Monday, February 22, 2010

Welcome to Monday Manna - February 22, 2010

Good Morning Sweet Friends,
Happy Monday to you!
Hope you all had a delightfully relaxing weekend
full of all the things you hold dear!
Yesterday in Sunday School we were talking about
struggling in our spiritual walk, and things that we
could do to help us.  I woke up very early this morning
and could not go back to sleep,  and felt like the Lord
was nudging me to do a post on this,  but not only on
struggling,  it could be we are just in a rut and need to
spice up our spiritual life a bit.  Some of us can love
routine soooooo much that it isn't necessarily a good
thing,  whether that be in a marriage, or our relationship
with our Heavenly Father
So I felt the Lord's leading to share some things that
have helped me in my 30 + years walk with our Lord.
I am going to list some practical ideas or exercises in
 discipline, but  you will have to decide the depth of the need,
  whether you are struggling big time or just in a rut, or just in
 need of some freshness. Try one or more of suggestions
on and see if it is a fit.  Just because one doesn't seem
to work doesn't mean another one won't or the first
one you tried, want work at another time.  We all
have different personalities,  so some will probably
appeal to you more than others, and that is fine.
Also, I don't have these in any particular order,
I am just giving ideas off the top of my head.
Stop being embarassed that you are struggling or
in a rut,  because we all suffer these maladies from
time to time. Trust me you are not the only one.
Go to your Husband, Pastor, Elders, or a friend that
 you feel is spiritually mature and tell them the problem,
 and ask them to pray for you.
Find someone to be a daily prayer partner for awhile, it may
 only take a week or two, but hearing someone else pray for us,
has a very ministering affect to our spirit, and  can help spur
  us on when we pray.
Write a thankful list.  It may not be easy to start, but we are
 alive, and that is something to be thankful for, and sometimes we
 just have to start with the simpliest things we can think of
(like I can see,  I can hear)and go from there.  That is called a sacrifice
 of praise, and it doesn't mean  we have to feel like it, the word says
 we just have to do it.
 So as the Nike Commercial used to say,  just do it!
We can go thru the alphabet and say we are thankful
for anything that pops into our head that starts
with A, B, C. and on down to Z,  (It could be an apple,
or a banana, or clothing). Sometimes you might need to do it
 more than once.  We just have to make up our mind that we are
gonna be obedient to his word, no matter what, and once you force
yourself to do it you will find the Lord will meet you and before you
know it,  it will just start to flow.  I will tell you that these last 2 exercises
 in praise have really revolutionized my life.
We need to ask the Lord to reveal if there is any sin or anything in our
 life that He is not pleased with,  and give ourselves some time to
sit and wait to hear from Him.   If He tells you something then
confess it and ask for forgiveness, that will take down any
barrier between you and the Lord.
Listen to good christian music, especially praise music,
and sing along!  It's on the radio and TV, and then
of course, there are cd's and even the computer.
It will really lift your spirits.
Pray some warfare prayers.  It is scriptural praying and
is designed to protect you from the enemy of our soul.
That is why God says in Eph. 6 to put on the whole
armor of God, to protect us from the wiles and  schemes
of the devil.  He is alive and well, and sometimes we
forget that,  and he has a field day with us before we
recognize his tactics. If you don't know what a warfare
prayer is and would like to have one, go up to the
top right on my side bar, where it says contact me,
and send me an email and I will send you one.
Well,  I am gonna stop there for today.  Be sure
to check back next Monday for more ideas.
Have a good nights rest,  and a great day
I am very tired,  cause I had a busy day and was
up pretty early,  so I am headed to beddy bye land.
Night Night Sweet Friends,
Talk to ya tomorrow.
Blessings and Hugs,


  1. Excellent ideas, Nellie! I think prayer and scriptures study and going to church even when you do not feel like it, and being grateful for your blessings all help so much! And it is true that everyone struggles. You just need to be humble and recognize you are human and you need help from the Lord...then it flows into your life and you are lifted up so high. Thanks for sharing this!

    Love, B

  2. The updated post editor is WONDERFUL! My mom showed me how to get it(I know I am shocked too)! You go to customize then click settings then go all the way down the page and you will see where it says POST EDITOR. Click the updated one! I had a hard time with the old one because photos took so long to load but with this it only takes like 1-2 seconds! And you can do a lot more with it!

  3. Great list of upgrading my "routine!" I really need to use more methods than I am currently using. I am trying to remember during the day to stop and take time to pray. A good time is when I'm walking the kids to/from places. There seems so much to pray for that I don't seem to have enough time in the day to do so with all the other things going on. I don't remember in years past being so busy the entire day! Thanks for the suggestions!
    Love you,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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