Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Welcome to Heart Tips Tuesday - Cookie Recipe

Good Afternoon Sweet Friends,
How in the world are you doing today???
Doing well, I hope!
I have had a busy day,  but a fun day.  Went out
shopping for my hubby and sister-in-laws birthday.
So now I have that part taken care of,  and got
most of the food for this weeks Celebration.
Susan's birthday is this Sunday and Jim's is the next
Sunday. So we will be birthday celebrating for the next
few weeks,  and then again, at the end of March for
ME!  ( I am getting excited just thinking about it) lol
Guess I had better get on with Heart Tips Tuesday,
Today we will be talking about the weekly part of
the diet,  which is sweets, eggs, poultry and fish.
It is limited to 3 sweets a week.  We eat  a piece of
dark chocolate daily because it is good for your heart,
and it is pretty satisfying because it is so rich.  I never
used to eat dark chocolate but now I love it, and
really don't like milk chocolate anymore,  but I have
to have nuts with it or in it. We also eat Paul Newmans
fig newtons,  but they have to be the fat free ones,
but they are absolutely delcious, and they put Nabisco
fig newtons to shame.
We usually eat desserts mostly  when we have the family
or company over. I usually try to make desserts that
include fruit,  like strawberry shortcake,  or banana
pudding, or pumpkin pie,  but we do eat cheesecake
occassionally,  but we do our best to try to eat the
ones with fruit in them
Med. diet  says(3) and the heart association says (2) eggs
 a week,  so we go with what the heart Association says. 
 Jim usually has his 2 eggs on Saturday and then I use eggbeaters
 for anything else I cook during the week.  Also you can freeze the
 egg  beaters so you can have them on hand all the time.
Poultry means white lean chicken and turkey. You can have
3-4 servings a week,  and you are suppose to have fish
5-6servings a week.  We try to adhere to the chicken part,
but we definitely don't eat fish that much,  we are lucky
if we eat it once or twice.  This is where the meatless
and Veggie meals come in to play. I am learning to
like fish more all the time,  but I am finding more
fun ways to prepare it like making it parmesan
or pecan crusted, or italian styel.  Makes a huge
It also says to have no more than 3 servings of potatoes
a week,  I was not aware of that but I think we probably
adhere to that really.  We do eat Sweet Potatoes some
times because they are packed with good nutrients,
so they are very good for you.
They also say you should have 3-4 servings weekly of
olives, pulses or nuts.  We eat nuts daily, and if you
have ever seen Dr. Oz or some of the other Cardiologists
they will tell you they keep a bag of nuts in the fridge
at work and if they get hungry they grab a handful
of nuts.  The best place to buy them is at Sam's or
Costco cause you can buy a huge bag and it is much
more cost effective.  You can freeze them as well,
we eat them fast enough we just put them in a ziploc
bag in the fridge.
We do eat olives probably at least once or twice
a week cause I put them in salad and also we like
to eat them on our mexican food.
Now pulses,  I was thinking what is that,  so I
researched it and it is a term used by the Food and
Agricultural Organization that is reserved for crops
harvested solely for dry grain.  Pulses are called
Vegetarian meat, and they are an important food crop
 because they are very high in protein and essential
 amino acids.
It is foods like: black eyed peas, pigeon peas,
kidney beans and lima beans.  They had a huge
list of beans that I never even heard of before.
They did say that green beans, green peas,
or soybeans were not considered a pulse.
If you want to see the Mediterrean diet pyramid
again just click here.
I tried to download it again,  but it was
messing my typing up for some strange reason,
so I got frustrated and took it off!  lol
Wanted to share that great Peanut Butter
cookie recipe with you.
I got it from a girl named Renee @ What I am
meant to be.  Here is her address
 for the cookie recipe(you will see a brownie recipe at the top, 
 just scroll down to you see Gluten free gifts and you will come to
 the PB cookie recipe,
 and she had a few others as well.  They were all gluten free.
There are only 3 ingredients in the Peanut
Butter cookies,  and that is:
 Peanut Butter
( I used the Smuckers Natural Crunchy
Peanut butter)
Sugar,  it calls for a cup
(I only used 1/2 cup and sprinkled a lil bit
on the tops) You might like more....
one egg
(I used 1/4 cup of eggbeaters)
I love them!!
and you can whip them together and have
them in the oven in 5 mins.
And Now
Have a Look!!
Dont' they look delightful!
Also put some dark chocolate chips in them.
I figured out it would about 3 grams of
saturated fat for 2 cookies,  so that is not
bad,  and they are a pretty healthy treat!!
Oh yea,  it makes 1 dozen. I just throw
them in a plastic container and put them the fridge.
Well, Sweet Friends,  time to exercise,  UGH!
I am tired tonight,  but once I get going I will
be fine,  it's just getting started!!
I always feel better afterwards and am glad
I pushed myself.
You have a fine evening with your loved ones,
I am going to work out with mine!  lol
Blessings and Hugs,


  1. No flour in the cookies? They sound good!

    Guess what? It's snowing! And we're getting about 6 inches tonight and then on Thursday into Friday we are to get a "crippling" snow storm. I have no idea what that means, but that's the way the weather man reported it.

    Oh well! Maybe I'll be making these cookies since I won't be able to go anywhere in a few days!

  2. just wanted to say thanks so much for stopping by my blog. and those cookies look amaaaazing :)

  3. Thanks for all the tips. I look forward to your Tuesday Heart tips. The Peanut Butter cookies sound yummy.

    Blessings & Hugs

  4. Not long until 58! It can't be...I guess so! Lol! The recipe looks really easy! I'll have to try it out. I just made brownies from the boxed mix that has low cholesterol! I used the egg beaters in it instead of the egg. It smells so good! However, I'm too full to eat it now. I just finished eating a big salad! I had the Life Screening done at the church. I wanted to compare the results with what Dr. Valario did. Oh, the picture on my blog was from my 10th grade year.
    Lots of love to you,

  5. Hi Nellie, What wonderful tips you have given, and that peanut butter recipe I really think I can handle. Thanks for sharing, I like that it has only three ingredients.
    We eat mostly fish and poultry, and have been having a meatless meal at least once a week, sometimes twice, and we really enjoy it. I also try and watch Dr. Oz each day and have learned so much from him. Please keep theses tips coming, as my main goal this year is to get and stay healthy, and I can use any tips you give. Great posting.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....