Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday - February 3, 2011

(Compliments of Public Domain Photos

Hello Sweet Peas,

Hope you have had a Terrific Thursday!!

Have to say mine has been very good,  had another
 nice surprise visit with my daughter today
so that would be my
I am thankful
we had such a fun time checking out wedding
Gowns online and checking out places where
she could have her reception and just talking
about how she would like things to be for the
big day.  They haven't actually set the date
yet,  but they have picked one, so we are 
checking now to see what is available on
that date.  It is exciting and fun!!

I am thankful
she did my hair also,  don't you just love
having your hair done, just makes me
feel good all over,  and my hair always
has such a nice feel to it afterwards.
Just so nice!

I am thankful
that hubby and I had a nice evening
out even if it was grocery shopping,
it was a delightfully cool evening, and
it was just such fun being out of the 
house for awhile.  Amazing how that
can change your whole 
outlook on life!! lol

I am thankful
that we got to keep Rosie for a few
days,  and that always adds some fun
and love to our days as well.

I am thankful
for the lovely time we had with Megans
family last Saturday evening.  So nice
that we have met it should make
any and all the festivities that much better.

I am thankful
for the lovely good bye party the church
had for Jessica (over at Jewels for the journey)
and Her Pastor hubby.  I felt like they did a 
great job of honoring them both,  and Jim
and I both loved seeing that,  cause they
are both Loving and sweet people!!

I am thankful
that Pastor Tony already has a job offer,  but sad
 they will be leaving by the end of the month.
I pray it will be just the best job ever for him.

I am thankful
that my hubby is really making a lot of progress on
his business.  He has gotten passed some real
 hurdles and hopefully,  things will be easier now.

I am thankful
that my back is feeling so much better,  and
that I didn't have to visit the Chiropractor yet,
my regular appt. is next Friday,  and I was
hoping to make it every 5 weeks rather than
every 4 after this visit.

I am thankful
for the lil signs of spring I see happening
out in my yard.  Small patches of green
under our ugly brown grass,  some small
white lantana blossoms,  and roses too.
Green leaves coming up out of the ground
underneath dead branches of lantana and
blue daze, and cuban buttercup.  I thought
sure the 2 latter were goners for sure!!  lol
The promise of spring!!  yea!!

I am thankful
to see bunnies and colored eggs and
pretty spring flowers showing up in the
craft stores,  makes my heart sing,
and go pitty pat!!  lol

I am thankful
that the Lord is able to heal any hurt
that we have whether spiritually, emotionally
or physically.  He is amazing and He has
healed me of many things!  I always say
He isn't like in the humpty dumpty story
where all the Kings horses and all the
Kings men couldn't put humpty dumpty
together again, He can heal whenever,
or however, or if, he chooses. 

 Red carnations for you!!

Thank You for coming by to visit
this Thankful Thursday,  really can't 
believe another week has come and
gone already!!

Also Welcome to February.......

Hope  you have a Fantastic Friday!

Love,  hugs and fancy  blessings!!

Oh and By the Way!!
What are you Thankful for Today??


  1. What a sweet Thankful post. Isn't God good to us and it's wonderful how the small things give us such joy. Have a wonderful day.

  2. Nellie

    It sounds like fun looking at gowns and all the pretty things that go with weddings.
    I am happy to hear that your husbands business is going well. The Lord had a plan for him.

    What a wonderful list of thankfuls. Here are mine.

    1. I am thankful when the I went to the Dentist that the dentist had control of the drill when I jumped becasue my tooth was not numb enough.
    2. I am thankful that my son Jeremy and his wife Sara and the grands Kayla and Morgan came for a surprise visit on Wednesday.
    3. I am thankful for all the artwork that my grandkids are sending me. It makes my heart full of joy.
    4. I am thankful that our trip to Georgia to see our daughter Jennifer, son in law Matt and grands Emma and Logan is coming soon. I am so excited to spend a week with them.
    5. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit in my life. Because of a certain person directions I have had a calm week of peace and postitiveness.
    6. I am thankful for my daughter Holly. We exchange emails and talk almost everyday. What a precious gift God gave to me.
    7. I am thankful that I am finally started to feel better from this sinus infection. I am on a second round of antibiotics.
    8. I am thankful that my family and friends in Nebraska, Kansas, New York and Oklahoma weathered the latest snow storm.
    9. I am thankful that I was able to go back to my hairdresser Michelle. We have such a good realtionship and yesterday I felt the Holy spirits words of postive and goodenss flow from my mouth.
    10. I am thankful for my husband Marvin. I just could not imagine life without him. He knows me best and he helps me through my darkest moments.

    I could go on and on but I will stop now. Thank you Nellie.

    Blessings & Love

    PS your pictures of flowers are beautiful!

  3. And I am thankful that I found your blog - it's lovely.
    Hope the wedding plans go exceptionally well.

  4. I so look forward to your Thankful Thursdays!
    #1. I am thankful our family is so full of joy for DeeAnna! I can hardly wait to see her in her beautiful wedding gown!
    #2. Ditto! I feel so good after Melitta finishes doing mine!
    #3. Thank you for picking up a chicken for me.
    (I forgot to give Jim the 'moolah.' I'll see you tomorrow!!) And, no Janet & Bonnie, it wasn't another pet, lol!
    #4. She is so precious! I just love her dainty little walk!
    #5. I am so happy all went well for you and your dinner.
    #6. I love Jessica and Tony so much with the ministries they did for our church. I will surely miss them!
    #7. God does answer our prayers. I have been praying for the LORD's ministry to continue without ceasing for Tony and Jessica. I have also been praying for the LORD to have Christian renters for their house.
    #8. Praise the LORD for His leadership in Jim's progress with his business. I am also vigilantly praying for the new opportunity presented to Jim!
    #9. I know what you mean! I surely feel better when I can see mine. As I get older, I find keeping my back in alignment really makes a difference!
    #10. I have a whole bunch of "green sprouts" in my yard, but they happen to be the tall "grasses" that have the little purple flowers on them...WEEDS! Why are weeds the last to go and the first to return, lol! If it were not for the weeds, I probably wouldn't have any "grass!" Ha!
    #11. I have been so blessed to see bunnies in my yard! One was hopping as fast as it could and all I could see was its big white cotton tail! I wonder if it was "Little Bunny!" I rescued him as a small babe just a year ago, fed him, and returned him to the wild!
    #12. "If He chooses..." I wonder if it is my lack of faith when He chooses not to give me directions in some things I pray for. I've always heard His answers are either yes, no, or wait. I know of some prayers I have prayed from very young that I am still waiting to hear, yet now some of those prayers can't be answered. His Ways are not our ways. His understanding is beyond our own. I just read in I Chronicles 21:7 that GOD took 70,000 lives in Israel for something King David did! It wasn't something the people did or didn't do! When I question why, all that comes to mind is: His Ways are not our ways, His understanding is beyond our own. On the same line of thought, I pray we aren't punished for something Obama does. GOD's Ways are not our ways, His understanding is beyond our own. All I can think of is GOD has told us, "In all things, give GOD the praise and glory." "All things work for the good to those who love the LORD." In prayer, believing "be faithful and true and all these things will be added unto you." Only when we are in His Presence will all sin be erased and the tears and pains of this life will be no more forever! Until then, Paul says to persevere and we will be greatly rewarded by our Holy, Awesome, Almighty, Creator, Savior, Father GOD! Persevere!
    I love all of you so much,

  5. Your blog is always so inspiring. The wedding plans will be so much fun & such a bonding experience for you and your daughter.

    I'm only going to list a few things that I'm grateful for, but the list is endless in my heart.
    1. The 3rd was my b-day, and I'm so grateful for another year of enjoying my family & friends.
    2. I am so grateful for the wonderful addition of Avery Quinn, born Jan. 30th, to be our 6th grandchild. She is just so precious.
    3. I am very grateful to have such a great "The Man" who still loves me after almost 42 years of marriage, and who was so sweet to bring me a dozen long-stem red roses for my b-day.

    Thanks, Nellie, for letting me share.

  6. Morning Nellie,
    Love your post, so much to be thankful :) I am having my first give away, you should drop by and enter .

  7. Didn't realize until this morning that I'm not a "follower" here. Your comment on my blog reminded me that I hadn't visited you for awhile, and I see I've missed quite a bit! (I actually do more following UP than "following" these days...trying to visit others' blogs ASAP after they leave a comment - keeping the reciprocity going THAT way.

    Glad to hear your husband's business is en route...that wedding plans are beginning to take shape...that you have been such a support for Jess and Tony. SAD to hear about your back pain. I sure hope that has eased. I know how debilitating pain can be.

    Praying as I type that this week will be full of opportunities for you (and me) to bless others and to recognize God's blessings in your (and my) life!

    (Your table setting in prior post was beautiful. Did I miss what the occasion was????)


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...