Happy Monday
Sweet Friends,
Hope your Monday is going well,
and that you had a nice weekend,
course, I know some of you live in
the Hurricane area, so you are
probably busy getting ready for
the storm. Know we are
concerned and praying for you.
We had a very nice weekend, the weather
was wonderful because of the hurricane, off shore
of course, but it gave us nice cool breezy weather
here in Florida. So we were able to go out walking
and not sweat to death! lol This morning we were
51 degrees............Glory! Am Loving It!!
Well, I am linking up to Marty over at
a stroll thru life for Table Top Tuesday,
So if you want to see some inspiration
Well, this is part 2 of our white living room all dressed
up for Fall. Hope you enjoy it........................
These first pics are all from my double etagere shelves.
The yellow roses in the basket are roses from my bouquet
from Scott and Megan's wedding. I added this subway
print over a picture with a pc. of ribbon. Someone in
blogland made this poster last year for anyone to copy
and use, and I really like it very much, but for the life
of me, I can't remember who it was............So if it was you
please let me know, so I can give credit where credit is due.
of me, I can't remember who it was............So if it was you
please let me know, so I can give credit where credit is due.
Have never had Beaureguard (My Rooster) in the living room
before, so this was a fun addition.
Used my new sign here.
Letters from an old boggle game, this shelf has
what you see here and pictures of our Mom's
who are now home with the Lord.
Only got part of this shelf cause it was high and I needed
a chair...........too lazy to get one, so this is all you get!! lol
Fun lil statue from my daughter I think it was,
and she looks like my neice when she was little,
so just added some pinecones to make her a bit
more festive.........
Moved my round table into the family room so had
to find a new replacement, so used an extra chair
and just swagged it with a tablecloth and added
the other embellishements.
Same pic with Posterized affect
I added a lil starfish here too!
Which reminds me, if you missed last
weeks Part l and would like to see it,
Love these mirror reflections!
They are of the living room, which you
saw some of last week.
This makes the room reversed, so the white table
on the left is really on the right.
This is another shelf across from where the chair sits.
Well, that's all folks,
as porky would say!!

Am also linking up to Becky
for Blissful Whites Wednesday,
if you want to see lots of calming
and pretty whites, Just click here!

Am also linking up to Becky
for Blissful Whites Wednesday,
if you want to see lots of calming
and pretty whites, Just click here!
Thanks for stopping by,
Have a Great Day!
Now.... go be light to someone!!
Hugs, and Fall Blessings,