Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thankful Thursday January 31, 2019, and Fall Golf cart tour of Charleston Homes #6

In God we make our boast all day long,
and we will praise you name forever.
Psalm 44:8 NIV

Greetings and Welcome to February
Sweet Friends,

Hope it's been a good week 
for you......

Been a good week here....and
a good day. Thursday mornings
are pretty much quiet and restful 
till the afternoon when we go get
 lil darling from school and bring
her back to our house to play
for awhile, then once she goes
 home we go back out for our
night out. That has been working
well for us. This morning we did
exercise and I talked to my daughter
for a bit, which is always a treat
for me....

 Pictures today are the last of the
 Fall golf cart tour of Charleston.
If you missed #5 and would like
to see it,  just click here

So on with the real reason for
my post.

Thankful for a very inspirational
and excellent movie that we rented
from Amazon.  It is called
 "Saved by Grace". It is a 
Pureflix movie.  We loved it.

#2 and 3
Thankful that hubby was able
to get my sister-in-law Susan's
new computer all set up for her
since her other one crashed 
last week.
and thankful that she was so
thoughtful to gives us an Olive
Garden gift certificate for his
doing so......not that she needed
to tho....but we are looking for-
ward to using it.  lol

Thankful for Umbrella's, as it was
 rainy and cold here on Sunday and
 we were able to get to church and 
out to lunch without being
 drenched and chilled.

Thankful that we are able to park our 
van in the garage, as it makes it so
nice to be able to just walk out and
get in the car when it is pouring
rain or cold outside. 

Thankful for making some frozen
chopped brocoli I had bought to
make a broccoli quiche with, but
that I wound up cooking, I typically
use fresh and only use the frozen
 chopped for quiche or broccoli
casserole, but I put butter, salt 
and pepper on it, and it was
 surprisingly delish, so will be 
doing that again in the future.

Thankful for our first fire in the fire
place this week, and toasted marsh-
mallows....they were so good!!

Thankful for having my first smore 
ever...have always heard about them
just never had any.  Our neighbors
gave us a hot chocolate and smore
kit with the cutest lil snowmen
mugs for Christmas, so I saved it
for our first fire. Planned to do
the marshmallows in the fireplace
but the instructions said to do it
in the microwave, so since I didn't
know much about smores figured
I had better follow the instructions,
and they were yummy....boy, you
can really blow those marsh-
mallows up pretty big in the micro
wave.....thought that was rather
However, I did manage to toast
a few marshmallows over the
open fire..........anybody else
love burnt marshmallows???
They are so good!!  lol

Thankful that hubby and I are
 making so much progress lately on 
our online business that is under 
construction. Still have a long way
 to go,  but it is exciting seeing it
 come together after such 
a long time.

Thankful that our daughter found us
a fellow that can fix a leak in our roof
 that just happened on Sunday when
we had such a deluge of rain.
My hubby could fix it, but we won't
let him on the roof because he takes
blood thinners, and we just don't
think it is safe,  which is hard for
him, but Dee and I can be pretty
persuasive.  lol  Fortunately she
was able to get a recommendation
from a friend of hers parents and
we know them, so feel good about
the man who will come out this
Saturday.  He is an answer to
prayer for sure.......

Thankful for a story my niece
(by marriage) wrote about some
things that happened when she
was a child. I had no idea, but
she is quite a good writer and
it was good to know and see
how far, the Lord has brought
her, as we have seen many
changes in her over the years.

Thankful that a sweet gal
from our church came thru
her surgery well today. She
had lots of people praying
for she has a lot of 
physical issues that makes
her a high risk patient, I'm

Well, here's another week at
 Cozy Place.

Thanks for droppin' in.....

Hope you have the weekend 
of your dreams!

Love, Hugs and
February Blessings,


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Stone Gable

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

How to make a quick and easy Winter sweater pillow


Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

How this finds you well and happy.

Been another good day here and
I am well and happy.  The last
2 days have been very productive
as well......which is good!

 Thought I would share sort of a
 tutorial with you today!!

Have you seen the cute Winter pillows 
made out of the knitted sweater material
and thought you would like to make or 
have one for your Winter decorating, but
 didn't have an old sweater or a sweater
 you would want to use to make it with,
or maybe couldn't find one anywhere.
Well....I might just have a solution
for you.....

I had a sweater but I didn't want to
 dismantle it, as I might want to wear
 it again sometime, so I just decided
 to try something and it worked.

Here's what to do....

I laid the sweater face down 
 on a flat surface then I folded the
 arms back as if I was folding a shirt
 for display in a store.

 Then I rolled the cuffs of the 
sweater up, like this.....

 Then I started at the bottom of the
 sweater and just rolled it up, or
you can start at the neck and roll
it up towards the bottom of
sweater, either way works.

Just make sure the neckline or
bottom of the sweater is not 
 showing in the front, and that 
it looks like a pillow. You
might need to mush it a lil 
and pull a bit here and there,
nothing much now
all I had to do.... 

was put it on a chair that doesn't
 get a lot of use, which means it
 want get moved or touched much, 
and can just sit and be a cute lil
pillow, and no one is the wiser
that it is a rolled up sweater,
accept YOU, of course!!  lol

So Job done!!

Then some days later I decided it
just needed a lil
I thought a belt might be the thing,
so raided hubbies closet for an 
old belt. 

I wrapped the belt around the 
 sweater pillow, to see how much
 hangover I would have once it 
was buckled.  Buckle should be 
on the right side but way out 
more than I have it here, cause
it has to wrap around to the

So wrap it around the pillow
and I used an ice pick to make 
new hole in the belt, so that I 
could buckle the belt and have
it stay in place around the pillow.

Of Course, the belt was too long
 from where it was buckled so
 I just took it around the back of 
the pillow and paper clipped it 
to the belt. Loved the addition 
of the belt, gave some contrast 
and character and also held
 the pillow together in case 
ever need to move it.

Made for a quick, easy, 0 $ cute
Winter pillow, and if I should need
 to wear it,  no problem.... just take
the belt off, unroll it and put it
on........and away you go!!  lol

Now if you wanted to roll 
it face up

This is what it might look like since
they put the prettiest side in front.
but it would still look cute....

Earlier today I wasn't sure if I liked
it paper clipped to the back so
decided to try just looping it
thru the belt in the front, and
liked it better.

and since I unrolled it and redid it to 
take pics for the tutorial it wound
up like this now.

Final product!!  lol

They say necessity is the 
Mother of Invention, this might
not be a necessity, but it was a
fun freebie.............
and I just love the challenge of
doing something crafty and
not even having to leave the
house for

So happy sweater pillow making!!

Love, Hugs, and
 End of January Blessings,


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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Good  Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Scripture for today is Psalms 36:5-7

"Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the skies.
Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains,
your justice like the great deep.
O Lord, you preserve both man and beast.
How priceless is your unfailing love!"


There is a christian song out that evidently
took it's words right from this scripture.
I hear it in my mind and love it, but
have no idea who the artist is, but it is
a lovely song.

Found it.......It is by 3rd Day
It is called Your Love O Lord.
Click here to hear it.

Have a Worshipful Sunday

Love and Blessings,


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Life and Linda

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Oh My Heartsie Girl

Friday, January 25, 2019

Thankful Thursday January 24th, 2019, Fall Golf cart tour Part 5

  From the rising of the sun
 to the place where it sets, 
the name of the LORD
is to be praised.
Psalm 13:3 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So what cha' been up to lately??

It has been a nice week here, some
work, some fun and it was all good.
Will tell you about it in my post.

Pictures today are a continuation
of our Golf cart tour from Fall,
since I stopped in December.
This is part 5,  if you would like
to see Part 4 Click Here.

That hubby and I decided to write
down a story we were suppose to
share at our after Christmas party
but wound up being too long to
share as it is more like a short
story, so we have written the 1st
segment already.

Thankful for a book my daughter
gave me for Christmas called,
"Christmas God Winks", we have
been reading a story most days
and they are really neat and show 
ways that God directs our paths.

Thankful that God has used that 
book to direct our path in writing
 our story down.

Thankful for some new hand care
products I was gifted with for 
Christmas from one of my neighbor
friends. They are by Mary Kay and
 they make my hands so soft, nice 
and moisturized.

Thankful to finally be able to
wear a Winter outfit to church
since it was in the low 60's last
Sunday.  Finally!!  


Thankful for a really good time
over at Scott, Megan and lil 
darling's on Sunday. First time
we have been able to get together
with him since Christmas since
he has been away a lot this month
with his job.

Thankful to have uncluttered
our bedroom, as it has been
bugging me since before
Christmas but just didn't have
the time to tackle it until after
we got the house back together
after Christmas.  Looks and
feels so much better.
No more nagging irritation!!

Thankful for trying my first Cashew is so good. Just happened
on it at Walmart. It is actually a Sam's
choice product.  I have never tried
it because usually it comes in a huge
container and is fairly expensive,
and might go to waste, but this
was a normal size and only $5.00
and have to say it is my favorite
nut butter now.

Thankful for my warm cozy bed
every night..... but even more so
 in this colder weather.

Thankful for the innocence of
Children and how they just take
you at your word.

On Wed. we were doing schooling
with lil darling and she had to read
a sentence that said "Todd was
sitting on the rug" and she was
suppose to draw a picture of that.
So she drew a rug and drew some
hearts on it....and I said remember
you have to have Todd on there too.
(meaning a boy named Todd) So 
she wrote the name Todd on the
 rug.  She had done exactly what
 I said......we now had a rug with
hearts and Todd on it!!  love it!!
Makes me smile everytime I
think about it.

Thankful that our single parent
friend who just got back from
Italy set their wedding date in excited for her.

Thankful for a fun Thursday,
walking in the neighborhood,
going to Sams, picking up lil 
darling and going for Andy's
frozen custard, then bringing
her to our house and we got
to watch her play with the lil 
girl next door for a short while, 
then talked to our new neighbors
for a bit and they gave lil darling
 a doll that used to belong to
their daughter, which was really
sweet.....then after lil darling
went home we went  to B,B and 
Beyond,  in search of sheets for
 the guest bedroom, then out to 
dinner at our fav Mexican rest-
aurant, then on the way home we
 decided to stopat TJ Maxx, where
 I found the sheets at a great price,
 and also happened on some
 darling baby clothes that I 
want to send to my daughters
 old room mate who just had 
a baby girl last week. 
Full Fun Day!!

Well, that's it for cozy place,
for this week.

Thanks for coming by.

Have a Wonderful Weekend.

Love and Blessings,

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Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl


Life and Linda

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Stone Gable

A Stroll thru Life

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Most Viewed Posts from July thru December 2018

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

So how are you today??? Hope 
you are staying warm in those
areas of the country that are in
the arctic blast areas.

We have had colder temps here
in Florida too, but nothing close 
to what is going on way up North.
 We are actually enjoying it as it
 is a nice change for us.

Not a lot going on here other than
doing some decluttering in our
bedroom, and the normal every
day cleaning, and enjoying our
new Winter look in the house,
and burning lots of candles.  lol

So on with the most viewed 
posts from July thru December.

July 31, 2018
1 pound of spaghetti = 3 main dishes

Spaghetti With Meat Sauce

August 28th, 2018
My Daughter's Belated Birthday Table

Click Here

September 19, 2018
Fall Foyer and Living room, Part 1

Click Here

October 2, 2018
Good Bye Summer/Hello Fall

Click Here

November 2, 2018
Thankful Thursday, Fall Golf Cart 
Tour of Charleston #1

Click Here

December 13, 2018
Thankful Thursday, Christmas Past #3

Click Here

Thanks for visiting.....

Hope you enjoyed the blast
from the past.....


Have a Wonderful Day!


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The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

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Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl


Sunday, January 20, 2019

Scripture Sunday

The one who gets wisdom loves life;
the one who cherishes understanding
will soon prosper.
Proverbs 19:8 NIV

Have a Lovely Sunday,

Friday, January 18, 2019

Thankful Thursday January 17, 2019, Fun and Quick Winter Table

In God we make our boast all day long, 
and we will praise your name forever.
Psalm 44:8 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So how has your week been?? 

Good?  Busy?  A little warm?
 a Little chilly?  Ours has been
all of

The first part of the week I was 
still getting the house back together
 so finally finished on Tuesday, yeah!!

Spent some time making some cards
 as well, and then our typical Wed. 
and Thursday.

Pictures today were actually a 
quick Christmas eve table, but 
could definitely be a Winter
table as well.....

So on with my Thankfuls

Thankful to have our house back
 in order, with fun wintry touches, 
(and no more red or Christmas 
green) lol
Now we are just enjoying the
new look................

#2 and 3
Thankful for another good Sunday
at church and fun time out to 
lunch with our friends.

Thankful for the sweet and very
unexpected gift of them treating
us to lunch.

Thankful for 3 fun projects I
did this week, that I saw in my
 new magazine, I wrote about 
last week in my thankful post. 
 The only cost was .89 cents 
for a piece of  wood look
scrapbooking paper..........  
Will show you soon!

Thankful that we have made a
flexible schedule for getting things
things done, and it seems to be
working well.

Thankful that we have set aside
time every week to work on our
retirement business.

Thankful that I was able to make
3 new cards this week.

Thankful to hear that the son
of a friend of ours ran into
someone from our church that
he didn't even know and they
were able to spend some much
 needed time together. A divine
appointment for sure.

Thankful that someone I know
 took the first step in actually 
trying to solve a problem that
 has existed for years rather than 
just being irritated or aggravated
 by it. This was a huge emotional
 step and I am so proud of them.

Thankful that our single parent
friend and her family, who went 
to Italy to visit her brother and
his family, over the Christmas
Holidays had a fantastic time and
 they all came back looking so
 rested and relaxed.  Her brother
loved her fiancee' and was so
pleased for the love that he saw
he has for her and her children.
That was just another reassurance
for her. We are so happy for her.
Think they will be getting 
married this June.

Thankful that hubby went for
his annual physical this week
 and got a great report.  Always
so good to hear that.

Thankful for a fun night out
having dinner with our daughter-
in- love and lil darling, as our son
is away for work right now.

Well, there you have it folks.

Thanks for stopping in.....

Have a fantastic Friday and

Love, Hugs, and
Mid- January Blessings,


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Oh My Heartsie Girl

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Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...