Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Surprise!!!!!!!!!!Guest blogger, Guess Who????

Hello Sweet Friends,
Did you see the heart up there, that is
because I had my sweet hubby write 
something about his heart problems.
I was gonna post it yesterday but the
post was already too long,  and I 
thought it was good to sort of give you
a heads up something special was
coming anyway!
So Jimmy take it away............
Nellie wanted for me to tell you my perspective on my
 unexpected trip down "heart repair lane". I would like to 
start  by telling you that I am a Christian and I love the
 Lord Jesus.  However, that doesn't exempt me from heart
 disease or any other disease if God chooses to develop my 
character with those life threatening events. Of course,
 I can choose to abuse God's temple, (my body), and pay
 the consequences. That is the case with my heart disease.

There are really two things that I believed that developed
 an unhealthy life philosophy. 1) My health was my business
 and mine alone! 2) I believed that if I exercised on a regular
 basis I could eat what ever I wanted. You may already know 
I played racquetball many years right up to the time that
 I went in for heart bypass.
Nellie was always a pretty healthy eater and she would 
warn me at times about my eating. I had friends and
 acquaintances that also remarked about my eating. I loved 
meats that were loaded with juicy fat, pasta dripping
 with alfredo sauce, double cheese burgers, Big Macs,
 doughnuts, etc.
 You get the picture!
It is interesting how our personal sovereignty will clash
 with God's!
Here is some of what God showed me during that time.
 1) Your life philosophy stinks! You can't expect to fill my 
temple with nothing but junk and expect great health!
 2) The idea that your health is only your business is an
 extremely selfish attitude. You have a family that is 
depending on you and everything you do affects others.
 3) You will need to be healthy to serve Me!
After receiving some of God's wisdom and some heartfelt
 repenting of the stinking thinking, I resolved to change
 the way I eat, the way I exercise, and the way I serve my
 family and my Lord with a healthy lifestyle.
With God's grace and healing power, I am on the mend.
 I also have the most fantastic nurse, Nellie. She is
 beautiful, graceful, and really smart. She has adopted
 the same lifestyle including the exercise and healthy eating
 which she pretty much did anyway. She has also become
 a real chef when it comes to producing
 both tasty and healthy food.
By changing my diet I lost thirty pounds without even trying.
. This all resulted in greatly enhancing my stamina and
 causing me to feel better than I have in ten or fifteen years.
 I was borderline diabetic. That improved so much
 that they don't even test for it anymore!
Also just had an EKG that does no longer show
the heart attack I had over 4 yrs. ago.  The Dr.
said "that is very rare", and then he said "That just
never happens."! We believe that is divine
intervention from the Lord.  
Heart disease is a sneaky disease like the slow clogging 
of pipes till one day they just close up! You credit your lack
 of stamina and poor health on just aging. As I would play
 racquetball and get in an intense volley, I would attribute
 the feeling of pressure on my chest to just getting old and
 not being a youngster anymore.
So, my advice for any of you guys or girls out there,
 eat smart and always exercise and you will live longer
 and more importantly, you will enjoy the life
 you live much better!

Thanks for reading,  Jim
Just thought you might like to hear from someone
who has been thru it!  I wish someone would have
told us a long time ago about how bad 
"hydrogenated & partially hydrogenated oils"
were,  and explain where it could end up
because maybe we could have prevented
this......... if someone would have said
to hubby if you eat these things with the
cholesterol problems you have,  you
may wind up having to have bypass
surgery for clogged arteries.
It is just possible, it might have woken him
up before it was too late.............
You can never know those things,
cause hindsight is always 20/20...
But we do know we would love to prevent
someone else from going that route by
telling them,  and possibly alerting them.
I have to say my kids eat better and
healthier than they did,  and they use
a lot of the products we do,  so 
hopefully,  if one of them has a genetic
predisposition to CAD maybe this
will prevent it.  I am truly a preventative
maintenance person!
Hope you have a good evening
with family and/or friends,
Blessings & Hugs,


  1. Great testimony, Jim! After my news today, I guess I have no excuses either! I love you two!

  2. How sweet to hear first hand from Jim! I love that you let him guest post! And Jim, you are so right.

  3. Thanks Jim for sharing your experience. We praise God for His healing touch in your life and all the wonderful changes you have made.
    You both are an inspiration to many.

  4. Wow, a powerful testimony of Christ and our temples and repentance and moving forward. Love it. Thanks for sharing Jim. I have pretty good feeling that you are going to be very healthy from now on! Making changes is not easy. I am glad you and Nellie are working together on it.

  5. Nellie

    I loved the post what a great testimony. I need to get on the bandwagon and lose weight. Your BLOG is inspiring to do so and be more healthly. Thanks Jimmy for sharing.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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