Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy Sunday & Guess who came to visit us this morning?

Happy Sunday to You Sweet Friends,
This morning I was up early and visiting your blogs
and I heard all this loud bird noises,  and I knew 
what it was, cause I have heard it before,  so I
ran to the window to see if I could see these amazingly
big birds,  they are called "Sand hill Cranes",  if you
are not familiar with them.
I was in my jamies and it was about 8:15, so no one 
seemed to be around, so I grabbed my camera and
went out to see if I could get some decent pictures
of these visitors, the Lord sent to us.  He knows
how much I just love this kind of stuff!

These pics were taken with the zoom on cause they were
directly across the street at my neighbors house, do you
see him looking my way...........
He really was,  and as soon as he saw me he started coming
towards me.

He was coming so quickly I couldn't take another pic 
quick enough and he had already crossed the street
and was now in our yard.

the zoom is now off, and he is coming towards
me still.
He sorta stopped and looked around for a few mins.
Probably looking at what a beautiful lawn we have!! lol
Then his bud decided to join him I guess.  I had been so busy
taking pictures and keeping my eye on him that I never noticed
the other one coming.
Now he is really headed in my direction and he is probably
about half way across our yard.  Our house sits back off
the street more than the neighbors.  I am standing over on
the sidewalk
Can you tell he is getting closer all the time.  By now I am
talking to him and saying good morning and he is loving it.
Very curious!
Here he is eating bread! 
 Does it seem like I skipped a step,
well, as he got real close, I was excited to share it with someone,
and then they started making their noise, which is undescribable
really  and Loud,  and did I say LOUD!!
Now I was getting a lil worried too. These birds are big, almost as
 big as me, so the thought ran thru my mind what if he isn't quite
 as friendly as he seems and what if they decided to attack me or 
something!!  I had visions of my eyes being pecked out!! lol
Guess I should have never seen that Alfred Hitchcock movie
"The Birds" when I was a kid.
Anyway, I ran and woke Jimmy up to come and see them,
He is such a good sport,  course, he likes stuff like this too,
maybe not as much as me,  but he has learned........
one of those, if you can't beat this crazy woman,  just join her,
Know what I mean???
So I yelled into the bedroom come quick and he woke with
a start (sometimes I forget this man has heart problems) and
asked why, and I said there are sand hill cranes in our yard
 and they came right up to me and I ran back ouside.
  Guess the start made his adrenalin flow, and I ran back in
 to get some bread but  he had his wits about him enough
 to get some bread, so  he brought it out and began to
 feed them.
Wish I would have thought and taken a shot of him!
Duh........I was so busy watching the birds.
I am such a one track person,  it is pathetic!
He is quite enjoying his lil snack.
Can you see the lil lump on the left side of his
throat,  that was bread going down his esophagus,
we could watch it go all the way to his stomach.
How funny is that!!
Well, what can I say they are "user friendly birds",
once they got what they wanted it was time to go!!
After all,  it was a pefect Florida day.
70 degrees, blue sunny skies,  hey,  they had places
to go and people to see!
Now there he is waving and saying Good bye!!
I only wish you could have seen what he did when he
was half way across the yard and I had already put
the camera up.  He grabbed a leaf  then flung it and
started flapping his wings and jumping up and down
like he was playing,  you can see a lil bit of it here,
but he put on quite a show for us, so I grabbed
the camera and ran outside hoping he would do
it again, but this was as good as it got!
I was wondering if it was like a mating dance
or something,  really pretty neat!!
He told me his name was Jack and his friend
was Jill,  also told me I should leave you with 
this verse for today. lol
It is from Matthew 6:25-27
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life,
what you will eat or drink; or about your body,
what you will wear.  Is not life more important
than clothes?
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow
or reap or store away in barns, and yet your
heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much
more valuable than they?
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour
to his life?"
Jack and Jill said to tell you those verses
are just saw how
 the Heavenly Father fed them.
(and by the way,  those big Cranes do fly)
Have a  Wonderfully Blessed Sunday
My Friends,
and Remember,  don't worry about tomorrow!
Love, hugs, and Blessings,


  1. Good Morning Nellie,
    I loved your comments. Thank you for sharing such great ideas. I do alot of the same. I love to do simple things as you do and reflect on God's wonderful creation and is love for all of us. Now off to church. One of my favorite places to be.

  2. How Fun!
    Do let us know when Jack and Jill return!
    And that scripture is sooooo appropriate.
    Trust and NOT worry, that is how we please God and prolong our lives.
    Love you.

  3. what a fun morning! i can just picture you in the yard making noises with them, lol. you definitely got some great photos!

  4. You are too funny! I love those birds!! The little baby ones are so adorable with their fuzz!! Great photos, Gal!!

    What a fun morning! Mine has been filled with good stuff, and now I am off to snag some groceries and a couple of sale items!!

    Love ya!!

  5. Great pictures!! I haven't had any visit me this year as yet. Last March I did have a pair with 8 babies. They were all necks, lol! I had gone to Fetters Feed and they said to feed them the "Chicken Scratch" which has dried corn and other grains and grasses. They will come right up to you! One adult always watches while the others eat. Then they will switch off. They can really make the LOUD noise. I guess their dance is a dance for joy (God's joy) when they finish eating.
    Love ya, Susie

  6. Happy Sunday to you dear friend, Love these photos-haven't seen this type of crane before but we have egrets and blue herons here that I love.
    It must have been quite a silly sight to see them running towards you with you still in your j's.
    Have a blessed day Nellie.
    Hugs, Noreen

  7. Nellie

    I loved your story. I have seen some cranes but never that close.
    I could see myself running around outside with camera too if I had that kind of activity in my yard.

    Have a wonderful Day & week ahead
    Hugs & Blessings Janet

  8. What a very neat experience, Nellie. I have not seen these cranes before. No such thing in CA. Very pretty.

    Have a great evening! I am dashing to get dinner on the table for my poor hubs who left his lunch at home today!

    XOXO B

  9. What an adorable post! When I saw the first picture all I could think about was them attacking! That's how my mind goes! Glad you were able to stay safe and get the great pictures!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2025, and pics of Spring Beginnings

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