn't look awful,  it is sort of the principal
of the thing.  I feel like if as Americans we keep accepting poor
quality, it will only get worse!  And then as I thought about it more
 I thought I had also seen dishes that were a lil more stylish and sort
of had my heart set on that too.
So decided to look online again.  My first stop was Target cause they
 had they shabby chic dishes but they were way more than I wanted
to pay,  but you never know they could be on sale.  Well,  they weren't
 but I looked at all there dinnerware and I found these below
and they made my heart sing.

Only thing is they were Ivory colored,  I know they look
pure white in this picture,  I only wish they were!
But I decided to try them to see if they would look
okay with my other white ware. 
You can see the Ivory color more in the pic below.

Also wanted to see how they would go with all my tablecloths
and napkins cause I don't want to have to buy more of those too.
  Since I had to try it to see how it looked figured I might as well take
 some pics, cause I know how you girls like that stuff.
 Me too,  I just love a pretty table!  So decided I might as
well have fun with it as I was deciding.


Looks white again here,  think it just depends on
the lighting.  Forgot to tell you that they were out
of stock online,  so one of the Targets near us had
one set,  and I found a target near where hubby
works that put aside another set for us yesterday.




Thought you might like the lil Rose in the cup.
Anyway........after all this fun.............and I
decided I wanted to keep them,  and thought
I would only have to find a couple of small
dishes to go with it.  I was gonna call the Target
where they had the other set to find out exactly
where it was located for hubby,  and then
decided to make sure they had put them up
at the service desk as I had asked since it
was the last set they had.
Well,  good thing I asked.........cause they
didn' much for these dishes too!
Guess it isn't in the Lords plan for me to have
dishes right now,  and that is okay,  Father
Always Knows Best......I usually find that
his delays, often times wind up being my delight!
He knows better than I do what I would
really like,  and maybe it just isn't available
right now,  so guess we'll just have to wait
and see,  but they sure where fun to look
at for awhile!!  lol
I spent most of the morning boxing them
all up to take back,  both sets that is,  cause
 the first set has been all over the counter  for over a week,
then added the new set yesterday so there were more
 on the counter and now they were on the table too,
Couldn't see the point in boxing them up till we made
 up our mind.
  The bright spot is my house looks a lot neater now!!  lol
Beware,  don't going looking for dinnerware!! lol
Have a great evening guys,
Blessings and Hugs, Nellie

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Have a Cheerful Sunday

Appalachian Trail in Maine
Good Sunday Morning to you Sweet Friends,
Hope you are having a Wonderful and relaxing
weekend with your loved ones.
The scripture verse for today is from
Proverbs 15:30
"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart,
and good news gives health to the bones".
So.......have a Smilin Sunday,
and give somebody some Good News!!
Love,  Hugs, and Blessings,

Friday, November 13, 2009

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - November 12, 2009

Hiddy Ho Sweet Friends,
Well,  I am a bit late with my post today cause we decided to go do
some christmas shopping,  but I think I am gonna just make it.......
 actually, it will probably be finished early Friday!! lol
Oh Well,  who really cares,  do you???  Didn't think so!
I am thankful for my Sweet Hubby of 39 years now.
I am thankful God rescued us,  and made us a happily
married couple and not another statistic.
I am thankful for the hope and Joy that I have because
of my relationship with Christ.
I am thankful that we got a lil bit more shopping done
tonight.  We are that much closer to being done.
I am thankful that a dear friend of mine is weathering
the storms of life much better than she was. Sometimes
the Lord calms the storm and sometimes he calms the
child,  think he is doing a bit of both in her case.
I am thankful for the nice time we had Celebrating our
Anniversary,  and Celebrating our sons birthday on
Friday and Saturday.  It is always a blessing to be
with our family.
I am thankful that my back hasn't given me anymore
I am thankful for our sweet Anniversary cards
and for 2 restaurant gift certificates that we were given.
  That will mean a few more nice evenings out. Yea!
I am thankful for some really nice compliments
that I rec'd this week from several people, that
encouraged me as a homemaker and as a christian.
I am thankful for all of you who come by to visit
and leave such nice and encouraging comments
as well.  I am so enjoying my friendship with you.
I am thankful I don't have to cook a Turkey
for Thanksgiving!  lol
I really don't like Turkey that much and the last
2 years we had problems with them, (I really think it was
because of our oven tho)  and we did get a new one
earlier this year, but I just don't want to take any chances,
 so this year
I decided to make all the normal fixings like the
mash pot and gravy and the dressing, and veggies just
 as if I were making a Turkey,  but to  make a great
Chicken Dish that we all love instead.  Everyone
is fine with it,  Sooooooo I'm a happy Camper!! lol
Well, there's my list,  how bout yours.
Leave me a few comments and tell me what you
are thankful for,  you gotta get practiced up
for Thanksgiving anyway!!  lol
Glad you came by and hope you have a great
Weekend,  see ya on Sunday if not before.
Blessings and hugs,

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie