Friday, September 30, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - September 29, 2011

Morning Sweet Friends,

Well.....I am a day late and a dollar short,
  but decided to post anyway.....................

I was out the whole day yesterday,  and was exhausted
by the time I got home,  had plans to do Thankful Thursday
when I got home,  but hubby and I made the big mistake
of sitting down to read and to rest, thinking I would get up 
and do it after our rest.....but we fell asleep, and just
couldn't get motivated, so just got up and went to bed!!
So that is the rest of that

I am thankful
 that I was able to accomplish a great deal
 yesterday on plans for the reception.  I went all 
over the place,  but got great info and sorta feel
like I  might know more about what I am doing,
so I can make some educated choices.
I sorta hope!!  lol

Similiar pic to the above one,  just posterized!

I am thankful
that we had such a lovely time with Jerry's 
parents last weekend and that we finally got
to meet them.  Always nice to meet the new
family and know things are good!

I am thankful
for these beautiful mums that you are seeing pictures of,
Jerry's parents brought them to us.  Funny,  cause I was
thinking I would love to get some for my porch,  and
here they are............have never had any like these
before,  think they must be a new specimen!  Did
see them on someone else's blog awhile back.
They don't even look real in most of the pictures.

No, that's not an affect, these were just a tad blurry.
These mums are hard to photograph cause they don't
look real in person, let alone photographed.

I am thankful
for a sweet lady in the bakery department that was
such a help to me and gave me lots of great ideas,
about the cake.  Cause I am not planning to get
a big Wedding cake,  just want a small cake that
they can cut..............and then have some other
desserts to go with it...............
she was going to have a dessert bar originally
with eclairs, cannoli's, chocolate covered straw
berries,  and petit fours.

I am thankful
that I located a tablecloth that I need to buy
so I can put the leaf in my dining room table
to make it bigger,  now am praying it will
go on sale or the Bed Bath and Beyond will
come out with a coupon

I am thankful
that I found some napkins at the party shop,that I can 
use if I don't find something I like better.  Trying to
find things for a wedding that have fall colors and 
that look Weddingish (don't you like my new word)
(Mr spell checker likes it too!! lol)  is no easy task.

I am thankful
that our neighbor gave us a rather large gift
certificate to Olive Garden because hubby has
been mowing his lawn for quite awhile,  but
we really didn't want him to.................
and he really didn't need to............
but it was very sweet,  and it will help pay 
for food that I plan to get from there for the
reception.  So a nice unexpected blessing!

I am thankful
that hubby and I decided to do a 41 day love dare of 
our own as a countdown to our 41st Anniversary.
We are doing something intentional every day to
show our love for each other.
We started this past Tuesday,  and it has been fun!

I am thankful
that hubby, Scott and Jerry are all going to see
the movie "Courageous"  on Sunday Afternoon.
If it is anywhere near as good as "Fireproof"
it is gonna impact many, many lives.

This has a gradient map affect!

I am thankful
that I finally got a card made for a friends
Anniversary.  Her hubby asked me to do it,  and
it is nice to have someone enjoy your creativity.
So that blessed my heart!

I am thankful
for Beef Stroganoff,  that is our dinner for 
tonight,  it is one of hubby's favorite meals,
so this is his special loved dare gift for today.
I learned it from his Mom as a newly wed,
I had never had it before............but I
totally enjoy it as well.  It is a wee bit
tweaked, like most of my recipes.

 Posterized affect.

I am thankful
for the beautiful sunflowers and Mums that hubby 
brought me this week,  one of his love dare gifts to me.
I will show them to you next week.

Well, Sweet Friends
Hope you have had a good week 
full of the Lord's blessings too~

Thanks for the visit..................
Be sure to say hello why you are here,
 always fun hearing from you!


Love, Hugs and
Fall Mum Blessings,

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Table Top Tuesday - First Fall Table Top for 2011

Morning Sweet Peas,

and Happy Tuesday to you!!!
Hope you had a marvelous weekend.

Our's went well............we did finally get to meet Jerry's
parents and we had a very nice evening together.  His
Mom and I hit it off nicely,  she likes decorating, flowers
and gardening too!

Didn't post yesterday because I am starting to work on
 details for the reception here the end of October,  Jerry's
family is going to join us now.  Originally,  we were each
gonna do our own small reception. As I am sure you
all know larger means more stuff to do!!  lol
So spent the whole day practically online looking for
ideas and at Publix  website at their cakes and desserts.
Also, trying to find napkins and plates to match with
 my Fall decor,  and still be able to try and keep her
original colors, but think it is just gonna have to
vary some!  Will see...................

Anywho,  that has been what I am up to,  so thought
I would show you one of my Fall Table Tops today.
Hope you enjoy it!

Always have a difficult time trying to find something
to go into this chimney turned cloche.  So decided
to try these lil pumpkins and they seemed to fit the
bill,  the cloche has a whole at the top so I usually
tie a ribbon around it,  but this lil small Fall pot
fit in the top perfectly, then just added a lil raffia.

Have had this Fall potpourri forever and I just love it!
Need to find some sort of fragrance oil to put on it tho.
I have added some things like the apples and pinecones
 to it,  and remember these plates from my first Fall  table-
scape, Scroll down if you missed it, and would like to see,
  it is the next post passed Thankful Thursday.

That is why I was doing the tablescape first,
cause I always use them other places in my
Fall decorating,  since I only have two of them.

This is the same pic as above,  just with the
"Cut Out" affect!

Love collecting treasure from the yard,  when
you go out foraging, sometimes you find the
neatest acorns
Love that!!!

Love these lacy leaves I found at the dollar tree
last year,  and the wooden pear I bought at
Target years back

Added the gift bag with the greenery and flowers 
to hide the wall plug. Did you notice that the books are
 fixed differently in this picture??  and also I took 
away the leaf candles to put them somewhere else,
and used the leaf salt and pepper shakers. They look
 just like a figurine for the most part so I use them

Books different using the Fall candles

Same pic only posterized!

 You can see this was before I added
the gift bag underneath,  see the wall plug.

Lights off!

Lights on!! .............and just have to add......
Nobodies home!!   lol

Another angle.

Same picture,  but with a "Cut out" affect!

I am linking up to Marty over
 at a stroll thru life, so if you want
 to see more unique and creative
tabletops just Click Here!

Have a Wonderful Day Sweet Friends,
and thanks for stoppin' in,
Love hearing from you!!

Love, Hugs,  and
Fall Table Top Blessings,

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - September 22, 2011

A cheerful look brings joy to the heart,
and good news gives health to the bones.
Proverbs 15:30

Hello Sweet Folks,

So how are you today???

Are you smiling about anything......
or anything special that you would
like to share with us.  Would love
to hear it, cause I am smiling today,
because Fall has almost arrived, and
for several other reasons.

I just remembered that today would be
 my Paternal Grandmother's birthday today,
which leads me to
 my #1  thankful.....

I am thankful
that this is not only the 22nd of September
but her 22 year of spending her birthday with
the Lord in heaven, and that the Lord gave
me the privilege of leading her in prayer
just 3 months before she passed away.
God is so good and I thank him for his
amazing grace.

I am thankful
for what a sweet grandmother she was, and
 I am also thankful that I am her name sake, 
 that's right.....that is where I got my name!

She, my grandfather, and my dad all owned
and operation a diner together,  and she
worked the night shift for many years, and
I used to hang out with her at the restaurant
and eat whatever my lil heart desired. So
that was quite fun!!

She was always so good to me, and I have
 many great memories of spending time with
 her in Key West in the summer time, and
often I would spend the night with her too,
and I used to delight in arranging her earring
 trees,  cause she loved earrings, especially
dangly ones, and everyone used to give her
 very unusual earrings,  like lil holsters with guns,
  flamingos, champagne glasses, parrots, her
 initials.  She had tons and tons of earrings and 
wore them daily. She had every color imaginable
to match her colored aprons she wore to work
 at the restaurant.  So that is why I was always 
putting them back on the tree,  cause she would
 be so tired when she came home,  she would 
just take them off and let them lay.  lol

As an adult when we got time to go shopping
together, which wasn't too often,  I had to be
very careful if I said I liked something cause
she would buy it for me,  and sometimes I
was just commenting,  not necessarily that
I would want it just thought it was neat!!  lol
But that was one way she showed her love.

My grandmother loved desserts.............
and would often times look at the dessert
menu before she looked at the regular
  She came to visit us once, with my dad and
 step Mom when we lived away and we took her to
 the mall shopping, cause she loved to shop as well,
 and we wound up at  a J.C. Penny's in Miami,  that 
had a restaurant where she introduced and got
 hubby and I,  hooked on "Hot fudge cake and
 ice cream".  We were still newly weds then, and
 we still love hot fudge cake to this day!!  lol

# 3
I am thankful
that you indulged me in that lil trip down memory
lane.  Thought it might be nice to include that
cause one of these days might kids or grandkids,
 if we ever have any, might enjoy reading it.

I am thankful
that the Lord has answered quite a few
prayers this week in solving some rather
rough situations.  He never ceases to 
amaze us.

I am thankful
that we have a roof over our head,  and not just
a roof but a wonderful home that we have had
 the priviledge of living in for 31 1/2 years now.

After seeing the pics of Haiti on Sunday, I am
overwhelmed with the blessing of that.  Many
are living under blue tarps resting on sticks,
and when it rains they get soaked.

I am thankful
that not only do we get 3 square meals a day,
 but anytime of the day or night we want to eat, all
we have to do is go in our pantry or fridge and 
get what we want.

In Haiti people go 3 -4 days without food!
Makes me sick to think about it.  I don't know
how they survive at all.  I know it can only be
by the grace of God.

Again we are so blessed in this nation!
and truly do need to pray for Haiti and other
third world countries...............

I am thankful
that I have a nice cozy bed to sleep in every night,
and that I can feel fairly safe from the elements and

I am thankful
that I am feeling so much better today,  so thank 
you to those who prayed for me, your were a

I am thankful
that  it looks like we are going to get to meet Jerry's
parents on Saturday evening, Lord willing!
We are really looking forward to it.

I am thankful
for Bumble Bee brand Chicken......yes that's right,
Chicken, not Tuna,  altho,  that is good too!
It makes great chicken salad, and is so nice
to have on hand when you run out of everything
and need to go to the grocery store.

I am thankful
for grocery stores and restaurants.  My fav grocery
store is Publix Supermarkets,  but I am also, very
grateful for Walmart and Target supercenters who
have all the basics you need at a more reasonable 
price most of the time.  

It is such a blessing to be able to go out and
pick up something to eat,  just like last night
when I was feeling bad,  hubby was able to
run to Burger King and get us a whopper.
Now what if there was no where to go.......
imagine that for just a minute!!   

not to mention the break it gives those who
do the cooking all the time.

My fav restaurants would probably be Outback,
Carrabbas or Olive Garden and Cracker Barrel,
but I am also thankful for Taco Bell, Burger King,
Subway, and planet smoothie.  Course, we are
very limited as to what we can eat that is heart
healthy in most of them,  but we manage....... lol

I am thankful
that we live in a fresh and clean country, (other
than landfills or disaster areas), and that our
country is full of beauty and well taken care of
for the most part.

Again we are so blessed to not be living in
such squalor and terribly filthy living conditions,
with trash and debri everywhere, and that have
outbreaks of diseases like cholera. 

Well,  Sweet Friends that is my 
heart of thankfuls this week, 
 hope you feel as blessed as I do!!

Hope you have a Fabulous Friday!
and a Wonderous Weekend!

Love,  Hugs, and 
Thankful Heart Blessings
 to each of You!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tablescape Thursday - My first Fall tablescape of 2011

Hiddy Ho Sweet Friends,

Hope your day has been a great one!!

Mine has been okay, cause I am feeling under the weather, 
and so hoping I am not getting sick.  Woke up with a
 headache, and body aches and a burning throat about 5 this
 morning,  so got up and ate some cereal and took some Alleve 
and went back to bed about 6 and slept till 9:00,  the headache
 never really went away although the Alleve took care of the
 other symptoms,  so am hoping it is just an allergy attack,  but as 
soon as the Alleve wore off it all started happening again, 
 sooooo,  if you think of me please pray,  cause we are having
 my son- in- love to be's, parents over on Saturday, and it
 would be very dissappointing for both of us, to have to cancell.

So...... on with my first Fall tablescape for the year!!
This was not one we have used because I was just playing
and looking for ideas for later use.

The tablecloth is really a neat weave afghan,
so thought hey, that would look cool, and built
a table around it.

Love these plates but I only have 2,  I happened one them
at Old Time Pottery a few years back.  Would have definitely
bought more if they had anymore.

Here is the same pic in what they call "Cut out"

The lil acorns are actually hand soaps,  but thought
they looked great,  and it could be a nice favor
to send home with your guests!!

Notice I added sunflower yellow salad plates
This pic is equalized!

This one is posterized

Gotta lights those pretty candles!

Same pic just posterized

This is an equalized affect

Love these lil leaves,  they are so intricate and pretty.

Love these candle holders,  they came from
Miss Becky over at Junk to Joy

along with the leaf salt and pepper shakers.

This is the regular picture.

and this is with a gradient affect.

Well, sweet friends I am going to
 lay down awhile.

Later, I will be linking up to Susan 
over at Between Naps on the Porch, 
 Click here to see
 more fun tablescapes.

Hope you have a great evening 
with your loved ones.

Love, Hugs,
and Fall leaf Blessings,

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...