Saturday, September 29, 2018

Scripture Sunday

Morning Sweet Friends,

Here are the scriptures 
for today!

Keep me safe, my God, 
for in you I take refuge. 

 I say to the LORD, 

“You are my Lord;
 apart from you
 I have no good thing.” 

Psalm 16:1-2 NIV

Have a very Blessed Day,


Friday, September 28, 2018

Thankful Thursday September 27, 2018, scenes from Fall's past #2

You are my strength,
 I sing praise to you; 
you, God, are my fortress, 
my God on whom I can rely.
Psalm 59:17

Fall Greetings Sweet Friends,

What cha' been up to lately.
Hope whatever it is..... has been
fun and enjoyable for you.

Had a fun and enjoyable week here, 
busier than usual, which is fine, but
have to say I am happy I don't have
 a lot of things I have to do today.  
So hoping for a more restful 
day today!

Pics today are from Fall's past
at Cozy on with my
Thankful list............

# 1 and 2
Thankful for my Paternal Grand-
mother Nellie, whom I was named
after.  She has been in Heaven with
 Jesus for over 28 years now, but 
 Sept. 22nd was her birthday.
 Thankful for one of my Dearest
and Best friends who is really
like a Sister, Vicki who also
has the same birth date.
Both of these ladies have had a
huge impact on my life.

#3 and 4
Thankful for a fun day out walking
 in the mall, picking up lil darling
 and playing awhile, then going out
shopping at Wally World and going
to dinner at Carrabas!  There food
is always amazing, and thankful that
 we had just the nicest and most polite
 and helpful server ever. Such a good
 reminder of what a blessing we can be
 to others if we are kind, considerate
 and helpful to others.  He came to our
table with our water glasses and
 bread and olive oil before he even
greeted us or asked us anything
.....I haven't seen
anyone do that in years!!

Thankful we started painting our 
saddle back stools we got a few
 months ago finally.  They are 
looking great already and look
so much nicer under the break-
fast bar, and hoping to finish
them this week.

Thankful for the sweet sight
of seeing my neighbor who is
raising her Grandson, standing
out in the dark at 6 a.m. to make
sure her Grandson is safe until
the bus comes.  He is a Senior
in High School, and such a
 precious young man who has
 been thru more than any child 
should ever have to go through.
I knew she did this when he was
younger, but didn't know she
was still doing it.........what a
blessing she has been to this
child wo is now almost Adult.

Thankful for something I heard
Joel Osteen say that I had never
thought of in this way before.
He was asking what do we have
on our throne?? Is it worry, fear,
bitterness, etc  Meaning if it is
 worry, fear, bitterness, etc, then
we have taken God off the
 throne and put these other things
in His place.  That was just such
a great word picture and so help-
ful for me as our world spins
crazier and crazier these days.
A great reminder that none of it
takes God by surprise, and that
He has it all under control, our
job is to pray and to trust!!

Thankful for a very meaningful
answer to prayer concerning
direction this week.

Thankful my SIL Susan who had
cataract surgery on Tues. did so
well, and can already see so well
 and she still has to get the othe
 eye done yet. So I would say the
 surgery was a success.  PTL

Thankful for texting, which is very
new to me in the last year, but have
just been sending out some random
texts in the last few days to
 encourage a few people and the
results have been a blessing for
both of us, so think this is gonna
be a fun thing to do often.

Thankful that I found a jacket
top that I am hoping will look
good over a dress I already
have.  They didn't have the
right size but thankfully they 
were able to order it in the
right size,  so should get
it sometime within a week.
Am so hoping it works, as it
is always nice to have some-
thing new to wear

Thankful that my son, Scott has 
gotten so many of my hubbies 
good qualities and talents. 
 He is an amazing man, much
 like his Dad.  He had an
emergency plumbing situation
arise, and he handled it just
the way his Dad would have.
He took the bull by the horns
and figured out how to do
it himself, saving them lots
of money.......

Well, here's another week of 
Cozy Place Thankfuls.....

Glad you could come by and
hope you feel encouraged
when you leave.

Have a lovely weekend,


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Life with Lorelai

A Stroll thru Life


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Fall Living room part 2

Happy Happy  Fall  to Yall......

Hope you are enjoying some cool
Fall weather where ever you are.....

It's not happening here, and is
probably 4-5 weeks away yet.....
but it's Fall inside my house!!  lol

So here is Part 2 of our living room.

I showed you this in part 1 last week.
Click here if you would like.

Here is another view......

Here's some close ups of the etagere'
shelves.  This is of the bottom shelf.

Love all my pumpkins..........

Here is the middle shelf

Here's some modern art for you!!  lol
It's called Polar opposites.....I call it the
Alice in Wonderland affect!!  If you
click to enlarge looks much

Soft omni affect

Top Shelf - 
Hard to get good pics
on these glass shelves as you can
see thru them and get reflections
as well.  That is why they are

Top Shelf on the right side.  Also,
I do not remember who made this 
free printable, but really like it and
 I have used it in a number of places
 for a few years now....
so if you created it or know who did 
please let me know so I can give
 credit where credit is due..........

Love this copper mercury glass
and my sweet lil hummel.

This lil guy was a gift from my
 hubby when we lived in Germany 
about 47 yrs. ago.

Soft omni affect

One lil lone Boo

This is on the wall opposite the chair.
Took a picture of the whole wall but
it didn't come out well.

Thanks for dropping in......

See ya on Thursday......
Have a Fabulously Fall Week.


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Sunday, September 23, 2018

Scripture Sunday

Welcome to Fall 
Sweet Friends,

She has officially arrived!!

Here is the scriptures for today.....
For some reason I always think of
them in the Fall.

 There is a time for everything, 

and a season for every activity
 under the heavens: 
 a time to be born and a time to die,
 a time to plant and a time to uproot, 
 a time to kill and a time to heal,
 a time to tear down and a time to build, 
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance, 
 a time to scatter stones 
and a time to gather them,
 a time to embrace and 
a time to refrain from embracing,
 a time to search and a time to give up,
 a time to keep and a time to throw away,
 a time to tear and a time to mend,
 a time to be silent and a time to speak, 
 a time to love and a time to hate, 
a time for war and a time for peace. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 NIV

Have a Lovely Fall Season,

Blessings Abundant,

Friday, September 21, 2018

Thankful Thursday Sept. 20, 2018, and Beauty Berries

I will praise the LORD,
I will praise the LORD, 
who counsels me; 
even at night
 my heart instructs me.
Psalm 16:7 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So what cha' been up to lately??
Are you done with your Fall
decorating or maybe just getting

Well, I am thrilled to be done
with mine and just enjoying it
now.  Had so much fun doing
it as always.

Pictures today are from our
"Beauty Berry" bush in our
 back yard. I just think they
are sooooooo pretty, and
thought you might enjoy
them too...

Thankful our daughter and hubby
made it thru Hurricane Florence
in great shape physically and
materially.  Even tho I said it
before here, it bears repeating
again because God was so good!

#2 and 3
Thankful for my hubby/Mr. fix he put our new chairs
together, and did a great job as
always and Thankful that they
make our kitchen look so nice
 and bright with a whole new

Thankful to have finished all
my Fall decorating and have
gotten all my Spring/Summer
things packed away, so now
just enjoying it all very much.

Thankful for a really nice time
 with our son, Scott and wife,
Megan and lil darling on 

Thankful for an quick and easy.
no cost idea that struck me for 
making a new Fall wreath for out-
side, since I threw away the old 
one last year,  as it was looking
 rather shabby.  

Thankful for some really pretty
buttercream yellow carnations
I found at the grocery store.
They look lovely in my kitchen,
and were a nice treat.

Thankful for all the pretty and
free printables out there in blog
land, that help me with my
seasonal decorating. 
Love them!

#9 and 10
Thankful for Sonny's mild bar-b-cue
sauce (my all time favorite, as I am
 very picky about bar-b-cue sauce) and 
thankful they now sell it at our local
 grocery store (Publix).
We had it on some boneless pork 
ribs that hubby grilled on Tuesday
night.   Delish!

Thankful for these gorgeous berries
God created.  They are certainly
named appropriately, they are
called "Beauty Berries",  they
simply fascinate me.  This bush
just popped up in our backyard
 a few years ago, and it has sure
been a delight.

Thankful for the fun antics of the
 wild life in our back yard. Got
 to witness one of  the 2 lil brown
bunnies that has taken up residence
in our backyard woods, running all
 over the yard and jumping like 3 ft. 
in the air a few times, because of 
friendly lil gray squirrel that seemed
 like he was trying to befriend him.
 The lil squirrel was hopping around
 following him and was so frisky and
 was flitting his tail all around in his
 excitement, but as soon as he would 
get too close to the bunny, the bunny
would take off running in circles.
 Then one time the bunny made a run
 at the squirrel and then he took off....
It was really so adorable as I think
they both wanted to play but weren't
sure if they could trust each other.
Made for fun entertainment for us.
One of the many reasons we love
living here......

Well, here's to another week at
 Cozy Place.

Glad you stopped by......
and hope you share something you 
are Thankful for..........
 maybe reminded of something you
 have been blessed by this week.

Have a lovely weekend,

Love, Hugs and
Mid September Blessings,


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Oh My Heartsie Girl

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A Stroll thru Life


Life and Linda

Stone Gable

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Fall Foyer and Livingroom Part 1

Hello Sweet Friends,

So how are ya??  
Doing well,  I hope.

Know lots of you already have
your homes all dressed up for Fall,  
and now I do too.....So thought
I would share some of my fun
with you.............

So welcome to my foyer and
living room......
Click on any pic to enlarge
for your viewing pleasure.

The square picture here is sort of 
hard to see especially in the first
 picture but it is really just  a pc. of
 scrapbooking paper that I taped to
 the frame with tape because I thought
it was so pretty and Fall like  and 
added a bit of bling.

You can see it a lil bit better here.

This cute lil scarecrow was a gift
from my neighbor a few years ago.
I put her near the front door because
I have a scarecrow on my front door.
So  thought they sort of go

Still loving our all in one furniture seat/chaise lounger/ bed 
that we purchased last year from
 World Market. It has been a fun
and useful piece of furniture

This pillow is really a spring pillow
as it has writing and flowers on the
 opposite side,  so turned it over and
 pinned this swatch of fabric around
 it, then stuck on a cute scrapbook
embellishment. Perfect for Fall

Used a Buffalo check tablecloth as
a throw to add some Fall color, and
 love using this ruffled pillow I have
had for awhile that is wrapped
with a burlap ribbon.......

Another pc. of matching fabric
added to the tray on the coffee
table, along with my favorite
magazines, candles and pine
cones. This is the table where
we do homeschooling with
lil darling on Weds.....
So having everything on the
tray makes it easy to move
when needed.

I have had these wooden stack
tables for about 43 yrs. now and 
still love them.....My Mom gave
them to us when we bought our
 first home.  

Well, stay tuned for Part 2
next week.....

Thanks for dropping by,

Love, Hugs and 


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A Stroll thru Life

Life and Linda

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Starfish cottage

The Dedicated House


Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie