Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hiddy Ho, Fine Friends,
Just wanted to take the opportunity to wish
you a "Merry Christmas Season"
since it officially starts today!
I thought I would just take a few minutes to
say Hello,  and then get back to decorating.
I am behind schedule,  which is fine.........
I caught a cold evidently so didn't get much
done yesterday cause I felt like a truck ran
over me to be exact! lol
This is a pic of our fireplace last year, I think
it is!  Finished decorating  the mantle last night
but have to do the rest which I hope to
accomplish today.
Well,  Happy Decorating and Shopping Everyone,
and Don't forget to take the time to go to a Contata,  Musical,
 Movie or to do some activity like playing Christmas music,
watching a heart warming Christmas Special, looking at
the pretty Christmas lights, caroling, or anything really,
 that reminds you of 
Our Wonderful Savior of the World!!
He is worthy of  the Celebration of Celebrations!!
Have a Good Rest of the Day!
Blessings and Hugs,


  1. Hi Gal! It looked great last year and I can't wait to see what you do this year!! I am just starting to get fall down! But I am listening to Christmas music!! That will get me moving, sinus issues or not!!

    Love to you, sweet friend!

  2. I like Beck, am looking forward to seeing the 2009 version. Get well soon.

    Love, B

  3. Hey Sweet Friend,

    I'm impressed with your Christmas wreath and how it "floats" over your mantle print. Is it suspended? How did you do that?

    Blessings "back at ya!"

  4. Hi sweet friend, Has anyone ever told you that you have the gift of encouragement?! Love your decorations; ours are done and we listen to Christmas music constantly. Hugs to you Nellie-wish I could come by for a visit.
    Love, Noreen

  5. Hi Nellie!!! Just saw your comment on the post I wrote last week on my father-in-law. I definitely would love your recipe! Always looking for something a little nicer than regular chicken for company! Hope you got all your decorating done. Ours is done, but then again, I didn't do as much as usual. And I need something for my sideboard table in the kitchen. Can't remember what I put there last year, but this year it is so bare! I must go shopping! Ha!! Don't tell hubby! Hope your day was good!!!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...