Thursday, December 10, 2009

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - December 10, 2009

Morning Sweet Friends.
Hope your day is going well so far!
Getting all that decorating, shopping and
baking done???  Hope you are having
a lot of fun and enjoyment this lovely
Christmas Season!
It is dreary and rainy here this morning,
suppose to get colder by this afternoon,
in the 60's,  that is nice and cool for us!
and we love it,  I might add.
Hubby is in bed sick, day 4 was my worst
day,  so am expecting he will break out
with a fever here soon.  We had to cancell
his stress test for tomorrow,  but we
rescheduled for Dec.29th,  surely,  he
will be all better by then!
Well,  this dreary day I have much to
be Thankful for as always,  because
God is soooooo Good......Always!
I am thankful to be feeling quite a bit
better,  altho not totally up to par yet,
at least,  I am in good enough shape
to take care of Jim now,  as he so
sweetly took care of me.
I am thankful for simple things like:
our recliner, throat lozenges, soft kleenex,
mentholatum,  listerine, tylenol, thermometers,
chicken soup, warm beverages like tea and coffe,
because they made having this cold so much
more bearable.
I am thankful for many friends on and off line
who have prayed for me while I have been sick.
and I know the reason I was able to get as much
done as I did,  and kept a good attitude in the
midst of it all was your prayers and God's
Amazing Grace!
I am thankful we don't have to deal with Jim's
stress test before Christmas now!
It will be much better to do it after Christmas!
I am thankful Dee has a Drs. appt. today,
and we are praying he can find out what
these sharp pains are all about,  cause she
has no other symptoms at all!
I am thankful for the lil Snowmen in my
header picture,  hubby gave them to me
about 5 years ago,  and I just adore them.
they make me smile everytime I see
their adorable smiley faces.
I am thankful we were able to help and
encourage someone this week that was
feeling totally devastated, and they were
able to leave with a smile on their face!
So good to be used by God,  and so
good to be able to love on people.
I am thankful and feel so priviledged
because someone asked me to make
a Special Card for their wife.
That blessed my heart!
I am thankful for a man we do not
know personally,  but his name is
Paul David Tripp,  and he is the author
of a book entitled "Lost in the Middle,
mid-life and the Grace of God".
I may have mentioned this book
before and this is the book we are
teaching in Sunday School.
I am thankful for the things we have
learned from this book and from this
man,  because we are having quite
a few opportunities to share it with
others,  and it is helping them to
have a better perspective on trials
and tribulations in their life.
I am thankful every day that I serve
a Risen Savior,  and that He is alive
and well today,  and I know because
He lives within my heart!
He is the Best Gift a person could
ever get for Christmas or anyday!
Well that wraps up my list.
Take a minute and write a comment
and let the world know what you
are thankful to God for.
See ya next time
Love, Hugs and Blessings,


  1. sorry your hubby is still down with the cold. i hope he feels better soon. it sounds like a really tough cold you two are battling.

  2. The book sounds interesting! Sorry hubby is still not well. Hope you're doing better! Love your house tour! And the header is really cute! Enjoy!

  3. Marriage is definitely about sharing the good and flu bugs!! Hope your hubbie is feeling better quickly. Just love your snowmen, too!! So cute:)

  4. Sister Susie said via email:

    Hi Nellie. I'm glad to read you are feeling better!

    #1 Feeling ill is not pleasant, especially when it lags on and on. I'm so glad you are feeling better. Your were greatly missed at Sunday School. I missed seeing your smiling face, hearing your prayers for us, and sharing God's message from your experiences with our loving LORD.

    #2 We don't realize the simple pleasures we have access to which assists our health. Many people in the world don't have access to these things I take for granted. What a blessing He is to us.

    #3 I surely hope the LORD has you well again soon, NOW. I'm praying you return to be by Jim' side in Sunday School this coming Sunday.

    #4 I'm praying all goes well with Jim's stress test even after Christmas. I'm claiming his wellness for the LORD.

    #5 I'm praying for DeeAnna too and pray God will lead her to Him for healing.

    #6 I love those Snowmen too! Last year one of my student's gave me one that has his hat shaped to fit around the door knob. It looks really cute hanging from the door handle.

    #7 Loving people is the only reason I have stayed in teaching. The kindergartners need so much love. Especially those who don't receive much in their homes. I have also made wonderful friendships with parents that I have taught 2, 3, or 4 of their children. Upon seeing one another, we automatically hug!

    #8 Your cards are close to my heart! I have kept them all. They are in a box by my chair. I love reading them over and over.

    #9 Wonderful books as his are those you can't read and reread enough! Every time you read it, it brings out deeper concepts than before.

    #10 I'm praying for those who are having the difficulties this fallen life can bring, not because of possible rebellion, but because of a deeper meaning God has for those He chooses to bring closer to Him through these trials. I can only believe their Reward is Great in Heaven, being much more than I should ever receive.

    #11 The deeper the LORD brings me into His Word, the more I rejoice that He is in total control of everything. I couldn't and wouldn't want the responsibility of His Majestic Leadership. I can only follow Him. Each year Christmas always brings about a new beginning in my life to try and follow my Holy Almighty Creator Savior God's Perfect Leadership better than I did the year before.


  5. I love you more every Christmas and we are starting in to our 40th... Thank you for the chicken soup and your loving care as I know that you are still not free of your cold!

    God is indeed good all the time! And, all the time God is good! There is great theology in those two sentences.

    Love Ya...


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2025, and pics of Spring Beginnings

  The grass withers and the flowers fall,      but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, Hope you a...