Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A typical Tuesday

Greetings Sweet Peas,
and Happy Tuesday to you!

Doesn't this field of Lavendar just about
take your breathe away???
Can't even begin to imagine how wonderful
the fragrance must be.......................

So...........how are you this lovely day??

Right now it is a beautiful day here, bright
and sunny,  but we might have some rain
later,  you can never tell,  we have gotten
some the last few late afternoons.

Our weekend was delightful as I said yesterday
...............we got the lawn done,
 watched a movie, "Forever Young" (thanks
Bonnie for the suggestion, it was great!) while we
exercised on the gazelle.  Then Sat. had a nice leisurely
 breakfast and morning, and then left the house about
 5 P.M. to go to the "Love worth fighting for conference"
with the speaker being Kirk Cameron.  Dee and Jerry
went as well,  and we met them there.

It was truly a great event, there was music too, and the 
musician was very good and was also a comedian
 as well.   He was a very funny guy, but can't remember
 his name right now, and he had an awesome testimony
 about his own marriage  So it was a really fun and 
challenging evening. If you should see it advertised
 anywhere in your area, we would highly recommend it.
  Ours was very well attended, and Kirk Cameron is
 a great speaker and very wise beyond his years..........
although, he is 40 now,  which is hard to believe
 cause he sure doesn't look it!!

We didn't get out until after 10:00, and we were all
starving so the 4 of us went to "Cheesecake Factory"
and had dinner, and it was their Cheesecake
 Anniversary or something like that, and you could
get your cheesecake half off,  so we all got our
own cheesecake and sampled each others ..........
Yum,  the were all great........Snicker bar cheesecake,
 herseys chocolate cheesecake, and Ducle De leche
cheesecake, but think mine was the favored.........
 Reese's peanut butter cheesecake,  it was awesome,
course, we wound up brining them all home cause
it way too much to eat that late!  We pretty much
never get dessert out,  but when it is half off it was
just way too tempting.......and we sucombed!!  lol
and we are still eating the leftovers............

Not much going on today,  just paying bills,  and
making a pot roast, doing some laundry, reading,
checking a few blogs and now posting..........
 all that good stuff.

Made some heart healthy eggplant parmesan
yesterday,  so will share the recipe with you
next Tuesday, in case you are interested.
and..... since I had some marinara sauce left
over yesterday, I said to myself you should
try to make some heart healthy mozzarella
cheese sticks tomorrow.

So I did...............I just ran to get them out
of the oven, cause I forgot about them..........
and they looked more like cookies than sticks, 
but they sure tasted good. I will try to perfect them,
 and if I get it down I will let you know how to do it.
For now I guess I will just call them
baked mozzarella cookies!!!  lol

I know, I know ......
presentation is important.....but who says they
couldn't be cookies...........ya know what I mean!!

Well,  think that calls for a  cup of coffee and
the rest of my Reese's peanut butter cheese

See ya later gator!!

After while crocodile................

Gator love, Crocodile hugs, or is that tears,
and cheesecake blessings, um yea!


  1. What a beautiful picture of lavender - I can almost smell it!!! I love lavender and have some in my garden. I've never tried drying it but thought I may give it a go this year.
    Cheescake is adourable and Reeces cheescake sounds even more adourable!! You've had a busy couple of days!

  2. Gabrielle, who is the resident cook in our home, loves to try new recipes. Well, Gary has always loved eggplant parmigian, but since I don't care for it, I've never made it for him. Well, for his January birthday, Gabrielle tried her hand. And it was fabulous...even I liked it, and my first experience with eggplant parm (back in about 1983) was so horrible that I never tried it again. (An Italian friend of my grandparents' made it, and I hated it.)

    Anyhow, we loved it. I'm glad yours was a success too.

    Oh, that's great that Dee and Jerry went to the marriage seminar. Although they've postponed their wedding, obviously, they are taking the necessary steps to one day make those vows.

    I love the fragrance of lavender.

    I got your email today. I'll re-send you my phone number in an email, but I'll be out tomorrow. You said in a comment one time that you're not much of a phone person. Funny, neither am I.

    Nothing new...still hoping and praying.

    Love ya,

  3. Is that field of lavender what Fabreeze cans use, ha! I just saw Cameron's t.v. show on chanel 14. What a testimony. And, yes! I thought he was about 30!

    Guess who's on t.v. right now? Arthur Blessitt!
    I can't believe it. I was expecting the young man I have in the picture of him and dad when he was with his cross in Key West! Ha! It's amazing how the years have passed!

    Sylvia and I met at Boston Coffee Shop for brunch (which usually always lasts 3-4 hours!) At the time we were just about to leave, Diane and Joan (other Kndg. crew) came in to have lunch! So, our meet today was even longer than usual, lol!

    I met yesterday at Frank Reynold's office and had my 10% electronically sent to my bank account. I didn't realize it was considered a 403, so I got penalized 10% of that 10% because I'm not 59 1/2 (which I would have been the 28th of this month!) I couldn't wait, for my summer checks only went to the end of August and I didn't want to chance an overdraft. There's good news too! I found out my Medical insurance goes until October 1st instead of September 1st! I let Kathy's office know so they wouldn't start it until then. Also the lady at the county was nice in helping me to get my paperwork faxed so the state's $150.00 toward the medical would be sent to me. It's all coming together!

    You may have a winning recipe with those mozzarella cookies! I always like toasted cheese! You may have a business there!

    Love to you all,

  4. I for one love overcooked everything! Eggs, salmon, burgers, chicken...the blacker the better! My mom is a chef and I'm so lucky to be able to have fantastic food all the time. And she doesn't mind overcooking it for me.
    Cheesecake sounds so good! It sounds like you had such a fantastic time.
    Take care!

  5. Nellie

    I can only imagine what the lavender field smells like. What a great picture. Did you take it? You asked me about a picture of the red lillies on my BLOG I took that pictures. In fact I normally just use the pictures that I take. I am always snapping pictures.

    I am getting hungry reading your post today....eggplant parmesan yummy...

    I am taking one step at a time and still missing my cat really bad. I just told Susan that we may go shopping for a new one.

    Have a wonderful day!
    Blessings & Love

  6. Hi Nellie, Love that photo of the lavender! Glad Jerry and Dee attended the conference. I wish them my best and said a prayer for them today.
    Hugs, Beth

  7. This lavender is so beautiful! Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland :)


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 27, 2025, and pictures of Charleston SC

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in ...