Thursday, February 11, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday -February 11, 2010

Hello Sweet Friends
and Welcome to Thankful Thursday
Hope you are all well and happy today.
Didn't get to post yesterday cause I was busy making Valentines 
and setting a pretty table for tonight.

I am playing here!!
I love doing Thankful Thursday because God is so good to all of us,  and I have
found it to be such a good practice to look for anything and everything to be
 thankful for............seriously it just makes me a much happier person.
It keeps me focused on the good things that are happening in my life
rather than the negative, in fact, it is helping me not to see the negative
as much anymore!!  And that my friends, is a good thing!! lol

I am thankful
that I got all my Valentines finished for tonight and I was very pleased 
with the way they turned out.  I can be my own worst critic!! lol
Anybody else like that???

Thought you might like a peek!  Have been doing my own
greeting cards for about 5 years now.  I completely design 
them by using graphics that I get for free or my own pics
 and write my own words in them.
The first 2 cards on the left are graphics compliments of
I am thankful
that the table is all set and I feel very happy with it as well,
 and my focus tomorrow can be on  food and straightening
 up the house.  If you care to see pictures I will probably
post them next wed. because I am planning on participating
in Tablescape Thursday over at between naps on the porch.
I am thankful
that my children can come with their friends for dinner
and that we can have this opportunity to get to know
 them better.  What parent doesn't love that!! lol
I am thankful
that I can and do enjoy my life so much,  cause it hasn't
always been that way for a good many years, especially
when I was going thru menopause.  I truly had a wretched
time of it, and I used to wonder where I went and who
this woman was that I didn't like very much!!

I am thankful
that Sue over at "where memories are made" is feeling
so much better.
I am thankful
 for all you dear sweet encouraging
ladies that come by almost daily and leave such
sweet and encouraging comments, but most of
all for the pen pal type friendship that we have!
I just love it!!
I am thankful
that we are having a simple dinner tonight,  and 
that the Lord has been teaching me over the last
years to make things simple yet elegant.
I think a little elegance makes people feel very
special,  and I love to make people feel special.
It is a true gift and a wonderful thing to feel that way!!
I am thankful
that I feel soooo loved by the Lord,  because I
can't say I have always felt that way, oh I always
knew he loved me,  but I feel like I have grown to
know it in a much greater way that ever before.
I am thankful
for all the things the Lord has taught me over the
years spiritually, emotionally, financially, culinarily,(new word) lol
creatively, and on and on!!
I am thankful 
for holidays like Valentine's day, and of course,
all the others, just because it gives us reasons
to celebrate,  and I believe God loves to see
his people celebrate,  if you don't believe me just
 check out the old testament in the Bible and see
all of the festivals and celebrations that they had.
Plus when I was growing up we didn't celebrate
a lot, my Mom was a single parent and was 
exhausted and many times worked on holidays
to make extra money to support us!! 
God Rest Her Soul.........
I am thankful
tomorrow is hubbies day to work at home
because with the wind chill factor it is going
to seem like we are in the 20's here in the morning!
So he will be able to be toasty warm and comfy
in his sweats!! lol
I am thankful
that I am now tired enough to go to sleep since it is 4:52 a.m.
 For some reason I was just antsy and could not sleep,
  so just decided to get up and visit blogs and then decided
 to at least start my Thankful Thursday post, and now it
is finished so I will just post it now and then go to 
Beddie Bye Land!
Good Night Sweet Folks,
Thanks for coming by
So tell me................
what are you Thankful for????????????
Blessings Dearies,


  1. I am thankful that I have a great God loving husband.

    I am thankful for the my family. I have been so blessed with wonderful children, there spouses and of course all 4 of my darling grandkids.

    I am thankful for you Nellie (my new BLOG friend)

    I am thankful through this tough economy that my husband and I both still have our jobs.

    I could go on and I as I have a list of blessings

    Thanks Nellie
    Love Janet

  2. Beautiful things to be thankful for ... I can add sweet online friends that encourage me and spur me on in my call as wife! I will definitely look into the book.

    Sarah Dawn

  3. Aww being Thankful is really good for the spirit :) I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, and a heater. I am thankful for the food we have, and that our family loves us enough to help us out. :)

  4. Valentine's pinks, purples, reds, and whites,
    Remind me of the coming shorter nights! I am so glad the days are getting longer!
    #1. I'll be thankful when I get through tomorrow's Valentine's Day at school! It's always fun, but you're glad when it's over... with so many excited, loud, and vociferous kids! lol!
    #2. Straightening up the house, I think I'll nap on that one, lol!
    #3. I have an extra "child" for the next 5 days. I'm sitting Tia for Alice and Boddy. She is staying at my house. She gets along well with the other "kids!"
    #4. I'm looking toward enjoying my life more when I can retire. Until then I'll stress along, ha!
    #5. I'm so thankful we can bring our friends before the LORD in prayer! What a joy when we hear of those feeling better!
    #6. Isn't it great that we can have an immediate pen pal response!! I remember when we had the "snail mail" pen pals. It took forever sometimes to hear back from them!
    #7. (KISS) Keep It Simple Sister! I agree with you! I may be doing simple to the extreme, lol!
    #8. I am so thankful for those times that the stress of work can be forgotten and I can enjoy myself to the "N th" degree!
    #9. Spiritual growth brings about harmony with our LORD. It can be hard sometimes when the flesh wants to war with the spirit. I'm so thankful the Holy Spirit is there to comfort and guide!
    #10. Eternity is going to be a continuous celebration! I'm so glad it starts now and leads right into the unimaginable (Eye has not seen...)
    #11. I'm thankful I'll have 3 days to enjoy the warmth of my cozy den!
    #12. I'm so thankful for my return to health after a month of "off on a tangent" direction from meds a doctor had me on! I'm feeling great! I am now able to sleep from 9 at night to 5:30 in the morning!

  5. Hi Nellie,
    I am so thankful for the privilege of being a mother. Though my children both live so far away I cherish the 18 years we had together under one roof, the grace that GOD showered upon us and the memories of wonderful times as we all grew. Though I miss them desperately, I realize that not every woman has the opportunity to mother. Thank You LORD.

  6. Hi Nellie,
    Thank you for sharing your thankful list, and for your prayers for me. I am doing so well. Just reading your thankful list touches my heart. You truly have a thankful heart. Every time I come here I am so lifted up by your words of encouragement!
    I am so thankful for many things, so many this page would not fill it,but I will list one for now and that is you Nellie dear friend.
    Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy and Blessed Valentines Day.

  7. Oh! Nellie,
    I got so busy reading your list, I forgot to tell you how much I enjoyed your cards, You did a beautiful job, and hope as my skills improve that I can do that. My brother-in-law makes all of theirs and they are great too.
    Hugs, Sue

  8. Thank you :) Thanks for comming to my blog. You came just as I was putting up a big ol long winded post =p LOL! I am hoping to hear something back on some of my greeting cards in the next few weeks, so when it happens i will revisit the topic of greeting cards on my blog :) It is somehting I am really excited about! I have also been trying to contact maternity lines about writing for thier t-shirts. :)


    Try that :) The one she wrote for me is the second one. The original post I found through goole searching Greeting Card Submission.

    Look at your library and see if they have any books on the subject, also the writers market guide has a section just for greeting cards. :)

  10. Such a sweet list - I cannot imagine you ever going through a "wretched" time...what a sweetie you are! And I absolutely LOVE that header that in your home?? So pretty. Hope you and your lovies enjoy a great time together this weekend - everything looks pretty!! Have fun:)

  11. Oh! darling I am in love with the crystal heart vase, so gorgeous. I had a good time going over your posts. I joined your followers and will return often.

    Love & Hugs


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie