Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Table Top Tuesday - What to do with carnations with no stems

Good Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a lovely weekend
and a good Monday!

Ours was very good,  we got some much needed
yard work done,  watched a really cute and sweet
 movie called "Ramona and Beezus",  went to a 
going away get together for our Music Minister,
which was really neat..... but sad,  went to church, 
 as usual,  on Sunday, then spent the late afternoon
and evening visiting at Scott and Megan's place.
It was our kind of weekend.

Well,  told you last week I would show you what
I did with the non stemmed carntions I had left
over after DeeAnnna's birthday dinner.  
If you missed that post and would like to see it,

I am linking up to Marty over at a stroll thru life,
so if you would like to see other creative
table tops ideas just click here.

Color of the carnations was a  bit off here as you will see!! lol

Initially, I just decided to float them in this round bowl
and had them just sitting on the counter,  but it was
sort of in the way,  so thought............
really need to find something else to do with these
that would look nicer and not be in the way ......
but wasn't quite sure what I could put them in
so I did a lil scavenger hunt of the kitchen and 
came up with this...............

My french corning ware bowl,  but then it wasn't high
enough so I turned another one upside down and
place the one with the carnations on top,  that gave
it the height it needed,  so then continued to
make my vignette.

Used a teacup and pitcher, then I always love for things on
 the table to have a lil candlelight, so added some candles 
but needed more red so added some red fruit since there is
 fruit in the wallpaper. 

It certainly brightened up the kitchen.

Here it is with the candles lit!  Love to burn my candles
cause it just looks so pretty.

The middle carnation was looking sorta bad,  so took it out
and replaced it with a candle holder.

Here it is with the candleholder in the middle again,
Do not know how these pics got out of sequence.

Now only one carnation left,  so had to redo the
vignette a little!  So still enjoying it..........probably
will enjoy it until I redo things for the Fall.!

You know I  had to have at least one posterized pic in here!

Have to say I enjoyed the change of the red since
I have been using pastel colors all spring and summer.
I typically use red in the Winter Months,  So it was
a fun change.

Just 2 days left for you to sign up for my drawing,
if you are a follower and a U.S. resident.

I extended it until Thursday, Sept. 1, 20ll,  so.....
 make sure to stop over that evening to find out
 who the winner is......................
Cause it just might be you!!!  lol

Thanks for stopping in.... always glad 
to have you visit anytime.............

Have a Terrific Tuesday,

Love,  Hugs and 
Red Carnation Blessings to ya!!


  1. HI Nellie!!! So nice to meet you! Where in Fl. do you live? I have family down there too. Your vignette is lovely and looks so pretty with your wallpaper! I bet it will be a LONG time til it FEELS like Fall down there. It is so nice here right now, but then we have WINTER, which I do not like:):) XO, Pinky

  2. My favorite pictures are those where you have the candle holder in the middle of the bowl of carnations (in the "dark." The low light really made them look beautiful!
    Love to you all,

  3. You are so gifted with putting vignettes together Nellie, love Carnations and their fragrance I bet your house smelled good.
    BTW I love your wall paper, so refreshing,
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Oh so pretty. Now I would never think to float them in a dish and add a candle. Stunning and so inviting. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  5. I think you're having way too much fun over there! :)

  6. Hi Nellie - Love the floating flowers with the candle in it - very neat idea. It all looks so loveley.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I will stop by again to see how the fall decorating is going. Have fun.

  7. I completely forgot to tell you how lovely this looked when I was over the other day! What a clever idea! It took me awhile to actually realize the carnations were floating in there!
    Too cute!

    Hugs to you...down with a stomach bug...haven't had one since high school...UGH!!

    Talk to you soon!
    Love ya lots,

  8. Nellie, Your vignette is beautiful! Very creative! Have a wonderful week, dear sweet friend.
    Hugs, Beth

  9. Hi Nellie

    Very pretty. Red my favorite color really made a pretty centerpiece. You give me so many good ideas.

    Thanks for all the prayers. I have not heard how Jordan is doing but I hope to hear soon.

    Blessings & Love

  10. You are so cute - and just as creative! Thanks for sharing your ideas! Hope you are having a great week!

  11. Hi there! Love your ideas for the carnations. And of course I love the red too. Looks awesome. I also like the picture on the wall.


  12. Nell, I love what you did with the carnations...I also love how you folded the napkins....tutorial PLEASE,

  13. This is beautiful! I love carnations and they last longer, after cutting, than some other flowers.

  14. The red carnations are so pretty and uplifting! You came up with a terrific vignette!
    Thanks for visitng my blog and for your nice comments.
    Have a great day!

  15. I ♥ carnations and these are gorgeous!

  16. It looks pretty! I love to float flowers, any old clear bowl does the trick. You made good use of your pretty carnations!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 27, 2025, and pictures of Charleston SC

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in ...