Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Thankful Thursday March 30, 2016, Part 5 of Golf Cart Home Tour

I love the LORD, for he heard my voice;
 he heard my cry for mercy. 

 Because he turned his ear to me,
 I will call on him as long as I live.
Psalm 116:1-2

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are you these last few days
of March?  Can't believe April
1st is just around the corner.  Are 
you thinking about an April Fool's
 joke to play on someone?

  I have to get thinking cause I 
usually like to get my
It has been a good week here as I have
 been celebrating my birthday most of
 the week. We do birthday weeks around
here... hey, you only get one day a year,
 and we believe in milking it for all it's
 shew....just came in from sitting in the
 sun........and it is hot out there. 92...
I lasted all of 10 mins. lol

Pictures today are from part 5
 of the golf cart tour of Charleston.  
If you missed Part 4, and would
 like to see ,  just click here.

Well, on with my thankfuls for
 the week.

I am thankful......

for a heart warming and cry worthy
(good tears, of course) early Birthday
 card last Friday. My girl is one of the
 best card picker outers there is.......
seriously... and then she always writes
 something special in every card as well.
 Defintely warms this Mother's heart
and her Dads  too.

same house different views.

that hubby and I are feeling better
as we were both feeling like we
were coming down with colds on
Saturday, but were praying we would
 be okay for Sunday, as he had to teach,
 and we had the family coming over 
for an early Birthday celebration
 for me, and we have been feeling
great every since.   PTL

for a really wonderful time with the
Scott, Megan, Brooklyn and Susan.
  Great food and Great fun.......
No confetti poppers this time.....
we are still finding confetti from
 the last
Only thing missing was Dee, Jerry
and Rosie.....but they would have
been here if they could.

for all the lovely cards, and gifts
my family showered me with on
Sunday.....and especially for taking
 time out of their busy schedules to 
help hubby with the details and to
celebrate with me......
So sweet and so thoughtful and 
so appreciated. 

that our new loungers and our love
seat came in on Tuesday and every
thing was in good shape, and the
love seat went together well as 
hubby put it together, and we are
so pleased that everything is very 
comfortable as well.  So we are 
very happy and grateful for all of it.
Now we just have to get rid of the
 existing sofa.

that everything worked out fine
for our nephew and his family,
so they will should (Lord willing)
be coming the first part of July.
It will be so good to see them.

for a lovely Easter Printable
 that I got from Jenn over @
It is such a beautiful printable,
and looks great in my living
room. Jenn's blog is a new
 discovery for me, and she is 
a very talented gal. So go
 check her out when you can.

for all the sweet facebook
Birthday wishes I recieved
all day on Wed.  I think I rec'd
upwards of 50 b-day wishes. I
tell you...Facebook.....can make 
you feel like a real celebrity on 
Thanks everyone!

that my son was in town this
week and was able to come help
 us move our old sofa, and some 
other items out to the curb to be 
picked up by the refuse service 
today.  Didn't expect it to be so
 quickly, but I am thrilled it is......
it is all....gone!

for a nice steak birthday dinner
from Texas Roadhouse on Wed
my real birthday. Yummy as
 always........a long chat with my
 daughter as I opened a few gifts
 that she had sent. Catching a few
 rays on our new outdoor loungers.
  It  turned out to be a quiet day, as
 I didn't have lil darling cause her
 Mom took her to the beach, and
hubby had to work, but it was a
very good day.........and a really
good  and fun week............

for the Presidential Prayer Team
and the information and prayer
requests that they put out every
day so that as Americans we can
know how to pray in very specific
ways for our President and his
 cabinet and administration.........
I have to say I love getting this
every morning and it is really a
 great encouragement to know what 
is going on in Washington, and to
have the opportunity to pray in an
intelligent and informed way for
 our new Presidential Administration.
I would highly recommend every 
get this very valueable tool.....
If you are interested
 just click here or type 

for another heart warming good
news story about a young black
man who broke up a fight between
2 young teenage boys.  He was
honored by public officials and
what he said was really heart
Click here if you would like
to see it, or type it in yourself 


Well, there you have it another
 week at Cozy Place.....

Thanks for dropping by today.....

Hope you have a delight day
and weekend.

cute garage

Love, Hugs and 
Last Days of March Blessings,


Sharing with:

Oh my Heatsie Girl with Karren and Friends

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Saavy Southern Style with Kim

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Ideas for styling Trays

Hello and Happy Tuesday to ya!

Has there been any Spring or Easter
 decorating going on at your house???

There has been here, but not finished yet,
waiting on my love seat to arrive, which
is suppose to be this afternoon hopefully.

 So had this post in draft,  and just needed
 to finish it up so thought today was a 
good day for that.  lol

Awhile back I happened to come across
 a post that I had been asked to do for a
 furniture store years back and they asked
 what I would put on their coffee table, 
 so I did several of these trays you will 
see below, which gave me the idea for 
this post, so I pulled in more trays that
 I had done for my home and added them
 in.........they are for Spring and summer,
so hope you will enjoy them and maybe it 
will spark an idea for you as well........

This one was in our guest bedroom,
 but could also be used anywhere really.

This was also used in our quest bedroom
when it had a coastal vibe,  but again could 
be used other places for the summer or
for a room using the coastal look.

This coffee tray was actually used in
 a Tablescape for my son, or hubby,  but 
would look great in the kitchen near
 your coffee area..........


The next 5 trays were ones I made for 
the furniture store post..............

You can never go wrong with Flowers,
books or magazines and candles.

It is always good to have a taller item, 
an item that is half as tall as the largest
piece, and a small item, which helps keep
 your tray or any vignette balanced.
Also flat items, especially when they are
 colorful or nice too, like the magazine.
Notice there are 5 items....that is a rule
of thumb to have odd numbers of any
thing when you are decorating, making
a floral arrangement or creating 
a vignette.  It adds interest!

These next 2 trays are for people who
 really like the neutral look with a lil
bling added.  This one maybe with just
 the right pop of any color, I just used 
blue, but this could go with any color
or pull the napkin out and it is totally
neutral with some bling.  Tray #2
could do the same...............

Here it is totally neutral with a bit of bling.
I liked it so much I used it on my living
 room coffee table for awhile...........

This one was used as a centerpiece in a 
Spring or Summer Tablescape I did,  but
 would look great on a coffee or end
table........or on a kitchen counter even.

This one was used on our living room 
coffee table one Spring..............there
is a candle in that small cup and saucer,
to go along with the flowers and the 
Inspirational book.

Well, there you have it............

So go have some fun  and style 
your tray.............

Thanks for coming by,,,,,,

Love, Hugs,  and 
Spring Styling Blessings
 to you,


Sharing with:

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Saavy Southern Life with Kim

Oh my Heatsie Girl with Karren and Friends

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Sunday, March 26, 2017

A Secret that can change how you view life - The 80/20 Rule

Happy Sunday Morning 
Sweet Friends,

Today, I am sharing a Secret to 

And what is that lil secret that can
 change the way You or I view life,
well, it is something called 

"The 80/20 Rule"

Now I can't take credit for this great
piece of information, as I learned it
from Bishop TD Jakes.
While I have no scientific proof that
 it is true, I do have life experiences
 that have shown me it is true, and I
 have also experienced it in my own
 life, and once I explain it, think you
 might just agree with me..........

Although, we "Perfectionists" would 
like to believe we can make our world
"Perfect", the real truth is we do not 
have that power, no matter how hard
we try.....and the sooner we realize that 
the better off we will the
 Bible says: "You shall know the truth 
and the truth will set you free".

What do I mean??

Well, if nothing this side of Heaven
is perfect....then we can stop expecting
that our spouse, our children, our job,
our home, our friends, family, co-workers,
our church, or anyone we are in relation-
ship with really, or basically anthing is
 going to be a 100%, and you can probably
 agree with me that there are lots of things
you probably love or like about all the
 aforementioned things on my list.....
which would probably add up to about
80%.....but then there are things you would
dont like or would like to change on that
 list as well which would add up to 20%.

What happens to most of us, is that when
 we are getting 80%, we start to take that
for granted, and we start looking at the
 20%, we feel like we aren't getting and 
even worse, we can start focusing all our
 attention on what we are not getting and
as we get tunnel vision, we can completely 
lose sight of the 80% we are getting.......

for example: When the above happens,
and we have seen it happen many times,
and we have actually seen people become 
so obsessed with what they are not getting
 that....that they are totally miserable and
 make everyone around them miserable too.  
We have also seen spouses leave their wife
 or husband for another person because of 
that 20%, and wind up with the 20% they
 wanted from their original spouse only to
 lose the things they were getting from their
original spouse, and wind up miserable
 because now there are things missing in
 the new relationship that they were used
to getting, so know they are looking at
a new 20% deficit, just in another area.
Sometimes it might be a job...they
leave a good job because of one thing
that is happening at work, when every
thing else is good, only to find out now,
they are less than happy in the new job!

Knowing this truth has helped me
many times because I feel like we
should always be changing and get-
ting better, but not everyone you en-
counter feels that way, or is thus mot-
ivated, which is not wrong necessarily,
just different but can lead to frustration
 with whatever the situation might be...
 I typically have had high expectations
 for myself and others.. having them for
 myself is okay, but the problem comes
 when I have high expectations for others
 and they are not met, so knowing this 80/20
 rule over the years, has helped me to have
 less expectations, and to be more thankful
 for what I have and the situations I face,
 and for the people in my life, and to
 focus on the 80% rather than the 20%.....

Now this does not mean I am saying
give a free pass to things that really
need to be addressed, or that there
 are not things worth fighting for, or 
that we should in anyway over
look sinful behavior, like adultery,
 physical or emotional abuse, alcohol
 or drug abuse, and the like but the
 majority of the time the things we
 are focused on are not those type 
of things.

Well, Happy Pondering!!

Have a Lovely Sunday,

Hugs, Nellie

Sharing with:

Cindy with Dwellings

A Stroll thru life with Marty

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Saavy Southern Life with Kim

Oh my Heatsie Girl with Karren and Friends

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Friday, March 24, 2017

Thankful Thursday - March 23, 2017, Part 4 of Golf cart home tour

 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
 since as members of one body you were 
called to peace. And be thankful. 
Colossians 3:15

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have been having a 
productive, yet good day!

Mine was good, Did a floral arrangement
and been trying to do some Spring and
Easter decorating, so it is coming along.
Also, trying to do some calling and 
collecting of info to help my nephew
and family..........It has been a good day 
but I am bushed mainly because I only
 got 31/2 hrs. sleep last night. I was just
 wired for some strange reason, so did
 not get to sleep until after 5 am., and
 woke up at 8:40 and couldn't get back
 to sleep so just got up........and have 
actually felt pretty good all day, but
I am feeling it

Added some more pics of our Golf
 Cart Charleston Home Tour,  this will
 be Part 4, If you missed #3 and would
 like to see it.  Just click here!

Well,  on with my Thankfuls.............

I am thankful............

for lots of yard work we did in the
backyard over the weekend. Trying
to clean up some of the mess left
over from the side back yard clean
 out.  I see some new shoots coming
out of our palmettos thankfully.....
just been a week, but good to see
something happening......

for prayer and Moroccan oil that made 
my hair behave.........seriously.
I got up Sunday morning and my hair
seemed like it was having an identity
crisis....... it was turning under when
it should have been flipping up, and
 the back was normal on one side and 
sideways on the other, and was all 
static-y (if there is such a word). 
I used a new shampoo and guess that
 was what did it............I can not re-
member the last time I had such a 
bad hair
I was wishing I had a nice hat for 
church, but with a prayer for help,
I had the thought to try the Moraccan
oil a friend have given me and my
 hair took a total turnaround. Really!!
I only put the oil in my hand (the size
of a dime) and rubbed my hands together
to distribute the oil and then went lightly
over my hair.  It was hair
straightened right out, so I highly
 recommend those one word prayers.

for getting to take our friends from
up North out for her birthday, which
was on Sunday and because it was
 their last day here, so was glad to get
 to spend it with them. She turned 87.

for a really precious story about
a pilot who saved a lil 3 yr. old
girl from the flood waters after
hurricane Katrina,  and now the
girl is following in his footsteps.
He feels she saved him as much
as he saved her......
Beautiful story....well worth the
read,  just click here.
or type.


 for a lovely Spring dinner out on
 the porch for our first day of Spring
We had that shrimp salad (recipe I told
 you about last week) potato salad and
 fruit salad.  It was all delish, but have
to say I like my own Shrimp Salad
recipe better,  so doubt I will make
the other one again.....very surprised
as I loved all the ingredients.

that we got all our bushes cut back
in the front of the house. Can you
tell where our focus has been this
most of the

better view below

for a fun time with lil darling on
 Wed., she was really in a crafting
 mood, so she made 4 things: Two
 flower magnets, l bunny and also
decorated a gift bag with some cute
 Easter stick ons and did a great job 
on making all of those, plus A's.....
as she is starting to learn to write
 the alphabet. We are doing capital
 A's right now, For just being 4, she 
totally amazes me, with her ability

and creativity.  So proud of her.

That my nephew and his family 
will hopefully be able to come 
down in July from Missouri. They
 are Missionaries with New Tribes
Mission, and since our church is
 their sending church and the church
 has a house for missionaries that
 are on furlough or vacation, they
should be able to stay there 
practically for nothing, just the
utilities, which is great!

that a really neat loveseat that I
have been looking at all month
at World Market,  went on sale
40% off today with free shipping,
  so it is gonna be my birthday gift.
  It was already a reasonable price
 but this just made it all the better.
Very Excited, as I have been want-
ing to change my living room
 around for awhile now.......and
the sofa in there is pretty much
shot as great timing.

for my sweet hubby and his
 thoughtfulness in going out of his 
way to bring me flowers since he
knew I am doing my Spring decor-
ating and using pink, so he brought
me some pretty pink Alstroemerias.
(Just learned the name of them last
night on someones blog, as she had
done an arrangement with them,
sorry... if it was You, who had them
with some pink calla lilies let me
know, I tend to forget the name of 
the blog as I get reading sometimes,
well...most times, and then can't 
always find my way back there.
but thanks for the name of them)
Hubby knows how much I love
 fresh flowers................

that because of hubbies flowers that
I just made an arrangement with..... I
think they will be used for my birthday
 table now. I had bought some beautiful 
plates and napkins for Easter, but since
 I have flowers that match them now,
 thought why not....I will decide on 
something else for

This house was hard to see because
 of all the tall foilage, but it looks
 to me like a church turned into 
a house.  So thought it quite

Love the copper roof and the
 gothic windows or at least
what you can see of

for blackberries, they are one of my fav
Spring treats. As kids we used to pick
blackberries every year,  and then put
them in a bowl with sugar on top and
squish them all up and eat them with
bread and butter and a glass of milk,
that is some good eating.........Had
my first blackberries of the season,
 this morning for breakfast, didn't have
any reg. bread so I ate them with 
Asaigo cheese bagels, delicious
just the same............

Well, that's all folks.........

Thanks for stoppin in............
Hope you enjoyed your visit.

Have a Blessed Day and


Sharing with:

Walking on Sunshine Recipes with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Cindy with Dwellings

A Stroll thru life with Marty

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Saavy Southern Life with Kim

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie