Monday, October 29, 2012

Table Top Tuesday- White living room dressed for Fall, Part 2

Happy Monday
Sweet Friends,

Hope your Monday is going well,  
and that you had a nice weekend,
course,  I know some of you live in 
the Hurricane area,  so you are
 probably busy getting ready for 
the storm. Know we are 
concerned and praying for you. 

We had a very nice weekend,  the weather
was wonderful because of the hurricane, off shore
of course, but it gave us nice cool breezy weather
here in Florida.  So we were able to go out walking
and not sweat to death!  lol  This morning we were
 51 degrees............Glory!   Am Loving It!!

Well, I am linking up to Marty over at 
a stroll thru life for Table Top Tuesday,
So if you want to see some inspiration

Well, this is part 2 of our white living room all dressed
up for Fall.   Hope you enjoy it........................

These first pics are all from my double etagere shelves.
The yellow roses in the basket are roses from my bouquet
from  Scott and Megan's wedding.  I added this subway
print over a picture with a pc. of ribbon.  Someone in
blogland made this poster last year for anyone to copy
and use,  and I really like it very much,  but for the life
 of me,  I can't remember who it was............So if it was you 
please let me know, so I can give credit where credit is due.

Have never had Beaureguard (My Rooster) in the living room
before, so this was a fun addition.

Used my new sign here.  

Letters from an old boggle game,  this shelf has
what you see here and pictures of  our Mom's
who are now home with the Lord.

Only got part of this shelf cause it was high and I needed
a chair...........too lazy to get one, so this is all you get!!  lol

Fun lil statue from my daughter I think it was,
and she looks like my neice when she was little,
  so just added some pinecones to make her a bit 
more festive.........

Moved my round table into the family room so had
to find a new replacement,  so used an extra chair
and just swagged it with a tablecloth and added
the other embellishements.

Same pic with Posterized affect

I added a lil starfish here too!

 Which reminds me,  if you missed last
weeks Part l and would like to see it,

 Love these mirror reflections!

They are of the living room, which you
saw some of last week.

This makes the room reversed,  so the white table 
on the left is really on the right.

This is  another shelf across from where the chair sits.

Well, that's all folks,
as porky would say!!

Am also linking up to Becky
for Blissful Whites Wednesday,
if you want to see lots of calming
and pretty whites,  Just click here!

Thanks for stopping by,

Have a Great Day!

Now.... go be light to someone!!

Hugs, and Fall Blessings,

Friday, October 26, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - October 25, 2012

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
since as members of one body you were called to peace,
and be thankful.
Colossians 3:15

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope all is well with you and yours.

I am thankful to say all is well with us, and ours!
Sorry I am a bit late, but actually forgot to finish last 
night..........and on my way to bed I remembered but
thought too tired, in the morning!!  lol

It is a pretty windy and gloomy looking here this
 morning, wind gusts and more than likely we will
get rain too, all being thrown off from hurricane Sandy.
Which leads me to my 


I am thankful
that so far, we  have dodged another hurricane bullet, 
altho,  I am very sorry and praying for those who did not.

I am thankful
for the lovely cool mornings we have been having
here all this week in Florida, feels like Fall at least
 in the morning and late at night!  lol  
Was nice to get out and work in the yard a lil with the
 beautiful weather. So enjoyable!!

I am thankful
for Billy Graham and others who are great spiritual 
leaders and examples to us all, like Charles Stanley,
Andy Stanley, David Jeremiah, Bob Coy, James
Merritt,  and our own Pastors at our church.
Know there are plenty others, but they just aren't 
coming to mind right now.

I am thankful
for my Mom's (who is in heaven) potato salad recipe.
  I made a big bowl this week for the first time in a long
while,  and had forgotten just how delicious it is.....

I am thankful
that we have already voted,  and now just are waiting 
to see the results.  Just 11 more days!!

I am thankful
that we got one of our  new shelves up in the garage,
we have 2 more and maybe 3 more to go,  but we
have started, and can't believe how nice it looks and
how much more room we will have out there.


I am thankful
 on Wed. and Thurs., especially for Alleve Sinus and
 Ibuprophen,as my face was aching (allergy related) and
 then I started getting body aches along with my back issues, 
 so it has made me feel soooooooo much better,  and
hubby needed the ibuprophen because he had a lot
of dental work done Wed.,  so God bless those
little feel good

I am thankful
for the new things I have learned on my software
package this week.  Neat stuff!

I am thankful
that I have been able to work on a number of
cards this week, even with my back issues.
I sit a little at the computer,  then go do something 
else for awhile, then come back, and repeat the       Working tho!!

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry got to come over on Sunday,
we had a great time as always.

I am thankful
for organizations like Samaritan's purse, that
provide Christmas gifts and daily help to children
in underpriviledged countries.  Our bible study
group is each doing a shoebox christmas gift,
so I had the pleasure and honor of filling a
 shoebox for a young girl.

I am thankful
hubby finally found an all in one printer that will
work for us,  our scanner broke quite some time
ago,  so we needed a new one but you can get
an all in one printer for the same price as just 
scanner.  It will be nice to have a scanner again, 
so we can make copies when we need to, and
now we have a backup printer as well.

I am thankful
that my back is feeling much better,  not
completely there yet,  but able to sit and lie
down now with no problem.  Just sorta sore
still,  but hey, I can deal with that!!  lol

There a baker's dozen!  lol

Any Thankful's you would
like to share....
would love to hear them!

So glad you came by,and l
ook forward to hearing from you.

Have a Terrific Weekend,

Love, Hugs and 
Good Weather Blessings,

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Blissful white Wednesday - White livingroom dressed for Fall, Part 1

Afternoon Sweet Friends,

Hope this find you well and happy!

 I am happy, but not so
Threw my back out while I was sleeping night before
last...........go figure on how that happened!! 
 So I am sitting carefully, if only I didn't have to sit 
or lie down it would be great!  lol

Today I am participating in a new Meme called
"Blissful Whites Wednesday"

Today is the very first day so make sure you
go over and check it out,  by Clicking Here!
and encourage Becky in her new

It is happily taken on by Becky from over at
Timewashed, with the blessings of Kathleen
from Faded Charm who used to do a Meme
called "White Wednesday", and if you have
been in blogland very long I am sure you
are very familiar with it., and what a lovely
Meme it was....................So we thank you,
 Kathleen for all the fun and beauty you 
brought us, and give you our best wishes.

These first pics are of my foyer area!

Posterized affect!

This is what you see first upon entering my

Left this in so you could see that if you go to the
right,  it leads to my family room,  go left and
you are in my white livingroom, and behind it
is my dining area.

As you enter my home, if you look to the right,  you will
see a newly redone wall.  It is actually green,  looks almost
white here.  lol

As you enter the white livingroom,  this is the
first table you would encounter,  as you can
see I have dressed it up a lil for Fall.

Notice any changes???
check out the top of the cloche!!

That would be the starfish dishes.

Posterized affect

Told you I would have to find a way to incorporate them
into my Fall decorating!  lol

Fit perfectly in the hole on top of my cloche.

Posterized affect!

Next you would see the my cedar chest
coffee table.


This is at the other end of the coffee table!

I am gonna stop here for today and will show you 
the rest next week,  and maybe the week after, just
 depends on how many pics there are!! lol

So stay tuned for Part 2.

Thanks for stoppin' in................

I'm also linking up to Marty over at
 a Stroll thru life, to check out other
Fun Table Tops, click here.

Hope you have a Wonderful 

Hugs and Blessings, 


Monday, October 22, 2012

Ad by Billy Graham

Morning Sweet Folks,

How in the world are you??
Doing well, I hope!

I am doing well today myself,
and just had to share some-
thing because I think it is just
so important.  On Sunday our
newspaper carried a full page
ad by Billy Graham.  Since he
has been the most revered and
respected spiritual advisor this
country has had for many, many
long years, and a man that has 
lived an excemplary life, and is
 almost 94 years old, and I have
 to say I have never seen him do
 this before, which says to me he
knows just how important this
 election really is.......

So don't know how many of these
ads they were able to put out, or
if any of you have or have not 
seen them but just felt very led 
to post the message that his ad 
gave, as I highly respect him and
I think many many of you do as

I was wishing I could just shrink
the ad and post it, but since I
couldn't, thought the next best 
thing was to just write out 
his message.

From Rev. Billy Graham:

The legacy we leave behind for
our children, grandchildren, and
this great nation is crucial.  As I
approach my 94th birthday, I realize
 this election could be my last.
I believe it is vitally important that
we cast our ballots for candidates
who base their decisions on biblical
principles and support the nation
of Israel. I urge you to vote for those
who protect the sanctity of life and
support the biblical definition of
marriage between a man and a 
woman. Vote for biblical values this
November 6, and pray with me that
America will remain one nation
under God.

Billy Graham
Montreat, N.C.

Personally, I was very happy to
see this ad, as I believe our
country is headed down the
wrong road spiritually and that
we are seeing that decline on
a daily basis.

I typically, keep things on the
light side as I know there is so
much bad news out there, but
even tho it is on a serious note,
thought this was really good 
news, so just had to share it 
with you sweet friends.

May God continue to Bless
the United States of America,
and He only will if we are going
 in the right spiritual direction.

Love, Hugs and Blessings,

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Everyone needs to see this! Touching wordless story

Morning Sweet Friends,

Happy Monday to You,
Hope you had a swell weekend.

Mine was swell...., watched a movie,
called "Family that preys" twice, because
the dvd kept skipping, so we found out
how to clean it with pledge, so we got
to see all of the movie the 2nd time or
at least we think

It was a really good Tyler Perry movie,
his movies always leave you thinking!!

Went to the baby shower of a dear friends 
daughter, worked in the yard some, and 
 today was church,then Dee and Jerry came 
over for an easy din din....................
So it was a full and fun weekend.

Only disappointment was that the kids
 brought their camera so we could see
 their pics from Hawaii,  and all of 
sudden the camera wouldn't work, so
 hopefully, we can see them next time.

A friend sent this wordless story 
to me last Friday, and it was so touching
 and amazing I just knew everyone that 
could, needs to see it.  A Wordless yet,
sad but absolutely beautiful story........
Precious!  Be sure to go all the way
to the bottom.....well, worth your time.

For those who don’t recognize the badge above his ribbons, he is Navy EOD.
 Which stand for Navy Explosive Ordinance Disposal.

Amazing Story, huh!

Are your eyes dry??

I didn't think so........................ 

Thanks for your visit,  come again
soon.  Always fun to hear from you.

Hugs and True Love Blessings to you!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie