Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Table Top Tuesday - Loving the Beachy look Part 3

Hello Sweet Friends,

How are you doing today???
Very well,  I hope..........

My day has been good,  I have been a bit more
energetic today,  than yesterday, thank Goodness!

Just had a nice downpour,  quick but pretty heavy,
so that was nice, and am hoping it cools things off
a little.........that would be nice.  Am sure praying
for the Midwest folks and all of you who are in
drought conditions,  sounds so bad!!

Wanted to tell you or remind you if you haven't heard
to go by Chick-fil-a tomorrow (Wed. Aug. 1st) or
 sometime this week to show your support to them
for the beating they are taking over the support of
traditional family values...........where are we living
these days..........doesn't sound like America to me!!
Very Sad that people can't express their opinions
anymore without being threatened.  Ridiculous!

Well....I will step off my soapbox now,  and
show you some more Coastal living scenes
from my home...................

The header pic and the following pics are of my
serving cart that is between the family and dining room.

Changed out the cloche and added my new
 starfish and shells.

 My wedding hanky with shells

colored pencil affect!

The  pictures  below are the top of 
a filing cabinet in my hallway.

Very much like the look of a large leaf
in a vase all by its lonesome.  I have
seen that in Coastal living and Veranda

Can you tell what this is?? Hint, it is a whale!

Remember the bible story of Jonah and
the whale........well that guy sitting in there
would be a replica of Jonah!  Cute huh!!

Don't know if you could tell the plate
has shells around the edges.  Someone
has used these in a tablescape but can't
remember now who it was..........
If it is you and you see this tell me!!

I only have the one plate,  I found at Home
Goods,  and thought it would look nice
on a plate stand.

Well, have to say we are still 
really enjoying this beachy 
summer look...............

Hope you have a great evening
 and tomorrow......................

Thanks for coming by,
Love hearing from you!

I am linking up to Marty over
at Between Naps o the Porch.
so if you wanta see more 
Table Top ideas 
just click here!

Love, Hugs and 
Beachy Blessings,

Monday, July 30, 2012

Happy Monday!

(Pictures here and below of my Friday Mailbox Surprise)

A Great Good Day to you
Sweet Friends,

It is a gorgeous day here, I have to say,
 at least it was this morning when I
 started this post.................lol

Hope you all had a fun yet
 restful weekend.

Our's was great,  a very relational weekend,
which started on Friday.....spent most of the day
 with Susan (My SIL) yakking, eating and catching
 up,  a very nice time together.  Friday night both
hubby and I were exhausted,  since his boss was
here all week,  they worked later than usual every
night plus he didn't get to work at home on Weds.,
so that all sufficiently wore him out.  Unfortunately,
 we did have to do the yard so we did most of it on
 Friday, but since he worked an hour later we only
got the front and side yard done, then we watched
a movie and exercised on the gazelle.  Saw another
 good movie called "Time Changer".

Saturday we slept in and had planned to do nothing
so we could rest up,  as we were going over to help
Scott and Megan at their new home on Sunday.
Spent the day talking, eating and reading,  until
late afternoon then hubby quickly mowed the back
yard,  as Megan called and said they were just
hanging out and did we want to come see the house.
We hadn't eaten yet, so asked them if they had,
and she hadn't,  so we picked up some subs and
went over.  We could not believe they had the
major areas of the house all set up, walls decorated
 and all.  Megan's Mom and a girlfriend had come 
over and helped out as well,  as the guys, Jerry
being one of them, that helped  move all their
 furniture.  It is really a lovely house,  and they
 already have made it a lovely home.  Thank-
fully it was move in ready, all freshly painted
and brand new carpeting.  It's in a really great
neighborhood as well,  we are so happy for them.

Sunday was our usual morning,  to Sunday
School and church,  only hubby was teaching
Sunday School this week, and will be for the
next few Sundays while our SS teacher is
away on a Trip,  his Mother passed away, and
they had planned to go there anyway,  just 
wound up leaving a week earlier than planned.
After church we picked up some food from
Sonny's,  came home and changed clothes
and headed over to Scott and Megans,  had
lunch and then the guys hung blinds and
did some plumbing work,  while she and I
chatted,  she was pretty worn out.  I cleaned
a few windows for her,  just remembered
I forgot to do the outside of the other patio
french door! It was so hot I came in to take
 a break and we got talking and I  forgot
 to go back out!  lol

Think we left around 7 ish,  and hubby 
wanted to try the new Yomii yogurt place,
so fortunately, it was open.  they had a
nonfat, no added sugar strawberry 
yogurt that was awesome,  so I got that
and put a tiny bit of strawberry syrup,
and fresh strawberries on top.  Hubby
had vanilla, strawberry and Taro flavor.
I was thinking, Taro flavor?? That is a 
root looking  plant like ginger,  but I tell
you the yogurt was delicious....it was
lavendar color and had a nutty taste,
will definitely be getting some the next
time if they have it.  They do change up
the flavors,  they didn't have the white
chocolate macadamia nut this time.

Came home watched a few Pastors and
we were both falling asleep so we got
ready for bed, and were in bed by
10:00 which is really good for us!  lol
Slept like babies..................
It was a very good and happy weekend!!

Oh..........I just remembered I wanted
to show you my sweet suprise that came
in the mail on Thursday.  I already took
pics just have to load them on the computer,
so will make one a header picture probably.

As you can see I did............
.this is the lovely tag she made for me.

 I absolutely love it,
 she did it in a coastal theme, cause
she knew my house is done with a coastal 
or Beachy theme right now.

 You can see the lil starfish better in this pic,  and the shell
on the tag with my initial.  I think it is so adorable.

Had to do one in colored pencil.

 She even made it lovely on the back so I can use it in my
white livingroom too,  if I want..........................Anything
she makes is always exquistely done.

 Again, with all my initials

 Wish I could have gotten the pic to show up a lil better,
but this was as good as I could get.  It is an adirondack chair
with a beautiful  white fringed afghan or spread with a 
white chrysanthemum on top.

Just did a shot with it in my living room to see
how it looked.  Looks great to me!

This was a thank you card she made as well,  but couldn't
 capture the front very well.  It was shell embossed cream
 paper, so pretty! and even lovelier words................This was 
the top of a cello bag,  it was a shell that was cross cut
 and tied on with raffia.

and these were some Real Starfish.  I had gotten some at
Michaels,  but they turned out to be plaster of paris......
I showed them to her when she was here.....and was
 saying they aren't real but I like them anyway..........
but was
really thrilled with the real ones!

Loved this shot in colored pencil

Don't you just love surprises of any kind!
They just make life so enjoyable, fun
and sweet............................

Hope you are having a good Monday
Thanks for stoppin' by.......

Looking forward to hearing
 from you!!

Hugs and
Sweet mailbox Surprise
Blessings to you too!


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - July 26, 2012

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,
 continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built
 up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were
 taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7

Evening Sweet Peas,

Hope this finds you well and happy
and that you have had a good week!

Mine has been pretty busy some days and quiet others, 
 but they have been good days..............
There is usually something praise worthy in every day
if we just look to find it, granted, there are some days
you have to look hard,  but the blessings are there.

So with that said,  I will share mine.........

I am thankful
that we heard from hubbies Cardiologist
office yesterday that the results of his
echocardiogram were fine!  Didn't expect
a problem,  but always nice when you get
 confirmation of that!  God is good!

I am thankful
for the really sweet time we had with
Scott and Megan on Sunday.

I am thankful
that they closed on their new home
today,  and will be moving in over the
weekend.   So Exciting for all of us.

I am thankful
that a friend called this week and told
me that a book I had given her is really
helping her.............God is great!

I am thankful
for two new discoveries right in our area.

One is the "smallcakes" cupcake bakery.
Decided to go use their buy 1 get one
free coupon, so got a chocolate peanut
butter one and a carrot cake one. The
aroma in that place is to die for........

Have only tried the choc. peanut butter
one so far, and yum it was very good!
Unfortunately, the chocolate pb cup
melted off......... while I checked out  the
 other  fun new serendipitous place.

Carrot Cake.........ummmmmmmmmmm

I need to find out if they have coffee cause I can 
definitely see us going in for a lil treat there every 
once in awhile..................
Gotta try out the other flavors ya know.................
just wouldn't be friendly not to do that!!  lol

Hungry yet???  lol

I am thankful
for the new Yomii frozen yogurt place.
I think that must be a new term taken from
the wii games.  lol
I think it means You/Me get some yogurt!! lol

They make small smoothies,  so since it was 
right in the same strip mall as the cupcakery......
 just couldn't pass up a chance to try out the
 new yogurt place as well.  Right???

I had a white chocolate macadamia nut and
 coconut frozen yogurt smoothie with added
 almonds. Absolutely delicious...........
but probably had way more calories that what 
I have any idea of...........but it was non fat and
has calcium, right!  lol

That is why I didn't eat the cupcake
 until today!  lol  Actually I only ate half of the 
cupcake, saved the other half for hubby and
 we still have the carrot cake one to eat yet!  
Looking forward to tonight!!  Yum!!
Will let you know if we like it or not!! lol

Had the carrot cake one after dinner
and it was verrrryyy good.

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry loved their new red and
tan kitchen rug,  she said it added some more
color to their kitchen.  Makes me happy
that liked it so much.

I am thankful
for the dishwasher and washing detergent
recipes I found online from other bloggers.
Am planning to try the detergent one soon,
cause Dee and I had talked about it, and both
of us would rather spend our money on doing
something fun or buying something yummy to eat
or  pretty to look at.  I also have a single parent friend
 with 3 children, who is doing everything to cut corners
 and says she spends so much money on detergent,
 so thought we could try it out and give her some and 
see if she likes it.... then maybe we can teach her how
 to do it.  The lady that has the blog said she thought it 
was actually better and that her clothes look brighter
 to her. So can't wait to try it,  only need 4 ingredients,
so got some yesterday,  but still gotta find the other,
20 mule team borax.  Actually, I have some but don't
have enough left.  Wally world usually carries it,  but
they were out right now.

If you are interested and  would like to check out the
 ladies blog with the recipe and instructions,  she
even gives you labels to download.

I am thankful
that our church is sponsoring a number of
mission trips this summer....one is to Haiti.
Although most are not going in person. I think it 
is great that there are ways that our whole
 congregation can go in spirit by being a part of it,
thru prayer, by getting needed supplies, or helping
prepare things before they go, and I love that...... 
cause it is such a priviledge and delight to be able
 to help others, especially those that are
 experiencing such hardship

I am thankful
for a long but fun conversation with a friend
this morning.  She is such a transparent
and dead honest person, and so funny,
 and I love that about her.

I am thankful
for multi-grain Ciabiatta bread from wally
world.  Have never had it before but I just
made an awesome grilled Ham and
cheese sandwich with it.  Yummo!

Just in case you aren't familiar with the
term Wally World.
Wally World is my words for Walmart!
We live near Disney World, so it fits
with our next of the woods, but forget
others may think it is a new store. 

I am thankful
for Air conditioning which I have said
before but I am also truly grateful
for overhead paddle fans during this hot
time of the year especially.  Have been
sitting under my a lot lately with the combo
of the temps soaring and my own Tropical
heat waves happening in my body,  it is
truly a God Send!!  and has been for many
years now.................

Just got the mail and so had to come back
and add one more to make a bakers dozen.

I am thankful
for the sweet surprise I just got in my mail
box from a dear friend of over 30 years.
Remember the lady who helped me with
the boquets a few weeks back,  well, she
was the bestower of joy, can't wait to show
you the pretty's next week.  So Sweet and
 best of all such an unexpected surprise.

                                             Thanks so much  Carol..............
                     Your are such a Sweetie............
just in case you happen to be reading today!

Happy you could come by today,

It is always great to hear from you.

Have a Really Great Weekend 
with your Family and/or Friends
 or furry friends.

Love, Hugs and
Cupcake and Yogurt Blessings,

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...