Thursday, April 29, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - April 29. 2010

(These went on the dining room table)
Hello Sweet Peas,
Hope you have had a good Thursday!!
It has been a glorious, sunny,  cloudless, 
blue sky, cool, breezy, sit on the porch day here!!
Could I say more??  Probably yes!!!  Have hubby
and I enjoyed it?? Yes,  to say the least!!
He worked out there all day.
Around noon hubby and I were enjoying
the lovely day when I got a phone call from a sweet
 and distressed friend who came over and spent most
 of the day with us.  She had just come from court
from getting her final divorce decree!!
To say it is sad is an understatement,  it is not
at all what she ever wanted but for 3 years we
have watched her suffer thru much distress at
the hands of a man that we feel could care less.
She had biblical grounds but she was not the one
to file for the divorce, she wanted her marriage
to work and was willing to work at it, especially
because she has 3 beautiful children.
So my
I  thank the Lord of glory for
is how we have seen justice served on this day.
  The Lord took good care of her and  her children.
She will no longer have to wonder if or when this man
 is gonna help her with child support. We have watched
 her be a sweet, godly, patient and good person to this
 man who has just walked all over her basically!!
  She needed to see some of God's justice,
 and truthfully so did we!
I thank the Lord 
because she has a clear conscience because she
did everything possible to try and save this marriage.
I am so grateful she is left with that in her time of grief,
and I am so thankful that the Lord has given her the
grace to go thru all she has and to be such a graceful
woman of God in spite of it all.
I am thankful
for our other friends finally found out a diagnosis,
not that it was great, but it was better than it might
have been.  It has not spread to his bone marrow
and I guess it is a stage 2 and 3.  He has gotten 2
chemo treatments and so far has tolerated them
well,  and will get another round in 3 weeks,  and
may go home from the hospital tomorrow,  but
still needs lots of prayer for high blood pressure
and sugar problems.  Scary for his wife!!
I am thankful
that another longtime friend who is going thru a lot of
physical issues called and told me that the "Lost in the middle"
 book I gave her has really helped get her thinking straightened
 out.  She will be having a heart procedure next Month.
I am thankful
for the "Lost in the Middle" book, and for Dr. Paul
 David Tripp who wrote the book,  because it has 
helped us, and  so many people that are going thru
 tough and difficult times in their lives.  

I am thankful
that the Lord knows where we will be needed
and when and arranges life for us. I was suppose
to have my daughter and her boyfriend over for
dinner tonight but she called last night to say he
was still out of town and wouldn't be home till
late tonight.  It could have been a very stressful
day otherwise.
I am thankful
for my sweet hubby and for the beautiful flowers he 
brought me on Monday,  as you can see throughout
this post. I got 4 arrangements out of one bouquet
I just love that!!
(These went in the guest bath)
I am thankful
that the Lord is always faithful to give me
things to be thankful for when sometimes
it seems like so many bad things are happening,
which has been going on in the last 2 weeks.
I am thankful
that Jennifer over at trading ashes for beauty
got good results back on all her cancer tests.
Now that is something to celebrate for sure!!
Such wonderful news.
# 10
I am thankful
that although my heart is sad for all these sweet
and precious friends that are going thru such hard
times right now,  I am thankful that God gives us the
capacity to feel their pain and come along side
them whenever possible.
I am thankful
that I know the Lord of glory,  and that He is in
control of this world we live in,  and that He
 knows how to take care of His children.
Praise His Name!!
(this lil guy went on my kitchen sink)
I am thankful
that we had time to watch a Disney movie
last night that made us laugh a lot,  cause we
needed a good laugh.  It was called "Old Dogs"
with John Travolta and Robin Williams.
Some parts were silly but it was a fun and
belly laughs movie at times!!
(Two of the Sunflowers wouldn't face upward so I took them all
 out and cut their stems very short and floated them in a bowl .
These went on my bathroom vanity)
Well,  Sweet Folks,
that is my thankful list for today!!
Somedays you have to dig deep
to find those blessings but they
are always there!!
Please share some of your
 blessings with me......
I could use some encouragement!!
Have a Beautiful Evening!!
Love, Blessings and Hugs,

P.S. Oh yea,  just so you know I did tweak my
chicken casserole recipe on my Heart Tips
Tuesday post this week.
Bye Now!!  

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Welcome to White Wednesday


Good Morning Sweet Friends


And how are you this fine day????


I am doing well, we had a nice evening,

eating and reading, and trying to fix

something that went wrong with my

editor all of the sudden. Didn't get it

fixed so had to go back to the old one until

we can figure out what the problem is.

So will see how it goes.


Our dinner (My lowfat chicken casserole from

yesterday post) turned out pretty well, we

wound up using the low fat sour cream and diced

tomatoes on top, and we liked it quite well,

definitely think I would like it best without the

sage and thyme personally, which is why I left

it out of the recipe (but if you happen to like them,

then you might want to add it). I am gonna go

back over and tweak the recipe a bit today.

Think it could have used a bit more veggies too.

We ate roasted asparagus with it as well.


Since I am participating in White Wednesday

guess I had better get on with it!!




Someone has taken over my kitchen

this spring...................



It is........." Beauregard Coq"





He insist upon that name................

because he has delusions of grandeur.......



He says that he was the symbol of France

during the French Revolution and that

He was even on the National Flag!!



Also Beauregard was the name of a cartoon

Rooster at one time, and it also means handsome

He is a bit arrogant and full of himself too, what

can I say!!

and Coq means Rooster

in French, of course,


and He even says He is a perfect decorative

piece to have if you want a French Country

look!! Imagine That!!



Much to his chagrin, I just call him

" Beau Roostair", think that sounds better

and a lil more French, don't you!!


Well, and if that isn't bad enough He also

brought along his twin country cousins.



This would be Roo



and you guessed it, this would be Ster!!

So original, right????



And we all know that all families have

some colorful characters or relatives,

so Beauregard brought them along too!


Then he brought this lil runt of the

family along too, guess he has to

try and show off to get attention

since he climbed......



up on top of a weathervane.



Here is a better close up of the puny guy.



His name is "Doodle do"


He said his greatest desire

is to be on top of a church steeple.


Talk about delusions of grandeur!!


I heard Beau talking to them all

the other day saying aren't you glad

we are all Roosters and not hens!!
And Roo said, Why?? hens get treated
pretty well,
and Beau said, yea, but looooooookkkkk...........


at the size of that platter!!!!


Never seen a Rooster on one of those,

but sure have seen some Hens!!

Poor things!!


Hope you enjoyed my lil Rooster Fun Story.


Thanks for dropping by.........


Make sure to go over to Kathleen's at
and see all the other fun and unique
White Wednesday Posts.


Have a Beautiful White Wednesday!!


Blessings n' Hugs Galore,


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Welcome to Heart Tips Tuesday - Chicken Casserole recipe & Products

Hiddy Ho Sweet Friends,
So how is your week going so far???
Fine, I hope. Mine is going well, catching up on some
household chores cause I am finally feeling a bit peppier
than the last few weeks. Think it was our air filter and
since it has been cleaned I am feeling considerably better.
Did I tell you about that yesterday??
I hope not, I did tell someone, but I type so many comments
on blogs and send so many emails at times, I forget who
I told what!!
Anybody else have that problems besides me???
I was thinking this morning about what to make for din
din tonight, and I got thinking about a casserole that I
used to make that we all loved, It was just called
Chicken Casserole and it was made with stove top
stuffing, but since we can no longer use stove top
stuffing due to those lovely hydrogenated oils or
palm kernel oils, I have only made it once when
I found a walmart brand that had palm kernel oil
and thought yeah, only to find out palm kernel oil
is just a tich better but not much. Heart Assoc.
says stay away from it, so that is what we do!!
However, I did happen to have this on hand.
Oops, the one I am looking for is not in this bunch,
but it is a Krusteaz mix, but it is called "Fat Free
Honey Cornbread". I only use their fat free
products because they are the only ones that
don't have the bad oils other than the Pecan
bars I think! You just have to read those
dratted labels!! lol
(Oh and Mickey if you are reading, this is the way I made
the Cranberry Orange bread, I add nuts to mine tho, then I
put orange sherbert on top when I serve it,
and it makes a great fat free dessert.)
So back to my story, so I decided to whip up the corn
bread and was gonna cook it first then tear it up and
mix it together with the other stuff, but decided why
don't you just put it all in their together and cook it
once, so that is what I did. It just came out of the
oven and it taste pretty good, it is not quite the
consistency of the one I made before it is more
like a moist cake like consistency, and it taste
good but needs something, so think I am gonna
top it with sour cream and some diced tomatoes
when I serve it tonight!
This is the recipe:
Nellie's Style heart healthy Chicken Casserole
1 box Krusteaz fat free honey cornbread
1 cup of lowfat buttermilk
1 1/2 cups of chicken broth
1 medium onion diced up
5-6 stalks of celery sliced thin
3 cloves of garlic minced
2 carrots chopped fine
1 tsp. Lawry's seasoned salt
1 1/2 - cups chicken torn or cut in bite size pieces
(I used leftover rotisserie chicken)
1 to 1 1/2 cups of 2% shredded cheddar cheese
Put Krusteaz mix in bowl and add buttermilk and
chicken broth, and mix well. Then add onion, celery, garlic,
carrot and seasoned salt, and chicken and mix well
again. Do not add cheese now!!
Pour mixture into an 8x8x2- inch metal baking pan.
Bake in 400 degree preheated oven for 18 mins.
and check it, I had to cook mine for about 24 mins.
cause the center was giggly, but your oven could be
different so you will need to check it cause it says
on the box 18-22 mins. Once it is cooked put the
cheese on top, and put it back in the oven for just
a couple of minutes till cheese melts. Take it out,
give it a few minutes to set, and serve.
Serve with lowfat sour cream on top and chopped
juicy tomatoes, I use Compari tomatoes.
Comments: I had added some thyme and sage to
it, but think I would like it better without so that
is why I didn't include it.

Here is something good for dessert, not
too much, just something simple to give you
that lil bit of sweet taste you might like after
dinner. We eat a square almost nightly
after dinner, and it is totally heart healthy
because it is dark chocolate and we have
found that one pc. is quite satisfying
because the dark chocolate is so
rich. All of these chocolates are
absolutely delish
And here is something I found at Target, we
had them once before, but I forgot about them,
but we happened to see them again. They are in
separate lil packages, 7 heart shaped cookies
per pack, and they are only 1 gram of sat. fat.
So they are a great lil snack, and they are
a good source of fiber and have 70% cocoa
and some wine extract, so they looked pretty
healthy from all we read. Tried to go online
and see where they sell them besides Target
but had no luck, also wanted to see what
other products they have. They do have a few
but have no clue where you would find them.

Well, Sweet Friends, thanks for stopping in
today, and hope you can find something new
to try. Something new is fun!! lol
Don't try this recipe till be actually eat it
and critique it. I have only tried a tiny
square so far, but think it will be good.
I wanted to go ahead and record it so I
didn't forget what I did!! lol
But check back tomorrow and I will
give you the scoop!!
Have a Beautiful evening with your loved ones,
Blessings and Hugs,

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Have an Un Angry Sunday!!

Happy Sunday Sweet Friends,
Hope you are having a good weekend.
Ours has been good for the most part.
We went to see our friends at the hospital,  and
 they still don't know much more than they did
 before.  They did do a bone marrow
test on Friday, but have not gotten the results yet.
They want to start the chemo but can't because
he has pneumonia, and they are trying to get that
cleared up. Then today there was another problem.
 What a mess!!  But the Lord knows and He is in
 control,  so we have to keep  reminding ourselves
We also got the yard mowed, and all the rest, and got 
some bushes cut back,  so that looks a bit nicer. 
 Then today we got some more painting done, but, still
 not finished, but a few steps closer.  Got all the primer 
on, and got another door casing painted,  and put another
 coat of paint on the first one,  think 3 coats might just do it, 
 we sure hope so!!
We also had some intense fellowship which reminded
 me of this scripture in Ephesians 4: 26
"In your anger do not sin.  Do not let the sun go
 down while you are still angry, and do not give
 the devil a foothold."
Well, don't think we did too well on the first part,
but we did great on the second part cause we
are fine now,  and have made our apologies
and asked forgiveness.  We forget sometimes
 that when you counsel you get tested on what 
you are teaching!!  Such Fun!! 
I like what I read on some new blog someone
sent me to, the phrase "with every test comes
a testimony!!"   I like that quote!!  
So here is my testimony "Get over it before
bedtime or you won't get a very good nights
sleep,  and the enemy will keep you company
all thru the night with angry thoughts."
That is the truth, and nothing but the truth
 because we know from years back but
 we have learned!!!
Even if you have not settled whatever the
situation is at least make peace and say
you love each other and are committed
to the marriage or relationship and we will
 talk about this issue and work it out
 tomorrow cause it is too late to do it now!!
 That works really well especially if you go back
and work it out the next day when you aren't
so tired and upset!!
Well, Sweet Folks,
Hope you have an Un Angry Sunday!!
Love, Blessings and Hugs,

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - April 22, 2010

Greetings Sweet Friends
Welcome to Thankful Thursday!
Hope to find you well and happy this day!
I have to say I haven't gotten a lot accomplished
so far today,  made a smoothie for breakfast,
straightened up the kitchen, made grill cheese
sandwiches for a late lunch, and put a load of
 clothes in to wash and caught up on reading and 
commenting on blogs. And we did our exercise,
yea!!  so that is out of the way too!!
Oh Yea, forgot to tell you I didn't start
 my day till 10:15.  Hubby works at home today
and I was sleeping so soundly I didn't even hear
him get up,  and he just let me sleep,  so much
to my shock it was 10:15.  I really hate to sleep
that late,  but I have to say I  must have needed
it cause I feel really good today!!
No wonder I am shocked it is already 3:45 in
the afternoon.  Well I guess my
 thankful is...............
I am thankful to the Lord 
for a good night and morning sleep!! lol
and feeling so good today!!
(there were 3 of these beauties but by the time I got
the camera ready 2 had gone.)  Bummer!
I am thankful
for the birds of the air that I caught on
camera in my backyard this week.  A 
great reminder to us of how the Lord can
take care of us if he takes care of the birds
of the air.  They are so pretty and healthy
looking,  so He is doing a great job!!
and He does a great job of taking care
of us too!!
(Here is a closeup thanks to zoom lens,
Isn't he so pretty!!)
I am thankful
that when we lose something the Lord knows
right where it is,  and when we have the presence of
 mind to ask for his help He has found a number
of things we have lost. Sometimes He tells you
right away, sometimes it might be a day, some
times a week or maybe 3 and sometimes
months later, but we do wind up finding it!!
I am thankful
the Lord found Jimmys car keys that he lost
last Sunday.  Remember I told you Dee had
to come and rescue us at Bed, Bath and 
Beyond.  We ran there right after church to
pick up some more towels that were on sale,
and we went right from the car to the towels,
and then just a quick look at pictures and
to the register.  Right before we got to the
register Jim realized he had lost his keys.
We retraced our steps over and over and 
even the store employees were trying to 
help,  but to no avail.  We had to leave our
name and number hoping they would call.
Monday morning still no call,  so he was
trying to put together another set of keys,
and the Lord prompted him to look in his
bible cover which has a pocket,  guess 
what was there???  His keys of course!!
He has a habit of putting them in there 
when he goes to church cause he doesn't
like having bulging pockets, so guess
he had a momentary lapse as to where
he was !! lol
 (Caught this pretty cardinal taking a bath in our
birdbath yesterday.  Isn't he adorable,  I wanted
to say she,  but the males are the colorful 
and prettier birds - more shots to come)
I am thankful
the Lord found Jim's wedding band,  he lost  about 
3 weeks or so ago,  and we had turned the house upside
 down looking for it,  and praying of course.  Last weekend
 he found it in a very strange place.  See if you can figure it out???
It was in the bottom of a tupperware container
that we keep the dog treats in....................
How funny is that!!
Jimmy went to get a cookie for the Rosie when
she was here last Friday,  and he saw it and 
said Nellie look,  and I thought he was trying
to show me the container was empty and I
said yea,  I know we have another box of
treats in the garage,  and he said No, look,
and when I did I just died laughing,  it must
of somehow just slipped off his finger.
Is that not a riot!! lol
(He was having a splashingly good time, let me tell you! 
 Am surprised you can't see the water splashing,  either 
he stopped splashing everytime I took a shot or it just
isn't showing up on the zoom)
I am thankful
for those that have prayed for us and the 
couple we are working with........
because the Lord is answering prayers
in a big way!!
I am thankful
for this couple and what tender hearts they
 have,  they do whatever we ask them
to ...........and it is incredible to have such
great hearts to work with cause trust me
this is a rarity today!!  Sadly!!
(Ahhh,  this is so refreshing)
I am thankful
for what the Lord did for Jennifer over at
trading beauty for ashes.  It is a beautiful
answer to her prayers.  Click here to read
about it.
(All these photos brought to you by the magic
of the zoom lens photography,  such a neat thing!)
I am thankful
that Noreen was the blessed recipient of
a wonderful blessing from Becky over at
Holiday in the Sun.  Click here to read
about it!!  Becky strikes again!!
Good going Girly!!
I am thankful
for Becky and what a sweet heart she has,
and for the joy she loves to bring to others
with her lovely, unique and creative surprises!!
and She is a Sweet Heart as well.
I am thankful 
for Doctors, Nurses and hospitals who can help
our loved ones and friends when we have 
no clue what to do for them.
Which reminds me of my friends hubby, Al,
again,  he seems to be worse today,  so
she is getting more and more concerned
to say the least!!
 Please Pray if you feel so led.
I am thankful
that Scott found a state job that he really liked
the sounds of, and applied for it.  Only sad
part is it is in Jacksonville,  but we want the
Lords will for him,  and would love to see
him have a job that he loves and that doesn't 
work him 70-75 hrs. a week. And it is only a
few hours away, Course, he has only applied
 so we have to see what happens.
Of Course, we would love for him to find
a great job in this area!! lol
(Ahhhh, the magic of photoshop - the palette 
knife affect,  I really like how it looks)
Well, Sweet folks,  there you have my Thankful
List for this week.
Hope you have had a week with lots of neat
 things to be thankful for!
So Tell Us............
What are you Thankful For!!
Thanks for coming by...........
Until next time,
Love, Blessings and Hugs, 

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...