Thursday, December 31, 2009

Welcome to Thankful Thursday Dec. 31, 2009 & Happy New Year!

Good Morning Sweet Friends
Hope this finds you all well, content, and happy
this New Years Eve!  *
Wow,  can hardly believe another year has come
and almost gone.........Unbelieveable how fast the
time is flying.  Always heard from my mom and
grandmother the longer you live the faster life goes
and I must say I have to agree!
I am thankful
Hubby has been off from work and will be till
January 4th,  and he is sooooo enjoying his vacation.
We never take our Christmas decorations down
until after he goes back to work just so he can
fully enjoy his time off,  cause usually the beginning
of it we are preparing for the big day and you
know all that involves.
I am thankful
 we have watched every Christmas movie
there is!  lol 
Jim's absolute favorite thing is watching movies,
but we pretty much watch nothing but... tmas
movies during this time of year and we love it!
I am thankful
We have also been reading our Sunday School
book and a new book he bought me for tmas,
"You were born for this" by Bruce Wilkerson.
We are about 4 chapter into it and it is pretty
exciting book.
I am thankful
Tuesday Jim went for his stress test and we are
still awaiting the results,  but feel like No news
is good news,  cause the Dr. said if there is a
problem they will call you right away.
I am thankful that
Tuesday morning it was neat cause he usually
reads a devotional online by Charles Stanley
and when he pulled it up,  he said guess what
the title is?????? 
It was "A healthy Heart!"
Made us feel like the Lord was saying don't
worry, you have a healthy heart,  course,
the devotional was on a spiritually healthy
heart of course, but it was sure an encourage-
ment to us,  so we went to the Drs.  with
peace in our hearts.
Some would say that is probably conincidence,
but we have walked with the Lord long enough
to know there is no coincidence with the Lord.
I am thankful that
While he was having an EKG the Dr. told him
that it did not show where he had the heart
attack before (4 yrs ago), and he said that is
a very rare thing, that just doesn't  happen.
So that was also a huge encouragement cause
it shows us the Lord has been doing some
work in there for sure! 
They still have to go over some sort of
images or xrays they took for the final
results but we are expecting the results to be
very exciting, in a good way, which will
confirm a lot of  things we have said to our
Dr. over these last 4 years.
I was just writing,  but decided all these things
really are praises so I went back and stuck
in the numbers and the I am thankful for line,
that way my post will be shorter.
I  am thankful
We were given Carabbas cards by my sister-
in- law for tmas and so we were able to
go out to dinner after the stress tests and
just enjoy the rest of the day.
after dinner we ran to Sam's and Target
to return something, and then we went
guess where???
To see the movie, Disney's "Christmas Carol"
I am thankful
For what a great movie it was,  if you haven't
seen it,  by all means go............
It was delightful and fun with that wonderful
message of hope.  All those special effects
were great,  and they were singing real Christmas
Carols with the the true meaning of Christmas.
  The 3d effects were just truly amazing,  you really
felt like you were flying over the city,  it was truly
 such a  fun and meaningful movie.
Yesterday we didn't do a lot just did some
more reading,  sat out in the sun some to
keep warm,  that was earlier in the day
when it was still a bit chilly,  got to 71
And I am thankful for
This beautiful Florida Winter Scenery

This is a tree in our backyard,  and altho
we have the dead wintery looking trees
we also have this.

We have 2 large pots full of this bougainvilla and it
is the first year it has bloomed like this in the winter.
Guess it must have finally gotten established.
Sure brightens up a winter yard!

And this is the bougainvilla Scott gave me for
my birthday,  it is just blooming away too.

And this is called a "Powder Puff tree".
I think it might be a kin to the Acacia tree,
cause it looks very much alike,  accept it has
pretty light pink and yellow powder puffs.
We had one in our yard when I was a kid
and I used to play in it all the time and loved
to play with the powder puffs,  great toy
for lil girls,  cause they pretend to be putting
on their makeup!! lol
It always bloom only in the winter time.

Thought you might like to see a  close up of the powder puff, 
aren't they neat!! The ones from the acacia tree are baby pink on
top with just a little layer of  sunflower yellow near the stem.
I love that the flower bud looks sort of  like a raspberry
before it opens
We haven't had a freeze yet,  so that is winter in Florida
for now anyway.
Hope you have some nice plans for New Years Eve,
and that you will be somewhere safe!
I am thankful
We are going to our church a 11:00 tonight for a Watch night
 prayer service.  They are always a sweet time of fellowship.
I am thankful
We are going out to breakfast after, at International House
of Pancakes possibly with some friends.
And none of this is too far from our house, so that is nice as well.
 Not a night I like to be out driving around with all those Celebraters
out there indulging in too much alcohol.
I am thankful
For another year to look forward to,  with all it ups and downs,
and all the neat things the Lord will teach us through them.
Because with Jesus the best is always yet to come!
Well My Friends...................
Have a Very Happy New Year,
Love, Peace, and Joy to you all!

P.S.  My header picture is from

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Have a Praising Sunday

Happy Sunday Afternoon Sweet Friends,
Hope all of you had a Most Wonderful Christmas Celebration!
and that you are recooping from all that hard prep work.
We had two days of sheer delight with our family,  and lots of
great food, games, movies and leftovers,  Yea!!
Want have to cook for a few for me!!
Yesterday it was dismal and cold so we stayed in our
jammies all day and just lounged around,  boy,  was
that fun!!  Also watched polar express,  that is such
a cute movie!!
Oh yea,  Guess what???????? Hubby bought me a new
camera,  and my kids also bought us a camera,  so they said
we should take it back and get the money and do something
fun together,  so when the lines go down in about a week,
we will do that!
I have been using my sister-in-laws camera since I broke
mine way back months ago, can't remember when,  but for
 quite a while now,  and have really grown to love it, 
 and I was worried,  because you see,  I am somewhat
Pitifully technically challenged and do not have to learn another
new way of doing things,  but much to my bliss,  it is not hard
to work at all,  and I love it just as much! 
 It's a Samsung SL502.
Haven't had a lot of time to take too many pics yet,  but
sure seems like it is gonna be easy and produce very nice
pictures.  Just what the Dr. Ordered.
And now I can give Susie back her camera...........Thank
you so much for letting me use it for soooooooo long!
It was a true blessing.
Well,  guess maybe we will start to visit each other
and leave comments again,  at least after New Years
Day anyway or maybe before.  I have been reading
just not leaving a lot of comments.
Well,  hope all is well with each of you,  and that
Christmas was very Special for you!
There are still some things that happened
after Jesus was born so..........
I will leave you with these verses from
Luke 2:8-20
And there were shepherds living out in the fields
nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.
An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the
glory of the Lord shone around them, and they
were terrified.
But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid,
I bring you good news of great joy that will be
for all the people.
Today in the town of David a Savior has been
born to you; he is Christ the Lord.
This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby
wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger."
Suddenly a great company of the heavenly
host appeared with the angel,  praising God
and saying,
"Glory to God in the highest,  and on earth
peace to men on whom his favor rests."
When the angels had left them and gone
into heaven,  the shepherds said to one
another,  Let's go to Bethlehem and see this
thing that has happened, which the Lord has
told us about."
So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph
and the baby, who was lying in the manger.
When they had seen him,  they spread the
word concerning what had been told them
about this child,
and all who heard it were amazed at what the
shepherds said to them.
But Mary treasured up all these things
and pondered them in her heart.
The shepherds returned , glorifying and
praising God for all the things they had heard
and seen, which were just as they had been told.
Hope you have a great Sunday
full of Praise for all God has done
for us!
Love, Peace and Joy,

Friday, December 25, 2009

We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all you Sweet Friends
out there in blogland!
We wish you the Merriest Christmas Ever
and Hope you have a Lovely and Joyous time with
your Family and Friends.
Love,  Peace and Joy to you all,

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Thankful Thursday Dec. 24th, 2009 and a few more tablescapes

Merry Christmas From Our House
to Your House!

Morning Sweet Friends,
Hope you are all wrapping everything
up so you can just enjoy the rest of your
day and tomorrow.  I have a few small
things left to do,  nothing earth shattering.
We are having dinner tonight with Scott and Dee
 and a few of their friends and my sister-in-law,
so we are looking forward to it.  Dee gets off at
 noon and should be over shortly thereafter,  and
Scott will get off hopefully by 3:00,  and hubby is
 working at home today and will be off at noon as well.
Guess I had better get on withThankful Thursday
I am thankful for the Christmas Season
and all that it encompasses as we Celebrate
the birthday of that baby in a manger
who grew up to be the savior of the world.
I am thankful I know that Savior, Jesus
and the difference He has truly made in my
life and the life of my family.
I am thankful for my precious family
and the blessing that they are to me.
# 4
I am thankful for all the friends old
and new that the Lord has given me.
I am thankful for all my bloggy friends
who are such an encouragement  and
inspiration thru their writings ,
comments and prayers.
I am thankful for great food and the
ability to afford to eat well.
Not everyone can say that!
I am thankful for my lovely home
and warm bed to sleep in.
I am thankful for good weather and
no catastrophies this year.
I am thankful for the excitement and
anticipation surrounding Christmas,
that brings us so much joy.
I am thankful that I live in the
good ole USA,
I am thankful to be healthy for
Well,  that wraps up my thankful list
Hope you are thankful today too!
I will show you a few more tablescapes ideas,
this one is very easy yet elegant!

All you need is a platter and Christmas balls
and  candle holders.  I was gonna use
smaller ones that I had,  but then I
saw an arrangement on the BH&G email
that had stemmed custard dishes with candles,
and remembered I had bought these glasses
of a ladies brunch I had once and I had used
2 of the glasses as candleholders then, as well.

I was just playing here on my kitchen table
cause the other table is set,  so I don't have
a full table shots of any of these.


I remembered I had these stars leftover from 
the 4th of July and they were the perfect
shade of red.  I liked that lil extra bling.



Add a candy cane to the glass or plate

Well, that is it for today! Hope I got your
creative juices flowing!
As you are going about your day
remember to count your blessings
not the things on your list!!  lol
Have a Merry Merry Christmas
Sweet Friends!
Love , Peace and Joy to you and yours,

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Guess what I have been up to???

Good Morning Sweet Friends,
Have missed everyone!!!
And know you have too,  cause everyone
is preparing for the joyous birthday celebration
of our Sweet Jesus!
I have been reading your posts just haven't
taken the time to comment on every one,
as I am sure you are probably doing as well.
Yesterday,  I spent most of the day moving
dishes around and working on centerpcs.
for our 2 dinners and 1 brunch.  So cause
I love setting a pretty table,  it was such
fun!!    Thought I would share them with
you in case you might be looking for ideas
at this point in time.  I love to take things
I have around and use them on the table!
Today,  I am working to finish up Jimmy
and Dee's cards,  wash my hair,  make
party chicken and rice, and maybe squash
casserole,  and decide what to wear for
the next few days.  So I actually felt I
had time to blog a bit since it was mostly
pics anyway,  cause I can go do something
as they are downloading
Here is the first one for Christmas Eve

These dishes belonged to my late Mother-in-law
and my sweet Sister-in-law gave them to me! 
 Always wanted Christmas dishes, 
 and they look so festive!
I also love these glasses!!  They were given to
me by the sisters of my elderly neighbor years ago
when we lived in Ft. Lauderdale, and
when she passed away.  She was such a
sweetie and was our next door neighbor,
and we used to visit with her quite often
as her hubby passed away not too long
after we moved in and she was all alone
and had no children of her own,  and was
up in her 80's.  She told me once that
she had gotten these glasses in a restaurant
in New Orleans when she was quite a bit
younger,  well,  that was over 30 some odd
years ago,  so the glasses must be at least
over 50 years anyway.  I always thought
they were just so beautiful!!
Must have been a fancy restaurant!! lol
I just usually keep this lil wagon sitting
around with the bears in all by them
selves,  but decided it might make a
cute and whimsical table centerpc.
What do you think???

Wrapped a few lil presents,  threw in a few Christmas
balls, and some beads and pinecones, made a lil
Merry Christmas sign on the computer for the
top of the gifts,  and wella.........

I decided since it had a lil bit of a country
look to use the gingham napkins and I found
these cute lil gift package scrapbooking stickers
months ago and thought they were so cute,
and thought they would be cute stuck to napkins.
They were all different,  so each napkins has
it's own.  I always like to put a pc. of candy
at each place as well.
The best part was I was about to take it all
apart and then the thought came why don't
you just leave it, Christmas eve is only
2 days away,  so my table is already done
all I need is to add the silverware and
people.  Yea!!  One more thing off my list!
I just love it!!
The next group of pics is for Christmas Day

Remember seeing these lil village boxes back in
the fall........... I thought they might be cute
as well!


I turned the village boxes a different angle.
Also did you notice my candle holders,
they are jar lids from another type of
jar candle you get at Michaels.
I just love repurposing!!
Think they look great, you would never
know they weren't originally tea lite holders.
Well maybe if I can I will share our
brunch table with you tomorrow!
God has been so good to me.......
cause I can't believe I have gotten
so much done with so much less
 time than usual after being sick,
and then throwing my back out again
Sat nite when we were wrapping, so
I was moving very slowly Sunday
and Monday, and thank the Lord
I was better on Tuesday!!
Amazing Grace
is all I can say!! 
Have a Joy filled day my friends,
Can't believe tomorrow is
Christmas Eve..............
Merry Christmas
Love, peace and Joy to you and Yours,

P.S. Header pics is compliments of

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Have a Holy Contemplative Sunday

Good Sunday Morning Sweet Friends,
Hope this finds you well rested and unstressed.
I know you are thinking...........she is joking, right??
Actually, I am sort of.........but I really am hoping
you are able to enjoy this wonderful season of
the year and get done what you have to with
joy and peace in your heart.
We have been wrapping gifts last night and
 tonight and watching movies as we did,
so that made it fun!
We are finished (Yea) and have it under the tree
and got the stuff put away and the dining room table back
 to normal!  We did some smokin' work on that,  but we
are happy to be done,  but yet we did enjoy it too!
I thank the Lord for my husband and all his help,
 he is such a blessing. Like the ole saying goes,
Many hands make the work light.
Now I can start turning my attention to food and tableware.
  I already know what I am making.  I have 3 meals to
prepare for,  Christmas Eve will be our traditional Christmas
 dinner cause my daughter has to work Christmas Day
from 3-11p.m,  so we are having her favorite dinner then,
 and Christmas morning we always have a brunch and
then Christmas dinner in the evening.
I made Lasagna and some Banana macadamia bread
to freeze for christmas dinner and brunch.  I have
never made that Banana macadamia bread before,
 it sure looked and smells good,  so hope it taste as good
as it looked! Saw the recipe in Family cirlce I think it was.
My header pic is taken from a sofa pillow that I got
 some years back..... it  just looks like just a snowman scene
but  if you look closely,  it is a manger scene .......... don't you
just love it,  I think it is so precious!
Makes me smile anyway!
I will leave you now with some verses
from Luke 2: 6&7
While they were there (In Bethlehem), the time came
 for the baby to be born,
 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.  She wrapped
 him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there
was no room for them in the inn.
This Holy amazing it was that God
stepped out of heaven to come here to this earth
for our sakes!
Oh, How He loves You and Me!
Contemplate that for awhile as you are
wrapping or cooking or whatever you
have left to do!
Merry Christmas!
Love, Peace and Joy to you, My Friends,

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...