Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Afternoon Sweet Friends,

How's your Tuesday going???

Well,  I hope!!

Our day has been going well.  Had a good
night's sleep, so that was such a blessing,
and also made me feel mucho better today!!

Thought I would do Table Top Tuesday today
but I am running so late, I am just gonna forget
it,  but leave these pics on since we are soon
leaving Summer and hopefully,  next week
it will start looking like Fall around here!

I am just doing some cleaning today, and
cooking.  I made a mean black bean dip
today,  and it really is quite delish,  and
healthy!!  I love that!!

For some reason I have just been craving
veggies today...........that is a great problem
to have wouldn't you say???
I am quite happy about that myself!!

Especially since for awhile I just have
been having to make myself eat them.
God is good!!

We are gonna be helping our daughter
move some night this week.  About
a week and a half ago on Saturday,
someone came to her apt. to deliver
something to her,  and it was a fore-
closure notice. She was a bit shocked,
since she had just rec'd her new lease
and just hadn't had time to sign it yet.
Thank the Lord!!
 She rents a nice townhouse...
but the foreclosure was for her landlord.
Her landlord has not paid anything
since last October,  and of course,
has said nothing at all to her or her
room mate.

So.........they had to quick find a new
place to rent because they have no
idea what is coming,  so they just
decided to get out as quick as possible.

  Her landlord had the audacity to try 
and get them to pay him, and to stay
 there longer cause he is supposedly trying
 to work things out.  He owns 13 
properties and 2 are in foreclosure

They really would have liked to stay
but of course,  feels like how do we
know we can trust him,  he certainly
been honest with us so far ,course,
  they would definitely not sign a lease.

They decided  moving is the best thing
 to do,  but it is surely a big mess they
were certainly not expecting. Dee works
full time and her room mate goes to 
school full time,  and works part time,
Dee is working on her BS online.

Course, life is what happens when
we are making our plans!!  
Isn't that just sooooooo true!!

Guess I had better get back in the kitchen
and finish working on din din.  I am
making mashed potatoes with peppers
and onions and corn beef mixed in.
It is really yummy !!
Comfort food,  and I am starving
for some reason.

Hope you have a delectable dinner
tonight,  and a wonderful time
with your family,

Thanks for coming by,

Blessings and Cozy Hugs,


  1. Hello Dear Friend,
    So wonderful to visit again, what a busy summer for us.
    Nellie, I am so sorry your daughter had such a mess with her apt. I don't blame her for not trusting the landlord, as he has not kept up his end of the bargain. Hope the get settled in, and they are blessed to have you both there to help them. I enjoyed your pics. I am so ready to put out fall decorations here, but am still busy with my canning.
    Thank you for visiting me and for taking the time to leave me such a sweet comment.

  2. You have some beautiful areas in your home. I am especially in love with that large framed print above the table. Is it a Barbara Mock print? It puts me in mind of her work. That whole little area (table with lovely vignette, framed print, swag) is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing the photos.

    Sorry to hear about your daughter having to move from her home. I do hope that she and her roommate won't have a problem getting back their deposit from the landlord.

    Have a lovely evening.


  3. I love all of your nice areas in your home. Sorry that your daughter has to move! I am having veggies fresh from the garden and chicken tonight. I'd like to get your bean dip recipe! Thanks for your nice comments!

  4. All your vignettes are so pretty.. I feel bad for your DD and her pals.. Seems like honesty and honor among some are at a minimum lately..
    There landlord outta be shamed.. I have no doubt in time to come they will find out this was for the best.. Things dont just happen, they happen for a reason...
    I wish them and You the very best..


  5. All is going well! The LORD is Good. Prayers have been answered with some things at school.

    I love your plate!! That is really pretty!

    I love you all very much,

  6. Your photos were really pretty. We've moved our daughter a few times. Where do they get all that stuff?

  7. Great pictures of your beautiful stuff! Sorry to hear about your daughter having to move. That's always stressful!

  8. Love your tabletops! I, took have to agree that I think it would be time to move! Goodness, what has he been doing with their rent checks every month?? Makes you wonder? I hope they really enjoy their new place..and feel "at home" quickly!

    Love the sound of black bean dip...LOVE black beans!

  9. Nellie

    I want your black bean dip receipe. I have really come to love black beans. Sounds like you have been busy.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie